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Ya Missed me, didn't ya? |
This week held a tiny miracle for me: a show I enjoyed so much I just about danced! Ergo, I am paying HOMAGE to that episode because it's so rare, one must drink it in like a fine wine. Don't worry, I'll also clue you into the other goings-on as well. (Because you know there was plenty to snark about!)
Sit back and have some champagne! Watch as the Wubs gets all delighted. I know it's not everyone's taste but hell, I had a good time!!

The week started off as per normal.. Exposition up the yang-- holy crow. We had almost 2 days of nothing but rehash. Charlotte and Papa did go to "Niagara Falls". There was a hysterical moment of 1972 porportions when they actually showed "the falls" as a still with "Niagara Falls" at the bottom. Charlotte and Val were apparently going to run to Canada. They were talking French!

But no... nope... Nina had to turn them in because... I don't even care. All I know is Lulu, Anna and Dante turned up at that cabin in (no lie) 3 minutes. So, rushing through this part -- just realize that Anna was crying with Valentin, Valentin was crying when he was arrested, and Alex escaped and talked to him at the PCPD. Yeah, made no sense so don't even worry about it. We have Alex back, and ..Lulu got to take care of Charlotte and Val is supposedly going to jail.

ON TO BRIGHTER THINGS!! Wednesday's show was like my old-timey GH. Fun, filled with interactions we hardly ever see anymore and an honest to goodness surprise for me!! That's right-- there was NO spillage that Curtis was getting an Auntie on the show! Since I've been bitching for months about Jordan and he being all isolated, I was thrilled when Stella showed up. Not only that, the actress is great. She hates Jordan for doing what she did to Tommy (Curtis' brother) --and basically blames her for her sister's death. Great lines and some witty banter. I was smiling like a Cheshire cat!

Spencer popped in! Surprised Laura by getting to PC by using apps. LOL. After they had pizza, she took him to GH where Cameron was with his Mom. YES, I SAID CAMERON! CAM-ERON. Seems he brought the class Guinea Pig home and they had to bomb the place for fleas!! Giggle. Liz brought him to GH because they had to tent the house!!

Hayden took them out to the Coffee shop where they started fighting over Emma and well, threw coffee on each other. Hayden was out of her mind. She called Laura who got all Grandma on their ass and saved her. (seeing Genie as a grandma just about does me in but--well, it is what it is! lol) I had totally forgotten Hayden was pregnant until she broke down in Laura's arms about not being able to handle kids. Great moment-- good character interaction. This episode was how things should be. Not every day, but a lot of days.

Don't worry, Hayden was back the next day, locked up in Finn's apartment. I didn't get TOO delusional that this would last!

TJ !! ?? TJ? Yes, TJ. Another happy moment. Why they don't do the Molly TJ thing-?? Or Krissy and anyone?? NO clue. NONE.

Mac Daddy was ALSO on--which was nice, but also boggling to the mind. Same thing when Lucas showed up for ONE scene. Both those guys could have easily been at the Nurses Ball, right? So frustrating. Mac is a great sounding board for Anna and he's on-- once a year?

Still having a GREAT time I see!! His face was like this all week again.

Why yes, I can be a doctor if I want to be...want me to take your tongue out, Ava? Do ya?

On a side note, no way Liz could afford all those lemons. Have you seen the price of them? Unless she got fake ones--maybe Franco was painting a still life: "Liz Has Lemons".
Other things that happened you should know about:
Finn tested positive for drugs and he and Hayden figured out it had to be Dr. O doing the damage. (which of course, why else would she be on??)

Weird scene where Sam was all upset about being a mom and feeling low...I thought it was just to give Alexis alone time with Scout so Julian could come by and be all cute. Nope--seems something is bothering Sam. She couldn't even get a massage without freaking! Not sure what's going on. (not sure I care??)

Ava flatlined ... Kiki was a crying mess and went in to be with her after she was saved because well, it's her Mama.

CarSon was a shining example of disgusting characters-- Carly wished Ava had died, Sonny stood around rolling his eyes and then...after talking about how nice it would have been if she flatlined, they kissed. Surely to be followed by hot sex. I can't tell you how much I loathe these two at the moment. And NOT in a "Love to Hate" kinda way.

