Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Interrupt by the WORLD CUP!

NLG in France... 

Oh, Wub Hub has to catch ENGLAND this afternoon and it starts at 2. I can't watch on the laptop and blog at the same time so I'm watching later. After yesterday, I might need a break for awhile anyway. Did you know that GH is "dark" for 3 weeks? The set is closed. I saw a ton of actors photos on Instagram on vacation and a lightbulb went off. I think they've been off a week and 1/2 now. 


  1. How is that possible to be "dark"? Do they film a ton upfront and then go on vacation? Huh?

    1. I thought they only filmed 3 wks in advance. I know over at DAYS they film months in advance. Hope we don't have to put up with Nellie much longer.

    2. I read that she has already filmed her final scenes and should be on through the end of July.

  2. it appears to me that some of the writers have been on vacation for several years.

    just an observation

    1. LOL!! Maybe Chris? He was so great when he first came on, now...pssshhh.

  3. they tape 5 weeks in advance. Days is 5+months....

    it's sad to rather have a root canal than watch Nina and Ober move Peter again - anything about Peter - it's just so.......tiring..........and stupid.....

  4. Ohhh...Don't mention a root canal. I cracked a tooth today. Have to wait a few days to get into the dentist.(Hope it just requires a crown) I consoled myself by skipping GH today and watching Ant-Man and the Wasp. It was more believable than GH and a lot more fun. lol

  5. did anyone else find it incredibly unrealistic that chase called nelle today?

    i mean... he called her. on the phone. who does that?

    more evidence that the writers are not in touch. everyone knows that chase would TXT nelle. not call her.


  6. david said...everyone knows that chase would TXT nelle. not call her.

    *** Maybe he called because texting leaves a bigger footprint. If he calls he can always say he was calling to say sorry or something and she has no proof of what he actually said. A text leaves a conversation, and proof.

  7. so i am trying to get into the show again. (it isnt working). one storyline i cant figure out. Last I saw, jason and drew were twin brothers begat by susan moore. hows that storyline working out? are they best friends or is there a good twin and an evil twin? did drew get his memory back? how is that storyline working for everyone? is billy miller clearing out a place on his shelf for another emmy?

    ps di: was just saying NO ONE calls anymore. especially younger generation. I cannot remember the last time I actually spoke on the phone to someone. i miss talking on the phone. i hate that people dont know how to communicate anymore. I actually have people at work using txt slang when speaking in meetings, etc.

    #teamdrew --- ha ha ha

    1. Haha! The only person I usually talk to on the phone is my bestie or my dad but mostly we text. My boss even text us LOL!

  8. Crimson:

    Lulu and Maxie: Okay this was so stupid. Made absolutely no sense!!!! Went from being mean to fighting by throwing things, to laughing, to love.. HUH?!?!!!?! idiocy!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Drew and Nina: I wonder if Drew was distracted by Nina's peek a boob dress.

    ValeNina: Love is just not enough V.C.!!!! She doesn't trust you! You need to prove to her, that she can trust you!

    Q home: Oh look there is Nelle and her bowling ball baby. Poor Nelle so confused and conflicted. Is Ned part of the plan? :)

    The pier:

    Chase and Nelle: HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN JUST KISS ALREADY! I thought that she was going to grab him and kiss him!

    The hospital:

    Wyatt and Finchy aka Sam and McBain: LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) We just needed Todd to show up.. Poor Wyatt is confused. Yeah I can understand Wyatt. Hiney does look different in the picture.

    Finchy and Chasey: Awwwww. Chasey's mummy and daddy can't make it. Well, Finchy and Chasey can go to the game afterall right? :)

    Wyndemere stables kidnapped room number 2: UGH! The only thing that was even good with that scene, is that Dr. O won the line of the day.

    Dr. O: Your father and I shared some happy times in this place. Until he tried to gas me to death.


