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Is that Chumunga thing in there? |
It's hotter than HEY-O here-- I mean HOT. Happy Father's Day!! We will have Gin and Tonics later so I suggest you start early. Like now.

What you need to know about the 4 shows that aired this week is that they were wildly uneven. We had a poignant scene with Ava and Kiki on Monday then....of course, NOTHING. Same with TJ and Auntie....story is rolling....then...NOTHING. When you combine this with the 15 second scenes we've been getting it's just exhausting. Why keep up with anything when you won't see it again for 3-4 days?

OMG so GUESS WHAT!!?? Like, get this...Amy HAS A BROTHER!! She totally does!! And see, if Nathan doesn't agree to be Man Landers for her GROOVY AWESOME BLOG she will like not be able to pay off her brother's giant medical bills!! Yeah..Chet, her brother, was a jock in high school and according to Dillon so so cool. Amy totally was NOT cool. Maxie made fun of her. You know Maxie, she was a mean girl and made Amy so upset!! Anyway, Chet went to Afghanistan and got hurt and Amy had to take over everything while going to school and working and ...OH MY GOD!! So you get why Nate totally HAD to say yes to being "The Man Landers" so she could get press for her blog. DUHHHHHH.

So, on Wednesday Spinelli popped up so fast that it had to be an editing mistake. He was all of a sudden at Sonny's place, in conversation. LOL, like he'd been there for years. Spin was helping Jason find out about the delivery guy because Jason was so concerned about him harming his family. (hard to tell, but I guess he was). Welp, they hacked into all the hackables and viola! There he was--at GH. Jason ran in ....and saved the day:

It took a hell of a lot of grunting, sweating and hyperventilating but these two fought it out on the roof of GH. The Police finally came and took the Goon away. Jason didn't find out who he was working for, however. The guy just said Helena, who we know is 'Dead'. Ergo, that went nowhere. ;eyeroll:

Meanwhile....Sam's having her own mini-freak out! She's getting snippy, all wired up and hallucinating. Back in the 80's we would have considered her perhaps doing the snow-blo but...nope. Dr. Griffin thinks it may be mono or PTSD from Olivia Jerome abuse and Kevin thinks she's under a lot of stress. Whatever it is, she's seeing stuff like this:

Which makes me think of Olivia's LSD trips. This "shock" vehicle has been used so many times in soaps it's not even that alarming. It's like..whatever, just tell us what's wrong and get on with it!

Auntie Stella is sticking around--for the 'summer' anyway. I'm glad. Maybe that means TJ will be on more? Again, though people need to move out of their sphere in this group! NO reason Auntie can't be a Ward. NONE. SO, make that happen. Thanks. Even by marriage, it would get her around the Qs.

UGGGG...the most painful thing of the week was watching first Olivia and then Sam ream out Alexis for being a total hypocrital IDIOT about Julian. Seems Alexis wants Jules to have his 'right' to see Leo, even though he's been in jail most of the time and you know, TRIED TO SLIT HER THROAT. But, who's counting? I swear even NLG has a tough time with this because her face is like NOPE NOPE NOPE. I need someone to tell me what the endgame here is because--it's just maddening. They should have woven Sam and Alexis (and the girls) way more into the whole Valentin mess because they ARE Cassadines after all, and who knows, we could have gotten some drama out of the whole thing besides Anna being crying guilty-ass'd about it all.

Looks like Family Lante is finally happy. I'm happy they are wearing their Camp Lila shirts--and that Spencer is still being a pill. Hey, that's my thing. Charlotte is turning into a nice girl. (ie: we need some sass)... Rocco is adorbs as well. Laura is moving into Kevin's now..so we'll see if we see them together again soon? Spencer is gonna HATE that small place lol. Why not everyone pile into Wyndemere? They could ALL fit and be a central house like Llanfair was on OLTL--

Joss made A TON of sense about Sonny and Carly. She asked if Carly wanted her to be treated by a guy like Sonny treats her. (Which is the exact Molly convo to Alexi btw). Carly justifies and hedges and ends up snogging with Sonny anyway because--you know, CarSon.
The good parts of this week show was that the kids stepped it up and did great jobs. Josslyn was on point, little Jake acted his heart out and let's face it, Spence, Charlotte and Rocco acted just like kids in families do!

