Friday, June 23, 2017

Island Hopping

Got in late... saw Nelle and Michael-- whatever... OMG she gave him oatmeal cookies. You can't make this stuff up!  They play "TRUTH" with out the "DARE" ...because Vanilla.
Nelle says she's afraid of DOGS! Michael wears tighty-whities!
They kiss. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monica!! Sam's all anxious..Monica is like: UM, it's JASON you know what he's like!  Sam bitches about Sonny. Monica is kinda on Team Sonny here LOL... Good lord. Anyway, later Sam "sees" Sonny as a hallucination saying "trust no one"... she keeps seeing Sonny. When Jason calls, Sonny vanishes. 

Sonny and this gun man dude. LMAO--oh this is so so bad.. Even the dialog is from 1978. GEESH. They tussle for the gun, Carly shoots and misses. St. Jaysus comes in and shoots him. 
Welp. That's that.
I guess the guy was someone's brother that Sonny killed OFF SCREEN awhile ago. Wow. Really? 
Jason got in to the island even though everything is shut due to the weather. Sonny and Carly couldn't even get out. 

OMG.the KID's PARTY was so so DISNEY CHANNEL!!!!! OMG.. Hilarity and HOW OLD IS JOSS supposed to be? I thought she was SORA'd to like 13?? All the kids go out to the hot tub and they don't have bathing suits.  Joss stays back to talk to a guy that likes her. 

Curtis and Auntie-- I take it she found out about TJ's real papa.  She talks to TJ later and it was good. 
Jordan and Curtis appear to be "done".  But Curtis says NO we are NOT done!

END Of Show: Sam is basically telling her Sonny hallucination she's going to kill him. Carly and Sonny kiss, then of course, Carly pushes Sonny away.  @@ 


  1. How sad. All of it. I could write a song for my dog that would sound better than all this crap.

  2. If Sam kills Sonny, she may actually become interesting to me.

  3. Police station:

    Jordan and Stella: I LOVE THIS!!!!!! Jordan cannot hide or ignore what happened. Stella won't let her!!! Stella wins the line of the day!

    Stella: The person they trust with their lives, is a dishonest, lying, faithless, Jezebel!

    ROFL! She sounds like Sonny. Although Sonny would say faithless whore. I think Stella and Sonny would get along great! :)

    Jordan, Stella, and Curtis: Love how he is sticking up for Jordan. :)

    Sonny's island:

    Carly, bad guy, and Sonny: Oh look the guy who looks like he could be Scotty's uncle showed up. WHAT?! Carly misses Scotty's uncle and shoots Jason?!?!! NO WAY! I don't buy it! She was able to shoot Tony Jones and she couldn't shoot this guy?

    Carly, Jason, and Sonny: Yeah Jason.. Sam is gonna be furious when she finds out Carly shot you!!!

    Q home:

    Sam and Monica: Oh is Sam gonna kill Sonny or try to? ROFL! Oh great now I really want to see Sam shoot Sonny!

    Nelle's home:

    Nelle and Michael: Strange scene. They both are really clumsy. They are acting like teenagers. Be cool you two geez. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh how nice he is kissing his look alike mother. Yuck.

    Carly's home:

    "Karen says OMG.the KID's PARTY was so so DISNEY CHANNEL!!!!! OMG"

    Hahahahaha. No way!!! They are naked in the jacuzzi!! So it's not a Disney channel! :)

    Joss and Oliver: Wow! If I was a teenager, I would think he's hot. Joliver are so cute together.. Ask her out man!!!! :)

    Sidenote: Today is Deb Kramsky's birthday, and her facebook friends are wishing her a happy birthday!!! Apparently they don't know she passed away, so I don't know if I should say something or not.

  4. Haven't watched in weeks, but happen to be off work today. All I can say is that this show is horrible. Just horrible.

    The mob stuff is just cringe-worthy bad. I feel (kind of) bad for the actors who have to try and sell this awful crap over and over and over again. Even the Simpsons portrays the mob in a more realistic way.

    Michael and Nelle is so forced and they have no chemistry. Plus, re-writing Michael's history. He was no saint as a child. He was actually the monster and Morgan was the good child.

    I may be old, but I miss when this show used to be about family, relationships, character-conflict based on characters being TRUE TO THEMSELVES and not changing their personalities to only affect a plot.

    I started watching this show in 1979. Now is the time to end.

  5. Zak said...

    I may be old, but I miss when this show used to be about family, relationships, character-conflict based on characters being TRUE TO THEMSELVES and not changing their personalities to only affect a plot.

    I started watching this show in 1979. Now is the time to end.

    ** That's when I started watching also, and there definitely are others here who have been watching it since then, if not shortly earlier. As frustrating as things are on the show right now (And they can be IMMENSELY so) I'm still rather reluctant right now to stop watching it, or any of the other 3 we have left, either. One of the big reasons is just that, we only have 4 soaps left on the air. When I started watching then, the thought that there would only be 4 left, in my lifetime, I would have thought it was crazy. But, here we are. Another of my reasons is much more personal: My grandmother got me into watching them with her. Noone else in the family would watch them at all. So, it was our "thing" so to speak. And that experience is one of the VERY few things I've got left that I still have connected to her. Not to mention, having been watching for just about 40 years, suddenly stopping now, kinda feels like that with having that much investment timewise etc, just wouldn't be right. As yes, a LOT of GH is crap now, but there are still SOME good things.


