Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Sustainable Energy

Lulu, the worse mother EVER tells Charlotte that YES! This is where your Papa made his video, right in the Police Station....instead of say, lying to spare her feelings.  Geesh, so poor Dante has to explain he was there for questioning after the Nurses' Ball. 

Stupid Man Landers' story was all about whether or not Nathan was going to pose for a photo.  What a waste of Jennifer Bassey. 

Kevin, Laura...Spencer talking about the Cassadine estate and why it goes to Valentin. He wonders what will happen to Wyndemere with Val in prison.. Laura says Nina will probably be in charge since she's his wife.  Is she still his wife? I know they signed papers, but did she file??? I have no idea. 

Carly and Sonny are in Puerto's raining! They hear stuff!! Oh no!! IS someone skulkng? So so.. scary!!  It was a parrot. Oh, boo. 

Jason wants to warn Sonny. Michael comes over and tells him they are on the island. Michael wants Jason to join ELQ (stop laughing) They are into sustainable energy now!! Who knew? Ned doesn't think it's profitable-- and he wants Jason to "troubleshoot".  I can see Jason now, discussing tidal power use in the North Sea. AHAHHAAHA  Anyway, they argue a bit and then he says he needs to go talk to Sonny and he's flying to the island. Sam freaks out

Nelle is working for Nina zzzzzzzz. Nelle tells Michael. HE's so HAPPY FOR HER. zzzzzzzz. He invites her to a concert in the park. I'm sure it will be as exciting as an acapella group. :) 

OMG Worst editing ever--EVER..  Nate literally went from hugging Amy in the hall in NYC (I think it was NYC)-- to having a complete change of clothes and seeing Dante and Lulu and Char in the PCPD. Like THE NEXT SCENE!! ahahaa

Spencer escapes Kelly's and goes to talk to Nina about the whole Cassadine thing. 


  1. I see they're dressing Sam like trashy tramp again (IMO). KM is such an attractive girl, you would think they would take advantage of that. I remember when the show used to dress the women more cutting edge (like Brenda and Lucy).

  2. I would rather read your recaps than watch the show!
    WHO was the hunk from the West Coast who threatened Julian? Was I the only one who thought he should be on the show FULL TIME? Who was he?

  3. I haven't finished watching yet, but have some gripes I need to air. First, couldn't Nathan have just said that he is a police detective, and so cannot be caught moonlighting as an advice columnist? Also, if he is signing a contract, they will need his real name, which it looked like the agent didn't even ask for.

    It seems that Spencer and Laura have moved into Kevin's already and have been there for a while. Didn't they discuss this just yesterday? Only in soaps do moves require no logistics, and no actual moving of anything, everyone just moves into perfectly furnished homes (I know in theis case Kevin already lives there, but I've never seen anyone actually have to decorate a home.)

    So Nelle walks into Crimson without signing any W2 forms or anything, and, of course, the phone rings TWICE, and she is oh-so-efficient. Then, after that, no more phones . . .

  4. Yesterday, of course, Carly spoke of Sonny's buying her a new dress on the island, I think NO ONE wants to watch them get divorced and get married again, or almost get divorced and then reconcile, the writers should be embarrassed . . .

    1. Hasn't he already done the Island/dress thing on her or was that Lily....or Brenda or.....who am I missing?

  5. Kelly's:

    Doc, Laura, and Spencer: Poor Spencer.. Yeah Spencer find a way to get Wyndemere back! You are a smart boy you can do it!:)

    Levin: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)


    Nina and Nelle: I am sure Nelle will do well. Unless Bobbie shows up and gets her fired. ROFL!


    Hotel/Man Landers meeting:

    Woman, Nathan, and Amy: Well Nathan does have nice eyes. :) Oh the cover with just his eye and a shadow I like it. :) I have been meaning to say this since yesterday, Nathan and Amy look like they are going to a funeral! Isn't Amy hot in all black? Damn!

    The island:

    Carson: I love Carly's hair like that. All curly/crimped. It looks like they are on a date. Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: The parrot actually begs to get out in three different languages, and it makes you feel a little guilty.

    ROFL! I want to meet this parrot!!!! Oh wait someone IS watching them!!!!

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: I like when she gets upset!!!! :)

    Michael, and Paint and Wall: Paint is still getting upset!!! Take the job Wall!! She is trying to get rid of you and wants you gone!!!!! :)

    Kelly's part 2:

    Michael and Nelle: Oh goodie. They are going on a date.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Karen says He invites her to a concert in the park. I'm sure it will be as exciting as an acapella group. :)

    ROFL! Or yes the Bradey bunch group! ROFL!

