Friday, July 13, 2018

Here Comes the Bride.

So Nelle's prepping for the fastest wedding in the west. Joss brings her a hair comb Carly gave her that was Bobbie's lol. Okayyyyyyy. It's JUST to borrow tho. Nelle has to take a pic to send to Carly. 

Sam and Drew chat ...Sam wants Oscar to see Scout. Oscar is taking photos for the wedding. 

Lulu snarks...Ned says he's ok with it because he wants Michael happy. Bobbie shows up in head to toe black. 
Brucas is there--- Brad give Nelle a necklace and she says he's the only friend she has. 

Carly is going nuts in Ferncliff... and the nurse calls Kevin to say she needs to be sedated. He says no, he'll be right there.  She goes off the rails. Kevin says she should have something to calm her down. Mary Pat gets a needle. Kevin leaves. Oh, Carly was faking it--and grabs the needle from Mary Pat. 

Ava smells Oscar. Says, that's the cologne. Griffin says "yeah, that's funny--Carly smelled it by Morgan's grave too". 

Chase comes to try to get Nelle away before the wedding. He says he loves her.  The ONLY way this could have even have been 1/2 way interesting is if WE DIDN'T KNOW THIS WAS A SET UP. Kind of like "The Sting". Would it have been anything but DULL if we knew what was happening? NOPE. 

Joss sees Chase kiss Nelle. Nelle acts like he's attacking her. 

Jason asks Drew to keep an eye on Michael.

Joss comes down the aisle.  Kevin sees a body in Carly's bed--covered in a blanket. You know that's Mary Pat.  Carly interrupts the wedding and says Hell no..she will NOT be marrying my son!  


  1. kd said... The ONLY way this could have even have been 1/2 way interesting is if WE DIDN'T KNOW THIS WAS A SET UP. Kind of like "The Sting". Would it have been anything but DULL if we knew what was happening? NOPE.

    *** I agree. This would have been great if we didn't know the whole thing was a scam. Way to ruin a good storyline.

  2. show of hands....

    IF the show is still on 5 years from now, how many people thing that Peter will still be captive and the storyline will still be going on?

    1. Nope. Even that's too long, unless Wes leaves the show and that's his way out storyline wise.

  3. The best thing about this whole week was- Bobby and her dress. And her smirk
    when Carly came in. Its been a long time since I LOL'd at GH.

  4. Finally! A decent cliff hanger. I don't care how Carly was able to get out of that place and get to the Metro Court so fast. ;-) And NO PETER! Yay!

    1. I agree Paul. It wasn't THE greatest but decent.

  5. Obviously Ferncliff has not improved their security since Heather was there.

  6. Loved Bobbie's outfit.. the "funeral hat" was a perfect touch. Wonder how Carly got there... no money for a cab, no ID or anything.... But don't care, loved her entrance.

  7. ok so it is wedding day. what is everyones favorite wedding in GH history?

    mine is Sean and Elsie Mae Crumholtz.

    although Lucy's red dress gets an honorable mention

  8. Michelle - yeah. It's been ages since I have looked forward to an episode. I'll take it! I was LOL that Carly's burner cell was at 12% battery before she called Michael, and 0% after a 2 min=. call.

    David - Favorite wedding ... I'd say Laura and Scotty's or Luke and Laura's. Anything with Genie ;-)

  9. Bobbie's dress was a nice touch along with the hat. Joss is finally acting like an actual teenager, but now she'll have to keep the "secret" about Nelle and Chase making out before the wedding. Jason and Drew having a civil conversation that didn't involve or revolve around Sam? Miracle? Maybe it was Friday the 13th weirdness.
    What was she doing there anyway? She's not related to Michael and she's technically not dating Jason or Drew or anyone related to him. or is it customary to attend the wedding of the nephew of both of your ex-husbands and your half brothers nephew and the brother of your half sister and cousin of your other half sister? God they need to expand their Gene pool.

