Monday, July 23, 2018

Smoke on the Water

UGH Finn rescues PETER and Maxie is all "Peter, wake up, don't die"!!! Lulu and Nina both look at her like she's got 2 heads LOL!!!
Everyone goes to GH... Alexis sees Finn standing there. 

Alexis tells Lucas his baby is coming this week. I love Brucas. I hope they make them really front/center because there's a lot of material there... Lucas is really nervous about the birth mother wanting her baby back. He goes to tend to the fire victims. 

Julian moves into the Metro...drops hints to Kim move in together. She's like SLOW DOWN!! She wants to make sure that it's ok with Oscar too. 

DA talking to Drew and gives him a baseball hat because she squirted mustard on him. He opens a HS reunion invite. He tells her that he can't remember anything prior to 2014. Yada, yada, she leaves. 

Joss wants Sex, Oscar doesn't ..she's like REALLY??? REALLY?? You're the only guy our age that doesn't. He said he wants their first  time to be perfect. Oh you know CAM WEBBER gonna be up for sex. Really good stuff--Eden is Emmy worthy. She's really upset he doesn't want her and gets hysterical.  He says "You're crazy"
UT OH! You don't say that to someone who's mama is in Ferncliff!! 

Joss stomps upstairs. Oscar is just standing there like: What just happened? LOL

Back at GH with the smoke trauma patients... Val asks Alexis to represent Nina. Alexis says no because Peter/Faison and her grandkids yada yada... Valentine says that Nina FOUND Peter, she didn't help Obrect. 

Maxie talks to Peter. He says Nina tried to help him. Maxie said that she read his book and really terrible things happened to him but that doesn't excuse his behavior.  She says "Do Better" and leaves.  When Jordan asks, Peter says that Nina helped him an Dr. O acted alone. 

Later, the DA Margot finds an envelope behind her couch at the Metro. It's addressed to Drew Cain. I SWEAR that's Connie's Helena. I really think it is her handwriting. NOPE--people are saying this on twitter (I must have missed it) 

Liesl kidnapped Peter he wrote a letter to Drew telling him about the flash drive containing his memories,I believe he apologized in letter he put said envelope on the table and was about to do the same with flash drive when Liesl showed up


  1. Great blog. Thanks for doing this.

  2. Why did DA lady crumble up letter in envelope? Hmmmm....don't care for her.

  3. Carson home:

    JossCar: Man Joss!!! Stop it!!!!!

    Joss: Your the only guy our age who doesn't want to have sex, you get that right?

    SO WHAT?!?!?! HE ISN'T READY JOSS!!!! Man you are so thirsty!

    Oscar: CHILL OUT! You're acting crazy right now.

    Yeah she is!!!!! No means no Joss! Damn! Stop pressuring him!!

    The stables at Wyndemere: Save Hiney!!!! He is a human being!! YAY THANKS FINCHY! :) Hmmm I think Maxie has feelings for Hiney.

    The hospital:

    Lucas and Alexis: Man this whole adoption is going to turn bad. I can feel it.

    Finchy and Alexis: Since they can't be together, can they at least go back to being friends? Man that is NOT Anna's text!!! Her son is found alive, and she wants him to text her about the details?! HUH?!!? Finchy I hope you have a feeling something isn't right!

    Hiney's room: Awww he is protecting Nina. :) Sweet! Man Maxie you are in love with Hiney aren't you?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Margot and Drew: That school reunion, If Drew Hadn't found out about his real name before, he will now with that reunion! :)

    Margot's hotel room: Hmmm an empty envelope.. Where is the letter?!!?!!

    Julian's hotel room:

    KimLian: Are they dating or are they a couple?

  4. "Michelle Latta said...Why did DA lady crumble up letter in envelope? Hmmmm....don't care for her."

    The envelope was empty.

  5. Thanks for the review, kd. I finally caught up. It's so hot here I can't think.

    I agree with you, Sonya. Joss was being a biatch. No pressure means no pressure on either side.

    And I was wondering where the letter went too.

  6. Me too Sonya, about Joss. She was being such a brat, definitely not mature enough to have sex! Loved Maxie's speech to Hinney. Who knew that she would grow up to be the voice of reason. LOL!

  7. So where IS Anna? Obviously not visiting Robin, Patrick and the kids. Where do they think she is? I hope Robert's return sheds light on this. Anyone know when Finola is back?

  8. "Di said...I agree with you, Sonya. Joss was being a biatch. No pressure means no
    pressure on either side."

    "Julie H said...Me too Sonya, about Joss. She was being such a brat, definitely not mature enough to have sex!"

    Yes!!!! No means no!!! For anybody!!! And you are right Julie! Joss is not mature enough to have sex!!

    "Loved Maxie's speech to Hinney. Who knew that she would grow up to be the voice of reason. LOL!"

    ROFL! Yeah who knew!!!! :)



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