  9. "david i am trying to get into the show again. (it isnt working). one storyline i cant figure out. Last I saw, jason and drew were twin brothers begat by susan moore. hows that storyline working out? are they best friends"

    No they are not best friends.. They HATE each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "or is there a good twin and an evil twin?"

    ROFL! No. :)

    "did drew get his memory back?"


  10. Sonya, even I was distracted by Nina's peek-a-boob dress, LOL.

    Anne: WHO filmed their final scenes and will be on until the end of July, do you mean Nelle?

    1. AntJoan sounds like Anne means Nelle.

    2. I was referring to Chloe Lanier/Nelle Benson who filmed her last scenes already.

  11. "AntJoan said...Sonya, even I was distracted by Nina's peek-a-boob dress, LOL."

    ROFL! So was I!!! Also her cupcakes were trying to say something! I couldn't hear them!

  12. I know what you mean by the texting, David. I refuse to text for more than a quick message. If someone wants to have a conversation with me, I tell them to phone. If I want to talk with my hands I'll use American sign language. Typing is not my idea of social interation.

    And even worse than the texting is people who phone, in public, and put their phones on speaker because,of course, they are so important that the whole world needs to hear their business. I had a guy get on the elevator the other day and go through all his messages with his phone on speaker. 10 floors later he was still at it when I left the elevator.

    1. I double agree with you & David!And absolutely hate when people make their personal convos public! Love that you said "like they are so Important" Lol!


  14. I would say it was a dream, sonya; a red herring to make us think that happens. Even Nelle would know that she wouldn't inherit his estate if she killed him and it would be hard to plead not guilty with a room full of witnesses.

    I hope Sonny keeps his nose out of it.

    And SERIOUSLY, writers - What's with Alexis discussing Michael's legal business with his father. Or anyone for that matter. At least make an effort!!!!!

  15. "Di said... I would say it was a dream, sonya; a red herring to make us think that happens. Even Nelle would know that she wouldn't inherit his estate if she killed him and it would be hard to plead not guilty with a room full of witnesses."

    Yeah I know you are right, it's just that watching that freaked me out!!! :)

    "I hope Sonny keeps his nose out of it."

    I don't think you have to worry about Sonny! You have to worry about Jason!

    "And SERIOUSLY, writers - What's with Alexis discussing Michael's legal business with his father. Or anyone for that matter. At least make an effort!!!!!"

    I know!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell!!?!!?!

  16. what if.... the day before the wedding michael divested his assets and gave half to ned for safe keeping and half to jason for safe keeping. and right after they said their vows, he let is be known that he is now poor. (he can stay at ELQ to keep busy, but that he would take a pay cut to minimum wage).

    that would be funny.

  17. The pier:

    ValeNina: West nile virus? Quartantine? BAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And nice touch with the quarantine guy!! :)

    Nina and the Quarantine guy: I knew this was fake!! This guy is an actor! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA! Leave the sign up?! BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA!

    Q home: WOW LOVE THIS!!! Love how Michael is playing Janey! Love that she is confused and listening in! Love how she is on the phone trying to figure out what if a person dies without a will hahahahahahaha! Awww Janey does it really upset you that your baby is going to get it all? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The hospital:

    Stella, Sonny, and Mike: Oh Mike you are such a flirt!!!!! :) You want to dance and romance her eh? :)

    Stella and Mike: Mike gave great advice!!! I am so glad Stella is listening!!! Glad she changed her mind. :)

    Jordan and TJ: TJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Where is Molly?

    Alexis and Sonny: HUH?! WHAT THE HELL!!?!?!?!? SHUT UP ALEXIS!!!!


    Sam and Curtis: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  18. I just can’t take one more day of this Peter August storyline. They should get rid of WR and his girlfriend LW, who is responsible for this mess. The only good part is more Dr. O, but I still can’t watch. Can’t wait for the end of Nelle.

  19. I can't watch either. It has been a good 3 weeks since I have watched and I have been a fan for 40 years.



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