Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A FUN DAY on the SHOW!!


OMG Spencer and CAM go with Hayden, what could go wrong? AHAHAA.  Cam brought a Guinea PIG home and--get this.. it had FLEAS and infested the house! OH Cammmmmmm... haahaha. With the flea bombs..because Cam always has crap going!! 
So, Greenlee takes Cam and Spencer to the coffee shop and they fight and start throwing coffee ALL OVER..ahahaha. I loved it.  Hayden had to call LAURA to come and get them.  Hayden cries because she's pregnant. 

Mac is talking to Anna about her guilt feelings regarding Valentin. SO weird. Like who -- what? Alex isn't cooperating I guess. Robert calls. 

Lante is bugging Valentin about Charlotte, they want him to leave her with them. He's going to tell her to go with them. They leave.

Nina comes in to see Valentin--and he's UBER PISSED AT her for turning him in!!!  Then they talk and he says he loves her still and if he beats the charges, he'll come back for her. She says No, I have divorce papers here.  She leaves him with them. 

Dr. O is skulking around HayFinn. Later, Finn and Dr. O consult on a patient and he says they need to get along if only at work.  Ut oh.... Finn tests positive and Brad was not around. He's suspended. Dr. O is so happy. 

Poor Jordan and Curtis...they are the new NAXIE..forever in BED. It's Curtis' birthday 
I'm happy about this. And I know her..she's a 70's actress...she was on WELCOME BACK KOTTER! That's where I know her from!!!  Ok, younger ppl will know her from Fresh Prince (his Mother I guess) 
Auntie wants to stay with Curtis..he's Okay I guess.  OH! She hates Jordan! COULD Be good!!
TJ is on tomorrow!! what is HAPPENING????

END:  Robert tells Anna ALEX ESCAPED!! She may be visiting Valentin? Can't tell, may be a fake out. 

GOOD show and I Loved Hayden and Laura with the boys. We need SO MUCH more of that!! 


  1. I know feelings are mixed about Nina, but I wish SHE could have been the surprise pregnancy rather than Hayden.

  2. i think Welcome Back Kotter was once voted the best theme song of all time. I could be wrong, but I know it was up there. It was such a great show. Did you know they were going to reboot it? I think Bernie Mac was going to be the new Kotter.


    Here is a question I have had for decades so I will ask it now. We all know ABC is owned by Disney, right? So how come they don't to a location shoot at Disneyland (it could double as Disney World if need be) and it would be tons and tons of advertising for Disney. There are so many kids on the show (well.. off camera, right Karen?) And the parents can go with them too.

    And while they are there, Dad's sketches can get mixed up with a yogi poster and then bedlam would ensue.

  3. I couldn't believe that we actually saw Cmaron and Spencer in a scene today. And then Mac showed up!

    And if Finn doesn't go right over to another lab and get a sample tested, then he's an idiot.

    I like the idea of a Disney shoot, David.

    1. I loved yesterday's show! Cam and Spencer were cute and Hayden was hilarious! As for Finn, someone has to know he's no longer addicted, he's not acting like an addict anymore! Grrr Dr.O!

  4. Speaking of MAC... does anyone know if the vets WANT to be on more, or maybe they only want to be on sporadically because they cut back on their acting to focus on family, or other careers?

    I always feel bad when I only see Felicia on once or twice a year. But then, I don't see Kristina (sp?) on any other shows, so maybe she only wants to work a few days per year?

    I do miss the vets, but unless we hear from them specifically, we really don't know, do we?

  5. I love the actress playing the Aunt! She was on a show in the 70s called "carter country" since then, she has guest starred on hundreds of sitcoms -- almost always playing a nurse.

    great to see her!

  6. I think they want to be on more, KW said as much in interviews. I can't imagine they'd want to be on 2x a year if that. People like Kimberly Mc want to--because she wants to direct. I think JJY comes on to just renew his SAG affiliation and keep health insurance! LOL

  7. kdmask said...

    I think they want to be on more, KW said as much in interviews. I can't imagine they'd want to be on 2x a year if that. People like Kimberly Mc want to--because she wants to direct. I think JJY comes on to just renew his SAG affiliation and keep health insurance! LOL

    ** I read an interview with JJY several months or so back, about his status. He basically said to the effect that he would definitely love to be on more. But, over the years he's been been bumped down to recurring, and then back up to being on contract several times. He said since it was out of his hands, he'd just enjoy whatever he could, since his status is in no means whatsoever set in stone.


  8. Of course these vets would love to be on more - it's work and income just like for everyone else. Loved seeing Mac! The boys were really cute with Hayden and I am glad to see her interacting more with others. Spencer is a bit obnoxious as always. Curtis' apt. looks like Sabrina's old one. I do like the actress playing the aunt - she has been on many shows.

  9. I thought the aunt was great!

    A word on Finn's addiction. Finn became addicted due to a life-threatening illness, he took the drug to survive, and then because he became addicted to it, not to get high. While technically, chemically, I suppose there is no difference between the 2 types of addicts, there is a world of difference emotionally. Becoming a drug addict in the pursuit of pleasure speaks to one's values and choices; becoming addicted by accident due to medical treatment while remaining responsible and productive is not the same "drug addict" mentality, and has a much better chance for an excellent outcome.

  10. I don't know if it's "politically correct" to say what I just did, and hope I didn't offend anyone. I am a psychotherapist, and have treated addicts and their families, so I am speaking from my experience.

  11. I recognize Vernee Watson (Curtis's aunt) from Big Bang Theory. She plays the sarcastic ER nurse. She's a great actress.