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Out of all the scenes, I chose this one because it was done well--and way WAY WAY overdue. Maddox and Jake were good together, it felt like a real therapy session and the dialog was pitch perfect. My only complaint? All chopped up (as usual), not long enough and I'm afraid we won't see another one for awhile. KUDOS to both Anthony Montgomery and Hudson West for these scenes.
OMG, I just thought. If Hudson West marries North West...she'd be North West West !!!

PROP OF THE WEEK: Vending Candy. First Goon Guy is there, then Hayden saves the day and she feels better about becoming a mama. Good candy can do that to you.

JUST PLAIN STRANGE: I didn't even see this. It was on the day of the Alexandria shootings. Now.. is it me or--have we had like a LOT of mass shootings since GH has been airing?? Hell, I remember them plunging Alcazar off a high balcony after 9/11. Michael waving a gun around after a school shooting. GH has had SO much in the violence area, it's not even funny. So, on a day when Liz has a gun as part of a hallucination, they run this? HUH? I just do-not-get-it. They didn't even put one up the day Jason was all over Jake. Just baffles the mind.
SO! That's that-- My big idea? Have Wyndemere just open up. Lante moves in to keep Charlotte feeling at home. Because she's not divorced from Val yet, Nina still stays there too. Laura moves in with Spencer. THEN, Alexis finds out Jules financed her house using mob money because the AFT comes and seizes it. She's gotta go there too! That would make Sam have to come around with the kids and well, see, I'm just trying to get more people to interact together. Oh, Bobbie could find an old will of Stavros, giving her a wing of the house and Brad and Lucas have to go there because they are struggling with money.
So..MY LAST WEEK OF WORK this school year!! I'll be done Thursday-- woo hoo!! You'll have to put up with me even more now.
Yay, more of you, great :) I figured I would be first again today if your SS was up from yesterday, as I am an early riser!! Thanks for the great SS!!
ReplyDeleteYou're so silly 😁
DeleteI saw Wonder Woman yesterday with 2 girlfriends. I had read great reviews, of course, and my gilfriend's daughter said she loved it so much that she wanted to see it 4 more times!! Well, we all were disappointed in the movie, we did not think it was great. It had its moments, and the acting was really good, but it could have been so much better . . . Every summer the 3 of us go to one female-friendly movie, usually starring Meryl Streep, this was the most feminist movie we could find this year.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your summer! Loved the Jake Lante stuff, about it. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to think that if the fans dislike a character, the writers write more air time for the character just to annoy us. Case in point Amy. Why, when they need ratings to improve, I can't guess.
ReplyDeleteDon't like Joss but she is spot on about Carson. Give us something new!
Alexis has become pathetic. Your husband holding a knife to your throat is something no one should forgive.
I agree with you completely – I am so so so sick of Amy already! And now they're trying to give her a backstory. I hate it, can't stand her, and don't give a darn about who picked on her In high school! If Maxie did pick on her it's because she's so damn annoying!!! Ugh! I certainly hope they don't think this is going to become a love triangle between Nathan Maxie and Amy?!? It is only a triangle if it is three people we care about... and at this point I only care about Maxie!!
DeleteSo, Karen, are you a teacher????/
ReplyDeleteso let me get this straight....we stopped doing anything about Lucas and Brad - Felix and Ephinany - Molly and TJ - we don't have Felicia, Max, Lucy, Monica with a storyline BUT BUT we bring in new girl Amy who is annoying as hell and give HER a lame storyline when we don't care about her at all! I just am screaming -
Spot on...again! GH needs you.
ReplyDeleteI still think that Amy is there to give Nathan a SL. Although, as he is related to others on the canvas, he DOES have some other folks to speak to. Why not give him a story with Dr. O, I just LOVE her (although I know not everyone here shares this opinion).
ReplyDeleteOldSchoolGHfan here. Started with Happy Hour Bourbon shots today at 4:00 - I'll pace myself and not get drunk, so please don't shame me. GH is mostly miss, but sometimes hit for these days...I find that storylines they give the vets like Laura and Kevin or Scotty/Lucy scenes, I mostly like. Not so much with all the dispensable newer characters.
ReplyDeleteI liked Wonder Woman and my all female household (yep I am the only guy in it) did as well. I also remember other heroines like Ripley from Alien/Aliens, Sarah Conner from Terminator, Clarice Starling from Silence of the Lambs, Scarlett O'Hara, Mace (Angela Bassett) in Strange Days as other females main characters who were complicated, definitely not perfect, and who made you root for them.