  10. Isn't it sweet that T.J. is going to give his Mom away at her wedding to Curtis while his Father rots in a jail cell for a crime he didn't commit.High security doesn't mean much at Ferncliff.If you can escape from there I guess it is believable you can Teleport yourself to Michael's wedding.At least the storyline is moving forward to Nelle's exit but where do we go from here? Please -"NO MORE PETER!!"

  11. It was GREAT seeing TJ, he has matured into such a wonderfully handsome young man, I just LOVE him, and think he is a great actor, wish he was on more! Also, where is Molly? I didn't realize until someone mentioned it that we haven't seen her FOREVER!

    Re favorite wedding, I don't remember if they did this back in the day, but it ALWAYS bothers me that people on the show plan their weddings for just a few weeks, and it also bothers me that there are like 4 people attending. (I think that Luke and Laura's wedding had lots of folks there, if I remember correctly.) But this one tops it all--a PG wedding dress and all of those people dressed up and attending with less than 24 hours notice? Sorry, I KNOW it's a soap, but just can't get past it. And, NO, I do not want to stop watching just because some things bother me, I LOVE this show, have watched for decades, and will continue to watch forever!

  12. The hospital:

    Brucus: Oh Brad!!! You are going to eat crow!!!! Nelle is not your friend!!! I was thinking is Bobbie wearing white? :)

    Q home:

    Michael and Jason: What the hell Jason?!?!!! SHUT THE HELL UP!!! Sonny has got your personality! Go take it back from him!

    Hotel room: Man Nelly's bowling ball baby looks so strange. :) Maxie's baby bump looked realistic!

    Ava and Nelly: Awww Besties threatening one another.. That is love. :)

    Chase and Nelly: HOT DAMN! It's getting hot in here!!!!

    Nelly and Joss: Joss why have you been acting so strange lately?!!?!!?! And what an ugly dress.

    Crazy town: How odd. Carly has a dream, but how does she know what everyone is wearing? ROFL! A desperate Carly, is a dangerous Carly! Oooops told you so. :)

    The wedding: Bobbie wearing black! BAHAHAHHAHHA! Michael wins the line of the day.

    Michael: So what is this? A wedding or a funeral?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Awww time for the wedding! Or NOT! HI CARLY!!!!!

  13. That was the best wedding with Sean and Tiffany Hill. Hilarious. Her name was Elsie Mae Krumholz. Love it!!!!

  14. Sonya, I made sure to check this out, Nelle was wearing a totally different dress in Carly's dream, that one had long sleeves and the actual one had short sleeves, among other differences.

    Bobbie's outfit was WONDERFUL and fitting, but what was with Sam's shmata? She wore a black dress to a wedding, not even to make a statement, and had a dog collar around her neck!

    You know, when my late girlfriend's daughter ran into Jordan and Andre, Jordan graciously allowed her to take pictures, which include her surfboard! Funny, now that I read in the article from Karen's link, I see that she is learning surfing for her new role!

  15. My fave wedding of all time was on OLTL--Cord and that chick from Melrose Place--when Tina walked in. Back when coming back from the dead was REALLY RARE-- I was stunned. AND she had a baby!!! GAH!!

    GH-- probably Luke and Laura because well, I was totally into them at the time.

    I like funerals better--like Asa's where Blair imagined her past with him and saw Blair #1 who was Asian instead of herself. LOL.

    I missed TJ's day I guess.

    NOTE: The Carly showing u didn't shock me-- I felt the whole thing was so clunky-- just not well done. But I'm crabby lately

  16. "AntJoan said..Sonya, I made sure to check this out, Nelle was wearing a totally different dress in Carly's dream, that one had long sleeves and the actual one had short sleeves, among other differences."

    Oh okay! :) But the other people wore the same thing at the wedding, just like in Carly's dream! For example, Joss's dress.

    "Bobbie's outfit was WONDERFUL and fitting"

    I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    "but what was with Sam's shmata? She wore a black dress to a wedding, not even to make a statement, and had a dog collar around her neck!"

    ROFL! I have no idea what she was thinking.



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