    @david Many of the prime-time ABC shows have gone to Disneyland/Disney World as part of their plotlines (Modern Family and black-ish are two I can think of straight away). It seems there is not enough money in daytime soap budgets to venture farther away than a sad-looking park next to the studio lot.

  12. Wanda Woman, I thought the same thing about daytime's limited budgets. Not like the old days.

  13. Curtis's home: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How old are you?

    Jurtis: HOT HOT HOT!!!!!

    Curtis and Aunt Stella: When I first heard the knock on the door, I thought it was that druggie woman.. Then when his aunt shows up, I thought it was his mother. Hey I know this actress! I have seen her on a lot of shows. Oh oh auntie Stella don't like Jordan!!!

    The hospital:

    RayFinn: Oh oh Dr. O and the skulking!!!!!

    Lulu, RayRay and Cam: Cam wins the line of the day.

    Cam: My mom wouldn't know anything about that. She's in a bad mood.


    Cam and RayRay: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Cam and Spencer: Oh boy! Still hate each other. All talk about Emma and not about Joss and how tall she has gotten?! ROFL!

    Police station:

    Lulu and V.C.

    Lulu: Nina is the one who turned you in.


    Central Perk:

    Nina and Nathan: Awwww. Nina and all her guilt feels.

    RayRay, Cam, and Spencer: BAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAHA! Great scene! Hysterical! I was laughing hard! Come on RayRay you handled Spencer before!!! You should know he is a handful.

    RayRay and Laura: Great scene!!! What she told RayRay was right on!!!

    The fake park:

    Anna and Mac: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC!!!! :) Oh oh Alex escaped? Crap! I was hoping I would never hear about her again.

  14. "AntJoan said...I don't know if it's "politically correct" to say what I just did, and hope I didn't offend anyone. I am a psychotherapist, and have treated addicts and their families, so I am speaking from my experience."

    You didn't offend me.. I know what you are saying. :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. AntJoan said...

    A word on Finn's addiction. Finn became addicted due to a life-threatening illness, he took the drug to survive, and then because he became addicted to it, not to get high. While technically, chemically, I suppose there is no difference between the 2 types of addicts, there is a world of difference emotionally. Becoming a drug addict in the pursuit of pleasure speaks to one's values and choices; becoming addicted by accident due to medical treatment while remaining responsible and productive is not the same "drug addict" mentality, and has a much better chance for an excellent outcome.

    I don't know if it's "politically correct" to say what I just did, and hope I didn't offend anyone. I am a psychotherapist, and have treated addicts and their families, so I am speaking from my experience.

    ** Actually Joan, thank you for saying something. The way they've been handling this has been frustrating the hell out of me. As someone who has been on high dosages of Opioids for more than a decade, and will be for the rest of my life, for chronic pain. I was born with a congenital degenerative neuro-muscular disorder, that I inherited from my grandfather, who actually had it quite mildly. My aunt has it also, so that it is visibly apparent that it affected her life. For me it is much more severe. Due to it, my entire body hurts always, and it gets harder and harder to do anything physical. What I take essentially just takes "the edge off" of things, so I am able at least to do what I HAVE to do, to "get by". The muscle pain never goes away, nor will it ever. But, thanks to what I do take daily, I can at least "function" well enough to do the most essential, and for that I am VERY grateful. They have NEVER given me a "high" from taking them. So when I see soaps doing something like this, GH especially (HOSPITAL), demonizing people who have and had a COMPLETELY legitimate and beneficial use of them, having experienced that sort of treatment, myself, it just sickens me. (pun not intended)

    Anyways, thank you again for saying something. What GH is doing only helps to make things worse for people like myself, so every bit towards more people actually understanding things correctly, no matter how big or small, is VERY much appreciated.


  17. sonya said...

    Curtis's home: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How old are you?

    Curtis and Aunt Stella: When I first heard the knock on the door, I thought it was that druggie woman.. Then when his aunt shows up, I thought it was his mother. Hey I know this actress! I have seen her on a lot of shows. Oh oh auntie Stella don't like Jordan!!!

    ** That's who I thought it would be at the door, also. Seeing as Curtis really hasn't had a whole lot of interaction with people that aren't the few usual ones for him. But yeah, I've seen her all over TV too. Mostly sitcoms from the 80s, IIRC.

    Cam and Spencer: Oh boy! Still hate each other. All talk about Emma and not about Joss and how tall she has gotten?! ROFL

    ** Having Spencer back is great! He's definitely been VERY missed! I REALLY hope we get a scene with Joss and him. Then again this being Jelly, they'd probably screw it up, anyways.
    Stuff like that is definitely more in RC's wheelhouse, than Jelly's. So, that might not be a good idea after all.

    (It turns out the listings on my cable box where correct. So it should be for tomorrow, too)


  18. "K says It turns out the listings on my cable box where correct."

    Yeah GH being on was really surprising. :)

  19. K said... I REALLY hope we get a scene with Joss and him. Then again this being Jelly, they'd probably screw it up, anyways.

    *** Given these writers they'll probably forget that Joss and Spencer were playing at boyfriend/girlfriend, and have her babysitting him now that she's tall. hahahahaha

  20. "Di said..Given these writers they'll probably forget that Joss and Spencer were playing at boyfriend/girlfriend, and have her babysitting him now that she's tall. hahahahaha"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Probably with these writers! :)

  21. Di said...

    *** Given these writers they'll probably forget that Joss and Spencer were playing at boyfriend/girlfriend, and have her babysitting him now that she's tall. hahahahaha

    ** LOL!! Well as we've learned VERY well since they took over the writing duties, anything that has happened in the past before they were there, didn't happen the way everyone actually SAW happening on screen, it was all cases of mass hallucinations!



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...