Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Summer of No


Summer of No....Summer of NOPE. Summer of WTF.  If you've been watching you know what I mean. If you haven't been watching--well, don't try to catch up or make sense out of anything because... NOPE. 

I swear to all things holy, this week was made up of ideas thrown out by the interns.  The interns IN THE LIGHTING DEPARTMENT that is!!!  Certaintly NOT the poor writing interns who have to be thinking about a career change right about now. 

Grab some good grub and settle in!! I'm officially off work for the summer!!  More time to spend being crabby about my show!! 

The majority of stories are so lame I was sitting here thinking the hospital was growing medical marijuana.  Then thinking it would be a funny story if Cam somehow was doing it during his after school care program. LOL. Oh, what I can come up with when I'm bored! 

Speaking of mind-altering... Sam is doing some sort of weird crap...all anxious, yelling at Jason telling him to be careful, "you're in danger GIRL"!  She's seeing things, wringing her hands every 2 seconds...looking around like a caged animal. Why you ask? WHO KNOWS. It's bizarre and since we don't know why this is taking place, it's also maddening And no, not in a 'OMG can't wait to find out what it is"! sort of way... more like a "GET IT OVER WITH" 

And....smack in the middle of all of this is Michael (who I guess is still working at ELQ) coming over to JaSam's and asking Jason to work for him! In what capacity you ask? Oh, just sustainable energy consultant. 
I know, I know...let that sink in for a minute. (picture me laughing hysterically)
I like the idea of Jason working at ELQ but-- ?? Maybe he could have gone to consult on security? Well, this job would entail a lot of traveling and days away from family. Sam's all for it because she wants him SAFE.  Not much mob action in wind turbines that we know of.??? Jason was not into this whole weird-ass'd idea, btw.  His face looked more bland than usual. 

OH! And guess what!!? Sam is hallucinating a mean Sonny telling her that everyone is out to get her and that Jason is HIS...not HERS.  *sigh* She tells the illusion she's going to 'get him". Rumors say she'll shoot Sonny. Why do the women on this show always crack up at one point or another? I think every one of them have been in Shadybrook in some capacity.  Watching Sam play this fraying nervous Nelly is just...well, not my cup of tea.  
Kelly Monaco is doing a good job with this but day after day of the same nervous emotions is starting to feel like the Anna and Alexis side-eye, nervous twitching.  YES, look at Anna, Alexis and Sam sometime--they are THE SAME FACE OF anxiety and bewilderment. 

The MAJOR MAJOR fail-o-rama of the week HAD to be the "CarSon On the Island" Saga. OMG. I can't even tell you how bad it was.  See, Julian decides to warn JaSam that Sonny is in danger from a guy who's brother he killed last year. OFF CAMERA. So, some rando gunslinger dude shows up and startles Carly and Sonny. He waves a gun around and Carly ends up shooting and missing but Jason (who "flew in" from PC in the nick of time) plugged him. Carly grazed Jason's arm with a bullet. The police came and got the bad guy and I guess they have zero investigation, and that was that!! 
YEP!  I guess they did this for these reasons:  Julian is a 'good guy' warning Sonny, CarSon face danger together to become closer and ...Sam can get all broody about Jason being around Sonny. 
The entire thing was laughable and that whole island caper should just disappear, never to be viewed again. 

This is not to diminish the absurdity of the whole Man Landers thing.  Ummm... so... yes, they are continuing this story. I wish Molly was doing a blog (she's a writer after all) and things happen from there. BUT! Nope, it's about Amy and Amy's brother who's in a group home with medical bills up the yang she has to pay. We actually got multiple scenes with her publisher about how much of Nathan's face was going to be on the cover of the book. (You heard me). Who was the publisher? Jennifer Bassey, the great gem from AMC. Now...since the whole PP lawsuit was settled, why in the hey wasn't it Marion? At least we'd know her and it could have been a little fun.  Just a waste of talent.   

PS.... Probably one of the worst editing mishaps took place after the press jaunt. Nathan literally showed up in the NEXT scene at the PCPD all changed into casual clothes. Really lazy stuff. 

