Friday, June 30, 2017

EERIE County

Milk Dud alert! Nelle and Michael after-zex. UGH  BOoooooooring.  They just lay in bed talking about goop. 

Dr. O's face LOL. Monica, Hay and Finn are trying to bamboozle her. Will it work?  Curtis is dressed like Erkle LOL. 

OMG Nina was looking at her legal documents-- and they said EERIE County LMAO... Erie.. But EERIE Is pretty funny.  She cries to Olivia because Olivia is getting married and she's getting divorced. 

Jordan and Anna.. Anna was pretty snippy to her. She so acts like Valentin was her BFF back in the day. I'm sick of the guilt sheeze. HE KILLED NIKOLAS!! I mean??? That whole backstory fell so flat. Remember when we were all wondering what happened during Anna's flashbacks she couldn't figure out?
Anna's a whiny teary woman going on and on about something that happened eons ago. She's a badass so stop it. 

Ok, left at 2:25 today! 


  1. Oh you missed the dance. I hope you recorded it. I want to see them dance at least every other week!

    Milkduds! lol Greatest description ever. I FF'd through it.

    1. Best part of the show was the dance!! Also Leisel finally getting caught.

  2. Karen,
    You have to watch Andre and Anna dance. It was FUN. I can't remember the last time something was fun. Actually glad I watched!

  3. I actually rewatched the dance, dar. Can't remember the last time I re-watched something on GH. It really was FUN.

  4. OMG, I am sooo frustrated, I was sooo looking forward to the dance, then GH was preempted due to a shooting at a hospital in the Bronx. They ran the story for HOURS on TV, after just a few minutes of GH. I guess I'll have to watch tomorrow online.

  5. Loved the dance! Seemed very natural and well done!! Any Ned day is a good day, too. Monica had a great line-hope Sonya picks it up. And no Carson!!!

  6. After several days in a row of Sonny stories, Anna and Andre's dance saved the show. I liked the old-school disco dance. Andre definitely loosens up around Anna. It's about time she found a new dance partner since that was always something special she did with Duke.

  7. I saw the dance--yes it was nice; cute! She was in Saturday Night: Staying Alive, remember?

  8. I'm contemplating all the ways they can mess up Ned and Olivia's wedding.

    1. They will not bring Jane Elliott back even for a day or two to have Tracy at the wedding.
    2. They will not have zany Bensenhurst crew show up to offer some comic relief
    3. They will miss the opportunity to re-cast/re-introduce Brooklyn. Imagine having artsy, free spirited Brooklyn sticking around as a love interest for Griffin
    4. They WILL have Sonny
    5. They won't have Jason or Danny Quartermaine
    6. They won't have Alexis
    7. They wont have Jax
    8. They won't have Alice
    9. They WILL have Nell
    10. They won't have Monica's boyfriend
    11. They won't have Ned serenade Olivia
    12. They will talk about Morgan
    13. They won't have Kristina, who Ned had one time pretended to be her father
    14. The will show the wedding in brief clips, interspersed with stupid Man Landers and/or Sonny and Carly sceens
    15. They won't show Ned or Olivia for weeks again afterwards

    P.S. WEEKS ago at the Nurse's Ball it was mentioned that Robin could not be there as she was going to have a baby at any minute. Has she had it? Has it even been mentioned?

  9. Nelle's apartment:

    Melle: Blah! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Yuck!

    Karen says They just lay in bed talking about goop.



    Anna, Jordan, and Maddox: Gee Maddox was so happy! I was thinking did he get laid or did he just meet someone?

    Dance studio:

    Anna and Maddox: THAT WAS FUN!!!!! We need to have more people dancing and having fun!!!!!!!! ASAP!!!!!! Oh no but they kissed. Yuck!!!! And in the previews, when Anna said let's go to her place, was that Alex? Seems like Alex.


    Olivia and Nina: Poor Nina. :(

    Nelle and Nina: Awww Nina. :(

    Q home:

    Killon: Awwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Dillon, Ned, and Michael: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michael and Nelle: Oh yuck they had to talk on the phone. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital:

    Curtis and Dr. O: Curtis wins the line of the day!

    Curtis: Listen Dr. Ogre.


    Dr. O, Kiwi, Monica, Curtis, and Jordan: BUSTED DR. O!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  10. "Di said...Oh you missed the dance. I hope you recorded it. I want to see them dance at least every other week!"

    THAT'S why Maddox was so happy!! He has been dancing. I thought maybe he got laid or met someone. :)

    "LSV422 said...too. Monica had a great line-hope Sonya picks it up."

    Oops. Apparently not! ROFL! What was her line?

  11. I finally got to watch yesterday's eppie, saw it on You Tube. It drove me crazy that Michael was trying to make Nelle late for work, in WHAT UNIVERSE is it ok to be late for work on the first day?

    I guess the same universe where the magazine is run by just ONE person . . .

  12. AntJoan said... in WHAT UNIVERSE is it ok to be late for work on the first day?

    And in the same universe where you don't have to be remotely trained or qualified for most of the jobs. Someone who likes you can just offer it to you, and you can run a company or be a nurse or anything else you want. (usually with housing provided. lol)

  13. from

    “General Hospital” will not be seen on Monday July 3 and Tuesday July 4. On Monday, ABC will air a repeat of its March 6, 2017 episode, where Maxie tipped off Lulu in regards to Valentin and Nina, Robin was held captive by Olivia Jerome and Llanview’s Nora Buchanan arrived in Port Charles. On Tuesday, the network will air an encore of the March 7, 2017 episode when Valentin and Lulu faced off at Charlotte’s custody hearing, Olivia Jerome strapped Griffin to a hospital gurney and Julian made a confession to Alexis.

  14. "Di said...


    “General Hospital” will not be seen on Monday July 3 and Tuesday July 4. On Monday, ABC will air a repeat"

    Oh man! I wish they would show ones from the past like in the 1960's, 70's and 80's!

  15. kdmask said...

    I saw the dance--yes it was nice; cute! She was in Saturday Night: Staying Alive, remember?

    ** Karen, she was in Staying Alive (which was actually written and directed by Sylvester Stallone. ((which explains a LOT about the movie, when you think about it)) But not Saturday Night Fever. Though, she was also in the London cast of "Cats" , I dunno if that's still in print on CD, but I've got an old vinyl copy.


  16. sonya said...

    “General Hospital” will not be seen on Monday July 3 and Tuesday July 4. On Monday, ABC will air a repeat"

    Oh man! I wish they would show ones from the past like in the 1960's, 70's and 80's!

    ** Yeah, unfortunately I can't even think or remember a time where ABC actually ran a "repeat" that was more than one or two years old. Sadly CBS started doing that for a few years, also. But luckily that has been remedied with the current EP and writers.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...