Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Finn finds out Anna's been missing a month. He and Robert talk. Pretty lame when they were texting all the time with Emma/Robin but..you know.

Curtis and Drew in the bar, just talking. 

Margot reads the flash drive about the memory stuff. She goes to Jake's and finds Curtis and Drew. She tells Drew she knows the story and believes him about his memory.  She doesn't TELL him about the memory stick. I think she'll use it to prosecute Jason Morgan and Sonny. 

Jason and Carly RETELL THE ENTIRE "Michael Plan" Good lord.  OMG Carly realizes she gave up Michael to Jason!! "Monica must hate me, I get it now"!!  I think she said they have to stay underground for three months?? LOL  Sonny comes and fills them in on the accident. 

Sonny's rescuing Michael..they escape the blowing up of the car. 

Lucas finds out with Julian..great acting on their part. They even look alike. Awww..he calls Brad and Brad is in the car, over by the side of the road crying. Nelle stumbles out of the woods. OMG-- HERE IT COMES.SWITCHEROONIE.  Brad's like "What is up"? She said "I had a baby"!!! It's a boy! He tells her about Wiley.  He then says they have to go to the hospital to get her checked out. She won't go. She wants Brad to raise the baby because if she doesn't run, she'll have to give her baby up and go to jail.  

Later: (we didn't see the switch itself) Lucas goes back home and Brad's there with their "Baby"... Nelle wanders down the road in a daze...clutching "her" dead baby. 

In the hospital, Michael jumps up when Nelle's brought in. He says: Is that our baby? She says: "a beautiful baby boy"-- and he picks it up and it's dead!! She let him see it without telling him first! First rate psycho right there!! 

Lucas coos over "Wiley"... Brad doesn't say anything. 


  1. I was really hoping they wouldn't go this route with the babies. Poor Wiley. This sucks. Brad sucks.

  2. Every other baby born there has to be a switch. This is so old

  3. Julian's pictures will be used down the road ----
    so it WAS Michael's baby after all.........

  4. I am so disappointed about this turn of events. What if the birth mom wants her son back? I think that is how it will come out. I wished they hadn't done it this way.

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  8. I was so upset with this story line that I refused to watch today. Won't watch tomorrow either(out of town). This story line has been done ad nauseam.

  9. The floating rib:

    Jrew: I SO love them together, but can they stop talking about the flashdrive please?

    Jrew and Margot: Uh what the hell is Margot doing? What was the point of the scene, if she isn't going to tell Drew the truth?!?! So dumb.

    Margot's hotel room: HUH?!!?!?!??!??!!

    The road:

    Brad and Janey: Wow!!! WOW!!!! HOLY CRAP WOW!!!!! What an interesting twist. I did not see that coming!! Great scene! I love it! :)

    Finchy's hotel room:

    Finchy and Robert: Thank you Robert!!! Thank you for asking all the questions that I wondered about too!!!!!! Stupid Finchy!!! Robert you talked to Frisco? YAY!

    The cabin:

    Jarly: I'm glad Jason told Carly about the plan! :) Leave for Canada! BAHAHAHAHA! Wow Carly has changed!! Back then she would KILL to go to Canada with Jason. :) Oh hi Sonny!:)

    The hospital:

    Julian and Lucas: THERE IS LUCAS!!!! :) That scene when Lucas heard Brad's phone message, was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brucus home:

    Brucus: Brad!!!!! TELL LUCAS THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T BE CRUEL!!!!! If you keep this a secret, and Lucas finds out later, your marriage is over!!!

    The hospital:

    Michael and Janey: Janey is so CRUEL!!!! Man I am going to miss the actress!!!! She plays evil very well!!!

  10. Yes, the past two weeks Nelle grew on me! Never thought it would happen. I would’ve enjoyed more of “war of the roses” scenes with Michael and Nelle living together. They were good together while scheming against each other. Well done.