While CarSon is away, Joss will have the required "teen" party. (I thought they SORA'd her to 12--but I think it might be like 14??) Oh everyone shows up with booze and Cheetos. They go to the hot tub. Oh, TROUUUBLE!! This was such a Disney Channel Party it made my teeth ache. Watch Shameless, will ya? (giggle).  Joss has a boy interested in her and they spent time talking about how miserable they are being teens and about their lame parents. 
(Photo credit:  @Twynk16 via twitter )

Earlier in the week we did get a nice Michael, Bobbie and Joss moment. I wish it lasted longer.  We just don't get enough of some characters together anymore. 
(photo thx to @mamabearcarly twitter) 

Mr and Miss Milla-Vanilla were hysterical as they sipped green tea and ate oatmeal cookies! Ahahaa. I can't remember anything this banal since Mary Kennecot and Jeff Martin on AMC. (and they had nasty Erica Kane  in their faces). These two kiss and I guess, will go to bed next week.  YAWN.  Nelle got a job from Nina as some kind of fashion something--I suppose she's a filler for Lulu who also had ZERO experience in that area. Oh, and GH? You know, having Crimson be absolutely empty all the time is just--sad. Magazines are bustling places. Not morgues. 

Molly was on for a hot minute. First she told Aunt Stella the truth about TJ's bio dad then she went to chat with Sam.  Wonder if that will be it for another month.  We also had confirmation that she and TJ are living together--OFF Camera!! 

These three are moving in together--which could be fun. Do I have any hope we'll actually SEE It? No. I would love Spencer to be all pissy because his bedroom is so small--or there's no pool. Spencer had a nice scene with Nina later in the week about his birth-right to Wyndemere. Both he and MS did a great job with the material. 

I also love Aunt Stella but they'd better not regulate her to yelling at Jordan and sitting at Kelly's. Get her out there, introduce her around. Let us find out she's a doctor or something. (I think I said this last week). I'd love for she, Bobbie and Monica to be friends. 

TRUTH-SAYER of the WEEK: "When are you going to get it through your head nobody wants you here" says Bobbie to Nelle. (speaking for most all of us) 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Nina and Spencer. "Every single day of my life, I miss my father" Gah!! 

I guess this week was on hold for Hay-Finn baby, Jake's angst with the Chimera and whatever is going on with Anna. Ava was on once this week with Julian, who found out she has a DNR. 

I also ask you to check out a bit of Coronation Street or Hollyoaks, both British Soaps. Our American productions are stuck in the stone-age.  They just keep doing the same things over and over. The staging, the lighting--the 'music'. Watching a teen party on a Brit soap compared to an American soap is like watching an 6th grade production compared to a movie. I've included a clip of just the season teaser for one. ENJOY. 

And look, I want GH to be the best soap out there. Fun, inventive-- great stories that build and take characters to unexpected places. The way things are going I need a major escape more than ever. So-- step it up people!! 

One bright light?? There is the Olivia and Ned wedding coming up, dare I hope it's fun and soapy?? Hmmm, we shall see!! 


  1. this storyline with Sam is also annoying because everyone says "what is really going on" and then they believe her and DROP IT! I know KM is screaming "THIS is the storyline you have given me?"
    WHY or WHY does JB have been the new Audrey - and her first line would have been:
    "Elizabeth, I am SICK of watching YOUR kids! I am too old - I have a life - I have found a young man in his 40's - I am outta here - go be a REAL MOTHER!"

    LOVE your posts K!

  2. My nomination for one of the worst scenes ever: Auntie yelling at Jordan at the PCPD. Never before were there so many officers in the room. The writers must hate Jordan because her scenes are always bad. She makes Curtis seem boring. At least the 'askmanlanders' story is different albeit dumb. Just not a good time for GH right now. many possibilities with all the great actors.

  3. Awwww Mary and Jeff on AMC, one of all time favorite couples. If Sam really does shoot Sonny I just may join her fan club. I spent most of the week fast forwarding, it really was awful.

  4. I am really enjoying Spencer, Laura and Kevin. In fact, Spencer with anyone--Sonny, Nina, whoever--is great, the kid must be great to act with.

    I can't figure out why TPTB won't use all of our favorite legacy characters more often, they must know that Carson are played out and everyone is sick of them, why do they have to give them so much screen time and leave out everyone else?

  5. Karen, I am still LMAO at your analogy to Jeff Martin and Mary Kennicott! Damn I feel old! Didn't he used to call her his "Mary Mack?" OMG, thank you for another great SS and for the laugh!

