Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hair Emergency!

Oh it's HAIR DAY folks..sorry! The only time Michelle had was 2:00 blame her! 

Can I dare hope that Dr. O really torches Peter to oblivion today? *sigh*  Please!!? 

Oh !! Anyone watching Dietland? What a show! It's on AMC on Monday nights. Not what I thought it was going to be--it's very, different. I'm also binging Case Histories on Prime (I think it's on Netflix too). It's a great British crime show that is very, very fun, interesting and just plain good TV. 

It's been nice here weather wise --hot but NO humidity. Hell, I even PAINTED the deck today. Ok! Everyone have a good one! 


  1. Peter/ Hiney could sure use a hair appointment. Haven't watched in 3 weeks or more. Don't need to. You guys are the best!!!!!!

    1. Today was actually pretty decent. Nice cliffhanger ending.

  2. Decided to watch today. Gave up half way through. I'm depressed enough by the news, I don't need every story to be dark. The whole show today was Alzheimer's and mental illness. It's summer. There should be romance and fun. Ugh.

  3. Due to WCVB’s coverage of memorial services for Weymouth Police Sgt. Michael Chesna, Thursday’s episode of “General Hospital” will air at 1:35 a.m. Friday.

    This was on their website, not announced during the interruption. Second time already this week that most of the show was not shown, and they wonder why the ratings are so low.they need to move GH out of that time slot.

  4. the scene with carly and nurse ratchet reminded me of one flew over the cuckoo's nest. terrible.

  5. So depressing! I wish Dr. O would just kill Peter already and put us all out of our misery. Terrible storyline and terrible actor. I just don’t know what these writers are thinking. At least our beloved Robert Scorpio is back next week.

  6. Oh, Robert S is back next week, great!! As someone here said, these are all depressing SLs--Carly in the cuckoo's nest, cray Nelle, Dr. O/Hiney, dead body at Charlie's, Mike's illness. WHAT ARE THE WRITERS THINKING? THIS IS OUR SUMMER!! Where is the fun, Lila's Kids, romance? The most well-done story, I think, is Sonny with Mike, when it isn't about the dead body.

  7. Speaking of dropped SLs, whatever happened to Alexis--her therapy with Julian, her mother issues, that box--is NLG on vacation with Finola?

  8. I think every single person here should get writers emails, etc and bombard them with their disatisfaction with all the storylines, etc. Boycott GH, maybe they will FINALLY FINALLY pay attention.

  9. Watched an old episode of Bones this morning from like 2005. Dr. O. (actress) was on there minus her accent. She sounded so different, so American LOL. Bleach blond hair in that episode. Was fun to see her.

  10. I think she is Canadian, plus she is Hungarian, or something like that, I always forget.

  11. The pier: Oh crap BobTodd!!! :( V.C. yes call the police! Oh hi Chase!!

    The police station: No!!!! V.C. did not do this!!!! You got the wrong guy! GAH!

    The kidnapped room: The only thing that was great in this scene, was the acting.. BRAVO!!!!!! :) OH NO! FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!! *Gets the hell out and runs*

    Carson home: So sad!!!! Great scene!!! Sonny I think it's time to put your father in that home. Your father is getting worse! :(

    Crazy town: WAIT! Doc left to be with his wife?! HUH?!?!?! BAD TIME TO LEAVE DOC!!! Oh Mary Pat you will regret this! Sonny will have your head!!!!

    The hospital:

    Sam, Curtis, and Maxie: Blah blah blah. Hiney. Blah blah blah. Hiney. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sam, Curtis, and Liz: OH SHUT THE HELL UP SAM!

    BobTodd's room: WOW! I am surprised that he gave Dr. O up!

  12. "LSV422 said... At least our beloved Robert Scorpio is back next week."

    He is?!!?!? YAY!!!! :)

  13. This has been the most depressing summer ever. Can't wait to have Robert back.

  14. I actually enjoyed yesterday's show. Mike and Sonny were heartbreaking, as were Nina and Doctor O. Great acting from everyone, and Felix's compassion for Sonny was sweet. Nurse Ratchet is gonna be sorry! And double YAY that Robert is on next week, I didn't know!!

  15. Tris is back? Looks like I am going to have to man up and tune in again!

  16. I haven't watched in going on one month, but if Tristan is back, I WILL watch for him!!!!!!!! Huge crush on that man even though he is old enough to be my Dad!! LOL

    Plus, he actually steals all the scenes. Great actor

    1. Welcome news that Tristan is coming back, can't wait. 😁😁

  17. Michelle, I enjoyed the show, I always do! Plus, Sonny and Mike were great, and my wonderful Dr. O!



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