Rumors are that there will be another mob war on the show. It is supposedly to redeem Julian, as he and Sonny team up to defeat this common enemy. They had this opportunity years ago, when Julian and Sonny were in prison together and seemed to be getting along...but then, the writers did another 180 and botched that.
ReplyDeleteHey mob war is wonderful if the casualties are Amy and Nelle!!
ReplyDeleteHaha! Yes please!
DeletePat said...
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to think that if the fans dislike a character, the writers write more air time for the character just to annoy us. Case in point Amy. Why, when they need ratings to improve, I can't guess.
** Nah, Jelly just doesn't give a shit about what the fans actually want or care about. You're just overthinking it, is all.
AntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteI still think that Amy is there to give Nathan a SL. Although, as he is related to others on the canvas, he DOES have some other folks to speak to. Why not give him a story with Dr. O, I just LOVE her (although I know not everyone here shares this opinion)
** I think that's what they're doing with her now, since Kirsten was out for a longer period of time, than before. But originally, she had no purpose at all, except what Jelly thinks is a tribute to Amy Vinning. I would so very much LOVE a Dr. O storyline focusing on her and Nathan's "mother/son relationship"
Add me to the anti-Amy group. I think they should have Nathan interact more with Muter. Nothing will make Nathan the least bit interesting though, but he is ok with Maxie. The kids did really well last week but Spencer is too much of a brat for me. Is ER going to have the baby on the set - she is huge? Good for her to keep working without a break. I have so enjoyed very little of Nelle and no Franco.
I think being Dantes partner at work they would have them hanging out more, outside of work. Or even having him babysit for a date night. I mean my parents used to have date night and one of his navy buddies would babysit me and my sister. But Jelly isn't creative enough to use that thing inside their head. Haha! Not only that I just can't stand Amy. Haha!
DeleteDaytime Dish says Bryan Craig is coming back for a short arc:
ReplyDelete"Morgan Corinthos is set to return to General Hospital alive and well.
GH spoilers via Celeb Dirty Laundry reveal that Ava, portrayed by Maura West, will meet Morgan, portrayed by Bryan Craig, in a psychiatric facility. She checked herself in there to avoid being prosecuted for the criminal charges she’s facing, which is mainly the idea of her lawyer, Scott Baldwin. But there’s a catch to Morgan’s return to General Hospital—he is suffering from amnesia. He’s been staying at the facility and has no idea how he got there. Craig will be around for a short arc as a recurring actor."
How short is short? Groan..
DeleteWanda Woman said...
ReplyDeleteDaytime Dish says Bryan Craig is coming back for a short arc:
I can't believe they'd have him back after he left. I for one don't want him back at all.
I think it's probably not true. If you hear it from Karen or Michael Fairman then worry. Haha!
DeleteMichelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteHow short is short? Groan
** (If so) I'm thinking just long enough to see him actually get blown up in someone else's car would work for me!
Di said...
Wanda Woman said...
Daytime Dish says Bryan Craig is coming back for a short arc:
I for one don't want him back at all.
** You are most definitely not alone in that!
Michelle Latta said...
I think it's probably not true. If you hear it from Karen or Michael Fairman then worry. Haha!
** That's what I'm thinking too. I've seen short interviews or even just little "blurbs" from him, and he's always saying he'd be okay coming back if everything worked out right "timing wise". In otherwards, "headings" on magazine covers (or web sites) that makes it sound like "actor X" is coming back sometime soon, but when you read the actual text of the article/site, it's nothing whatsoever of the sort. And 99% of the time it's just said actor saying "Sure, if something comes up, and everything works out okay, I wouldn't mind coming back." And that's as close as it EVER gets. Not to mention, I haven't actually sought out to read DD in years. As it's almost ALWAYS rumors, that aren't backed up by actual facts one can check elsewhere.
Oh yeh when I see it on magazine covers I know better, they just wanna make some $$$$.
DeleteYeah, or as it's called online "click-bait". Because that sort of stuff is so obvious, it just frustrates the hell out of me when (otherwise) intelligent people still fall for it
ReplyDeleteI know right!!