  6. The KIDS are the saving grace for me- I ff until I see Spencer! LOVE HIM! Or Charlotte. Good little actress! Or Jake, Cam or well ok Aiden is never on but... you get the idea. And I want EMMA back for the summer ! Even Joss is ok. After age 12 the show just dies. So that's it.. I am watching a tv show for the KIDS!! Heaven help us all!

  7. PS Even 2 year old Avery is more fun than Sam hallucinating for no reason ! Yes add the 2 year old to my WATCH list as well!

  8. Barbara said...

    this storyline with Sam is also annoying because everyone says "what is really going on" and then they believe her and DROP IT! I know KM is screaming "THIS is the storyline you have given me?"

    ** If this DOES turn out to be a brain tumor (And I will be VERY surprised if it doesn't), I REALLY wish they would just kill Sam off, then. Not just because I don't like her or KM a t all. (Though I've never been shy about my feelings for Sam as a character) But, because on soaps, people that do get brain tumors, are almost ALWAYS just fine after surgery & chemo/radiation (With their hair PERFECTLY in tact, but might have a bandana on their head for a few weeks) and back to "normal" a few weeks or so after that. Having lost several close friends and one family member to them, this has always irked me. (Especially on a show called General HOSPITAL

    WHY or WHY does JB have been the new Audrey - and her first line would have been:
    "Elizabeth, I am SICK of watching YOUR kids! I am too old - I have a life - I have found a young man in his 40's - I am outta here - go be a REAL MOTHER!"

    ** Audrey is one of the very few limited characters on soaps, that I just can't see being recast. RA was such a core part of GH for so very long, it just wouldn't "feel" right, recasting Audrey, even if it would open up more story options.

    I LOVE your posts K!

    ** Thank you very much! I'm glad to hear it, and it's also nice to know I'm not just yelling at a cloud most of the time!


  9. AntJoan said...

    I am really enjoying Spencer, Laura and Kevin. In fact, Spencer with anyone--Sonny, Nina, whoever--is great, the kid must be great to act with.

    ** He definitely knows what he's doing! He's actually really impressed me quite a bit. And I'm not a fan of child actors the majority of the time. If he doesn't win an Emmy at some point, I will be VERY shocked. (Granted, a lot of times the way the committee selects winners is a head scratcher in itself. Having realized just recently that John Anniston (Victor on Days) received his FIRST nomination only this last year...Which blew my mind.

    I can't figure out why TPTB won't use all of our favorite legacy characters more often, they must know that Carson are played out and everyone is sick of them, why do they have to give them so much screen time and leave out everyone else?

    ** My best guess (and it's just that) is because it costs more to use them. I'm not certain by ANY means, but it makes sense.


  10. They could have made Jennifer B Audrey's SISTER then-- ?? Coming to help because Audrey had to go to somewhere to get away from the kids! It would have been a riot to see her try to take care of 3 boys. She could bitch to Liz about leaving Audrey with them forever! lol

  11. Karen, your suggestion makes too much sense so of course they would never think of it! Enjoyed the SS as always and the comments here infinitely more than the past week. I have never fast forwarded so much of the show before. I did it a lot in the past when Jason, Courtney and Sonny were on, zzzzz. Seems like most of the writers have been canned already - very few left. I do enjoy the kids. Josslyn is cute but a bit vapid, although this kid they have cast for her boyfriend has quite an impressive resume. As I have said many times before, as soon as Carson monopolize the show the ratings drop.

  12. HollyOaks looks delicious! Is it a nighttime soap in the UK? I'm guessing at least not a daily/5 ep a week kind of thing. Production looks much more high budget than our daytime soaps.

  13. Oh gag me! I dont know which is worse what's her face and Michael or Carson.
    It's officially official Joss is 14. LOL!! Today was snooze worthy but I did love seeing Finn ❤

  14. kdmask said...

    They could have made Jennifer B Audrey's SISTER then-- ?? Coming to help because Audrey had to go to somewhere to get away from the kids! It would have been a riot to see her try to take care of 3 boys. She could bitch to Liz about leaving Audrey with them forever! lol

    ** That would definitely work. My problem with recasting Audrey is more along the lines of that she's been such an important character to the show's history, and then suddenly recasting her now, just really comes across as completely disrespecting Rachel Ames and what she means (meant) to GH. It just feels wrong to me, at least.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...