  6. Did they show Lante or Jake at all this wk? So how old is Joss?

    1. Jake was on Monday the scenes at the end of the show with him and Hayden were cute. I think josslyn is 13 although they seem to be writing her much older.

  7. The writers seem to be grasping at straws for storylines and they are all bad. Watching Auntie at the PCPD was embarrassing, the whole Carson event was pathetic. The intruder, who asked Julian to help him, finds out exactly where they were staying, even the room. No guards on the island. And it was definitely called Sonny's island but shown as PR. And of course Jason got there in five minutes. TJ is so cute-he and Molly need to be on more. Michael and Nelle are not a good match. I've been watching on and off since day one as a kid with my mom and they have really hit rock bottom.

  8. Anne Long said...
    I think Josslyn is 13 although they seem to be writing her much older.

    *** It doesn't surprise me. They've written women supporting their abusers so why not have a child being drunk and probably getting sexually active.

    And did anyone else notice this week when Sonny tried to get Carly to have sex with him and she said she wasn't interested, so he brought her a new drink. She said, "Wow this is strong....way stronger than usual." And he smiled his smarmy smile and said, "Well I gotta help you "reeeelaaax". That's Sonny speak for gotta get you drunk so I can have sex with you since you said no. Another great message from from our writers on the proper way to treat women.

    This show is fast becoming disgusting!

    1. Wow sounds like rapist talk to me. Haha! God Sonny makes me want to gag.

  9. Yes, ITA.

    It looks like Joss is supposed to be at least 16 or 17, does anyone know how old she is supposed to be?

  10. She's supposed to be around 13. The actress just turned 14 last week. But she looks older cause she's tall. You know...if the girl looks older you don't have to consider her a child, right? *sarcasm* pedophiles everywhere are cheering.

  11. LSV422 said...

    The writers seem to be grasping at straws for storylines and they are all bad. Watching Auntie at the PCPD was embarrassing, the whole Carson event was pathetic. The intruder, who asked Julian to help him, finds out exactly where they were staying, even the room. No guards on the island. And it was definitely called Sonny's island but shown as PR. And of course Jason got there in five minutes. TJ is so cute-he and Molly need to be on more. Michael and Nelle are not a good match. I've been watching on and off since day one as a kid with my mom and they have really hit rock bottom

    ** Things are definitely a mess right now. What's REALLY sad though, is it wouldn't be THAT hard to fix things. Hell, look at Y&R, After shitcanning (and blacklisting) JFP and Pratt, and and then bringing in Mal Young to replace her, and following that up with getting Sally Sussman and Kay Alden back to take over the writing duties again, and try to sort out and clean up as much of the garbage that started after Bill Bell died, when the production company decided to things their own way resulting in what I like to call Y&R's "lost weekend" from 2006 until late last fall. And now it's FINALLY back to the way it SHOULD be.


  12. Nelle's home:

    Melle: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Gross having sex with his lookalike mother. Blah!


    Julian and Alexis: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital:

    Finster and Griffy: They had a great scene! :)

    Finster and Dr. O.: Finster wins the line of the day.

    Finster: Hey good news! Don't throw a party just yet, but you might get your wish and get me back here.

    ROFL!!! Oh look at Dr. O's face! She is so excited! ROFL!

    Ava's room:

    Kiwi and Ava: They didn't show the other side of her face when Ava looked in that mirror! What a jip! Just like on AMC when Erica Kane had a messed up side of her face.. They never showed it!!! Awwwww wanting her daughter to go away. :(

    Scotty and Ava: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene!! He cares about Ava.. Awwwwwwwwwwwww!

    Q home:

    RayRay and Curtis: YAY!! A scene with them! Great scene! Poor RayRay is so sick and so scared.. Don't worry Finster she is just scared!!!

    Sonny's island:


    Carly: Whine whine whine. You are doing it again Sonny!! I almost watched you get yourself killed! Whine whine whine. I can't breath!! Whine whine whine. Yell yell yell. Whine whine whine.

    Sonny: 00

    Carly: I hate caring about you! I hate all of this!!!

    Sonny: ???? 00

    Sonny Jr: Psst. Tell her if she had died, I couldn't have lived with out you.

    Sonny: If you had died, I couldn't have lived without you.

    Carly: I can't live without you.

    *Carson sex*

    Sonny Jr: SCORE!!!!!!

    Sonny: I guess we are not splitting up then.

    WOW! He is so damn arrogant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sonny: I am done. I am getting out of this business.


    Carly's home:

    Oliver and Joss: I love how they are getting to know each other!!! Wait a horse named Ramses? Are the writers a fan of the 10 commandments? :) Oh damn Bobbie you came in the wrong time! They were gonna kiss!!

    Joss and Bobbie: Love how Bobbie was with Joss!!!! GO BOBBIE!

    Bobbie: You were underage by 7 years!

    Ohhh so Joss is 14 yrs old!! Oh Joss don't manipulate Bobbie!!!! Come on Bobbie you have to tell Carly!! Okay don't tell, but that beer bottle you didn't get will tell on you!!

  13. Oh and one other thing. Oscar talked about he likes playing the piano.. I was thinking, who is your father? David Hayward from AMC? Cus he played piano on AMC. :)


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...