Friday, July 27, 2018

Fast Friday

I came in at 2:36 sorry! I was out and about. 

Ok, so I saw Robert. Finn is being a jerk about Peter being "his patient" -- ugh, whatever.  Robert finds out from Robin Anna isn't in CA. 

Nelle confesses she killed Zach to Michael but Michael isn't pulling over, she grabs the wheel.  Sonny and Chase are watching on his computer..OH! DASH CAMS!! nice!!  They end up crashing and computer screen goes blank. 

Dr. O and Maxie. God they are so good. I really wish Maxie, Dr. O and Nina all lived in Wyndemere  !! It would be really good. Dr. O could be the new Dorian-- She goes off to jail and doesn't say Nina helped her. 

END: Franco is being adorable, talking to himself in the hall... Carly's getting strapped in and Jason Bursts in with this GUN.
PS. Wubby Hubby was walking through, saw Carly and then Jason came in with the gun and he laughed and laughed. 


  1. Yes, I often have issues like these when my husband walks into the room when I am watching. He says that Sonny "always smacks himself in the head" (my whole family makes fun of Sonny, I think they all are jealous that I love him so much), so I always hope that Sonny isn't doing anything like that when my husband walks in.

    1. Haha! My mom has been watching with me and she hates soaps but LOL she told me the other day that she sees how they can be so addictive. I was like, "see!"
      Her mom watched them and I guess I got it from her although she was a DAYS watcher so maybe I caught it channel surfing when I was little.

  2. Love Dr O.... I cried with her today, especially when Maxie said that now James has lost his gramma. I suspect we've seen the last of her for awhile. Too bad. I will miss her. The Michael/Nelle story, and the scenes with Franco were great too. Was a really good show for a change.

  3. Yes, I love Dr. O, too, her scenes were heart-wrenching, I will miss her sooo much. There is something about the actress, and the character, together that is just magical . . . And I am one who usually cannot tolerate villains. For example, I am thrilled that Nelle is leaving . . .

  4. ok so who was that patient carly passed ih the hallway

  5. I think it was supposed to be Kevin or Ryan.

  6. It’s impossible to believe Anna and Finn wouldn’t talk on the phone at least once or twice while she was gone. No way would Anna not have called right away when Finn told her Peter was in ER. So dumb!

  7. LOL about wubby hubby. The other day my 7 year old wanted to know if those 2 guys ever made it out of the basement. Took me forever to figure out she was talking about Drew and Franco and the concrete incident.
    Hopefully Nelle doesn't linger too long. Would rather have a who killed Nelle mystery but oh well. Jail, death, indefinite coma, eaten by sharks, just get her off my screen please.
    Electro shock therapy is still used, but only in rare cases. Franco kept talking to and about Carly like he barely knew her but they were engaged at one point. Read your history writers!!!

    1. I really did enjoy the Franco and Carly scenes. He played it confused or actually kinda caring. Like what the heck is she here for???

  8. Crazy town:

    BobTodd and Jason: BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Well this is going very well I think. I'm going to wait for you in the car.

    ROFL! I hope Jason appreciates what BobTodd is doing for him, and that Jason forgives him and they have peace.

    Carly's private room: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I covered my eyes. I didn't want to see Carly get electrocuted!!!! So glad Jason showed up! Whew. :)

    Police station:

    Jordan and Nina: Geez! Nina kept saying she will be quiet, but she wouldn't shut up! ROFL!

    Maxie and Dr. O: GAH! Made me cry!!!! :( Yes Maxie you are right.. Baby James is losing a grandmother! :(

    The hospital:

    Hiney's room: ROBERT!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Great scene!!!! :)

    Robert: AH HA! Finally someone calls Robin to talk to Anna!!! Stupid Finchy!

    Finchy: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't go to Burkley!!! It's a setup!!! Anna has not been texting you!!! Idiot!!! Don't you think it's strange she hasn't called you?!!?!?

    Michael's car: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! You got her Michael!!!! When Janelle spilled all her guts, I cheered!!! Especially about her former fiance!!!! WOOT WOOT! Oh oh car accident!!!

  9. "Michelle Latta said... Haha! My mom has been watching with me and she hates soaps but LOL she told me the other day that she sees how they can be so addictive. I was like, "see!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Yeah mom! SEE?!!?!?! :)

    "KT4GH said.. It’s impossible to believe Anna and Finn wouldn’t talk on the phone at least once or twice while she was gone. No way would Anna not have called right away when Finn told her Peter was in ER. So dumb!"

    I KNOW!!!!!!! EXACTLY! I don't buy it.. Yes so dumb. I can't believe Finn didn't see any red flags or had a bad feeling!!!

    "Alicia said. Hopefully Nelle doesn't linger too long."

    I don't know if you watch Y&R, but a character Hilary, she was dying, and it took a week!!!!! Very slow death! UGH! So boring. Her and her fiance got married in her hospital bed. Drank Champaign and she wasn't hooked up to anything..

  10. Anyone else wondering who they ran into?

    1. Not sure why but guessing Joss? Or hey wouldn't it be funny if they ran into Drew and he got his memories back that way.

  11. Two things about Anna not speaking to Finn: He is SOOOO insecure about her that he probably is afraid to push things; and I think that NO ONE talks on the phone anymore, everyone just texts, I think that is crazy, but that seems to be how things are . . .

    1. You're right AntJoan, unfortunately in this day and age it's all about texting. I'm guilty of it. But as for Finn how is he insecure?

  12. Michelle, I think Finn continues to be insecure about his relationship with Anna.

  13. Michelle, she pushed him away so many times, I think he is intimidated by her. I think that, if he felt more secure, he would have pushed for her to call him, just my opinion.

  14. I think a 7-11 has better security than Ferncliff. You can't just pull a gun on a Dr and Hospital staff and get away with it. You couldn't break into a prison and free an innocent person at gunpoint, it's the same thing.But Jason never pays for his dirty deeds. He is even willing to kill Nelle or Julian if Saint Sonny wishes it.But it's a soap and it must move on. I will miss Dr O - she is a great villain. Maybe Anna has been taken somewhere to get a new backbone and have her tear ducts removed. Hope she replaces Jordan when she leaves.

  15. Gambillysaid...Maybe Anna has been taken somewhere to get a new backbone and have her tear ducts removed. Hope she replaces Jordan when she leaves.

    *** LMAO. I hope so too. This blubbering mess is not our Anna!

  16. "AntJoan said...Michelle, she pushed him away so many times, I think he is intimidated by her. I think that, if he felt more secure, he would have pushed for her to call him, just my opinion."

    Yeah! Everytime he is with her he acts very strange!!! They both act goofy around each other! So annoying.



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