  11. Really wished they hadn't done another baby switch just demonstrates lazy writing. Parry's grief scenes felt kinda cold to me. It just didn't have any depth. I kinda thought some crying maybe should've been happening. He didn't bring out that emotion in me either. But that's just me!

    1. I think he was playing it as if in shock. He was numb.

  12. do not like baby switches or dead baby stories too depressing. i cant watch

  13. What kind of person would switch out his deceased baby for a new one like he was car shopping? Despicable. WTH is going on with GH writers? NOBODY wants to see that! I want a final scene with Carly and Nelle. Hopefully it will happen.

  14. The thing is, when Brad is no longer in shock, if he is in shock, he will STILL pursue this craziness. It's who he is.

  15. Just read that Genie Francis is coming back soon. YAY. I am sooooooooooo happy. She is my all time favorite.

  16. OK, so the dead baby thing is horrible, but I felt that Parry did a great job with the scenes. And Brad always was a liar and schemer, so his doing this is not out of character. It certainly wasn't his idea, and he DID resist it, but Nelle pushed and pushed him until it seemed that the idea kinda made sense.

    That flash drive, I CAN'T STAND IT!! HOW MANY PEOPLE are going to keep Drew's memories from him? The DA knows what she has and doesn't tell him? And then they are going to become linked romantically? HORRIBLE!! This is so upsetting, to me, that Drew can't just get his memories back. And, of course, the new DA continues to stalk him . . .

    1. I totally agree AntJoan! While not a Brad fan, this scene made me like him a little more and of course the sad scene when he found his baby dead. 😓 Parry did the scene justice.
      As for Margeaux, however her name is spelled I agree. How wrong is it for her to keep that flash drive from Drew. He isn't his brother and only had his memories. If memory serves me, he's only even killed one person and that was Harvey. So....she better give it to him.

  17. Parry is the actor who plays Brad. Yes, Brad has always been a "bad guy". Remember him with Brita (Is that her name?) Brit???

  18. Brit Westbourne I believe is her name

  19. Ant Joan said... The DA knows what she has and doesn't tell him? And then they are going to become linked romantically? HORRIBLE!!

    *** I agree too. What kind of evil person would do that? Why can't she be good at her job without having to be a moral less sociopath. But no. She's after saint Sonny so she has to be evil!

  20. Di said...I agree too. What kind of evil person would do that? Why can't she be good at her 'job without having to be a moral less sociopath. But no. She's after saint Sonny so she has to be evil!"

    Yeah she even brought up his name yesterday!!!! Geez lady find Sonny attractive do you?

  21. Really hateful that Drew's memories are being held hostage again, first by Heinie. I think this baby switch is so absurd and can't really end well for anyone.

  22. First off, don't like the new DA and the games she's playing, and currently I'm not impressed with the actress either. Secondly, another great show, 2 in a row, and I'm shocked. GH should be like this all of the time! Nell was flat out evil today, very impressive. I didn't want the baby switch at all, but boy, it's going to lead to a big old mess. HA! I thought Parry was good, too. He just looked all kinds of dazed and confused. Thirdly, thrilled to pieces that Laura is coming back, about freaking time! :)

  23. Yes, let us chant, LAURA, LAURA, LAURA!!

    I thought it was kinda crazy that Brad was parked there just as Nelle came out . . . Gee, drive out on the highway and pull over and sit there with your deceased infant . . .

    1. I know right! I was like, did he have an accident?? Haha!!

  24. "AntJoan said...Yes, let us chant, LAURA, LAURA, LAURA!!"

    LAURA! LAURA! LAURA!!!!! :)

    "I thought it was kinda crazy that Brad was parked there just as Nelle came out . . . Gee, drive out on the highway and pull over and sit there with your deceased infant . ."

    ROFL! I just chalk that up to being in shock! :( Poor Brad. :(

  25. Welp, I called it on the Brad Nelle dead baby storyline, but I wish I was wrong. Didn't figure on Nelle just throwing the baby at Brad, but at least they left Maxie's baby out of it.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...