    Police station:

    Lante and Charlie: When is V.C. coming back?!?!?!!?! PLEASE I WANT HIM BACK!!!! Yes Nathan is there HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  6. "Barbara said...WHO was the hunk from the West Coast who threatened Julian? Was I the only one who thought he should be on the show FULL TIME? Who was he?"

    I have no idea, but he looked a little like Scotty! He could be Scotty's uncle! :)

  7. I agree-so many nonsensical moments. Carson are so played out but it was nice to see LW with her natural curly hair. Ugh, watched very little.

  8. Barbara said...

    I would rather read your recaps than watch the show!
    WHO was the hunk from the West Coast who threatened Julian? Was I the only one who thought he should be on the show FULL TIME? Who was he?

    ** The character's name was Garvey (or Garvy). But, I have no clue what the actor's real name, is.


  9. Michelle Latta said...

    Hasn't he already done the Island/dress thing on her or was that Lily....or Brenda or.....who am I missing?

    I know Alexis for sure. I think Sam to.


  10. I think it was EVERYONE he ever screwed, except for Carly's lawyer.

  11. "AntJoan said...I think it was EVERYONE he ever screwed, except for Carly's lawyer."

    He didn't get a chance to. Is she coming back?

  12. sonya said...
    "AntJoan said...I think it was EVERYONE he ever screwed, except for Carly's lawyer."

    He didn't get a chance to. Is she coming back?

    ** Unless something changes, nope. She was just there for those few eps, and there was never any intention to go beyond that.


  13. Something that really stood out to me yesterday, and today (And I have no idea where my post about it yesterday disappeared from. I swear my Internet connection hates me at times) is just when did Sonny buy Puerto Rico? Since the casino he owns, is supposed to be on the private island that he also owns. So when the location name at the bottom of the screen each day, showing where he and Carly were was located in San Juan, I was really surprised noone else had said anything about that. I've made no bones about the fact that I can't stand at what the character of Sonny has turned into over the years, and I caught that straight out. Really, that could have been fixed in a 30 second fact check and retype, which I would think at least SOMEONE on the production team should have caught. I know it's not a big thing, but the way it comes off looking like is just totally absurd.


  14. another day of aunt stella yelling. pointless

  15. Haven't watched all week, not missing much. Haha!

  16. witch said...
    another day of aunt stella yelling. pointless

    ***Not just yelling....going to her worplace and calling her a h*** and many other names in front of her workmates and subordinates. yep. way to go GH. A new low.

  17. Yes, that was horrible, having her do that at the precinct.

    OMG, of course, IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PUERTO RICO, that casino is on Sonny's private island, what were the writers thinking?

  18. Antjoan said... the writers thinking

    *** Now that`s an oxymoron....PMSL

  19. June 22nd episode.


    Doc, Laura, and Molly: Molly telling them what Spencer said.. Yup sounds like Spencer. ROFL!

    Molly and Stella: So glad Molly told Stella the truth!!!!! :) Everyone else was just too chicken.


    Spencer and Nina: Great scene!!!! Poor Spencer!!!! :( He made me cry.

    Spencer and Laura: No Laura don't be so hard on him! He misses his father so much!!!! :( He is an orphan. :(

    Curtis's home:

    Jurtis: Boy aunt Stella has got a lot of power over you huh Jordan?

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: Boy Paint is all of a sudden tough with Wall! :) You go Paint!!!! :) Hmm where is that knife?

    Sam and Molly: Great scene!!!

    Sonny's island: Oh the liquor distributor guy is HOT.

    Police station:

    Jordan and Stella: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Great scene. Stella has every right to be upset. Jordan can't ignore the past anymore!!!! She wants to, but she can't! Stella won't let her! GO STELLA!

  20. "K said...Unless something changes, nope. She was just there for those few eps, and there was never any intention to go beyond that."

    Okay.. Then he won't be able to bring her to the island and give her a dress and let her win at gambling. :)

  21. AntJoan said...

    OMG, of course, IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PUERTO RICO, that casino is on Sonny's private island, what were the writers thinking?

    ** Jelly wasn't, which is obvious, and really I don't know why I was thinking that should be any different. But, I would think AT LEAST the editors/post-production team, would have/could have caught it. Especially when both Sonny and Carly stated as much at least a couple of times in the last few days.


  22. sonya said...
    "K said...Unless something changes, nope. She was just there for those few eps, and there was never any intention to go beyond that."

    Okay.. Then he won't be able to bring her to the island and give her a dress and let her win at gambling. :)

    ** Unless something changes, completely out of the blue, yeah we should have seen the last of her.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...