Lucy got in big trouble with Dante over those stupid pills-- she spilled everything and then Scotty got in big trouble too. Ooooo. TROUBLE what will happen to them? Dante will probably lose the file or something and everyone will forget about it lol.
Big news is Jean Passanante is leaving GH --she's retiring from soaps. I wondered why she was getting so um...bold on twitter !! No idea if Shelly will write alone now or a newbie will come over. (Ok, not newbie, someone that has written for soaps for 30 years and is rotating). The show certainly needs some new writing blood. Hell, hire some interns just raring to go, couldn't hurt at this point! I think she's staying through August. Some spec that Gary Tomlin may be someone they are thinking about? Wonder where Guza is. I hope in a much loved Job somewhere else! Yeah, not ready for that train again.
Other big news is that James DePaiva is coming as is Jennifer Bassey. Some are speculating they are Audrey and Jeff recasts. I sure hope so. I can get behind that. It will flush out the Hayden/Liz story, give more depth to the canvas and maybe get some stories flowing together. I know, I know--I hope for a lot don't I?? And yes, GH IS WAYYY too crowded and we need younger stories but, I don't know, I'm just excited. Humor me, okay??
We can start by getting rid of Nelle-- Bye. She and Michael were just SO... boring this week. Geesh.
Ok, that's it. I only have a week and 1/2 to go before I'm off for the summer! Woot...it finally feels like summer is coming here. Into the 90s this week.
Here's hoping we don't get interrupted again by some ABC breaking-ass 'news'. Geesh!!
ONE MORE: Photo from Olivia and Ned's wedding that popped up on Instagram last week. They should have had this before Tracey left, but..eh, you know, GH.
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Screen cappies thanks to: @Daytime_Spoilers, @FyeahGH and @SourceJenn all on twitter
Ooooh, Karen, I am honored to be first for this wonderful SS!! So joyful! Sooo glad we enjoyed some of the shows and the interactions! I hope they keep this up, I hope that Spencer stays, I hope Maxie comes back soon . . .
ReplyDeletesorry but I thought stella scenes were a waste. curtis and hayden should be a couple. no chemistry with jordan. love spencer with laura and cameron. maybe helenas curse on sam is finally happening.
ReplyDeleteLike like like :)
DeleteYes, maybe they want to keep Connie around, so now Sam will "see" her instead of Jake seeing her.
ReplyDeleteExcellent SS! I enjoyed some of last week and I even thought that Hayley E. did a great job in the hospital scenes. Sonny and Carly were really sickening. I love seeing Scott and Lucy whenever we are fortunate enough to have them on. Will DeVry looks great with that beard. I like the actress playing Curtis' aunt but really had no interest in their scenes. Glad the same Cameron actor is still around and Hayden and the boys were great. Finola does a great job with both parts. I still see different writers on the credits everyday. Hope they get someone decent who knows the history.
I saw a rumor that KS was seen on the GH set, I hope she comes back soon!
ReplyDeleteThere is a fan event that features just SONNY on July 8 in Bellmore, NY. I know I am just about the last one here who still loves him, but still, if anyone is in the LI area and would like to meet me there, it would be so fun!! As I've said here before, one of my good friends, Karen, passed away recently, and I went to a fan event at that venue with her 2 grown children, who have been watching GH since they were fetuses, and we had a great time! Also, my sister lives nearby, so we all went out to eat after the show. That was the "women of GH" show, this is just one man, but my friend's kids know how I am obsessed with Sonny, so they invited me to come with them.
ReplyDeleteI don't hate Maurice by any means--I've seen him 2x at events. Once at a Mall appearance when they still did that in the 90's. He's engaging and fun. Last time was in SIsland at a charity event with Vanessa. He didn't even talk. Paula was there and it was just very fun.
ReplyDeleteJuly 8th is my Mom's birthday AND I have 2 grad parties to go to! EESHHHH. I hope you go--even if by yourself (I've gone to a few alone, and just hooked up with online ppl)
MB as a guy and actor is great - hell, I like him! The character of Sonny though is vile and reprehensible and I loathe the way that the writers have made him an anti-hero to be sympathized with over the years. It's disgusting and offensive!
Karen, thanks for responding, as I said, I am going with my late girlfriend's kids, so I won't be by myself, I just thought it would be fun if someone wants to meet us there.
ReplyDeleteI also met Maurice at a previous event, as I have said here before, he was very ill at ease, everyone was trying to speak for him. Steve Burton was there also backstage, he was sooo friendly to us, I was practically hysterical being in Maurice's presence (my Goddaughter, who was with me, was sooo embarrassed), but we ended up being the ones trying to make HIM comfortable.
So I don't know how he will be at this event, I think it is hard for him to meet the fans, and also he hates flying, I hope he is not miserable. If my friend's kids hadn't invited me, I would not have gone.
For as much as I like Aunt Stella, our cast is way too heavy. Please ... more Mac, Felicia, Monica (need to rebuild the Quartermaines), and the 20-somethings.
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of being pelted with rotten produce, I am not a fan of Spencer. His disrespect for authority and parenting just grinds on me. It was offensive when he repeatedly called Cam a "townie." Spencer perpetuates a caste system from which even Nikolas tried to disassociate. And the "I'll have a Cortado ...". -- seriously? He's what? 9? 😉
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ReplyDeleteK said...
ReplyDeletekdmask said...
I don't hate Maurice by any means--I've seen him 2x at events. Once at a Mall appearance when they still did that in the 90's. He's engaging and fun. Last time was in SIsland at a charity event with Vanessa. He didn't even talk. Paula was there and it was just very fun.
** That's pretty close to how I feel about him. There is no doubt he's a very talented actor. (He was great as Nico Kelly on AMC in the 80s) And I liked Sonny quite a bit during his first GH stint in the early - mid 90s. But when the character returned in the late 90s (Under Guza and Pratt's pens coincidentally) that my opinion of Sonny started to take a nosedive, and only just kept getting worse as time went on. (Seeing him on screen nearly EVERY day through a good chunk of 2000s most definitely didn't help thinks either.) To me the character has just become so reprehensible and hypocritical, that I just have very little desire to watch him.
Your comment about wondering what the writing situation was going to end up being like after Jean is gone, reminded of something a friend of mine said to me, after learning that Chuck Pratt would be replacing Jelly on Y&R after they left to go to GH: "And the incestuous wheel of soap opera head writers turns once again!" Which I thought was DEAD on accurate.
natasha_jax said...
ReplyDeleteFor as much as I like Aunt Stella, our cast is way too heavy. Please ... more Mac, Felicia, Monica (need to rebuild the Quartermaines), and the 20-somethings.
** I'm most definitely in agreement with you there. Except for the 20-somethings at least. I've never been a fan of 20-somethings and teen storylines on soaps. (Except for some VERY rare exceptions.) For most of the time, they've always just bored me, and felt like the same thing being rehashed over and over again with different people.)
I still love Sonny-he just lacks the SPARK OF JADON MORGAN IN HIS LIFE. Not the boooring Jason now. STONE COLD. Maurice Steve AND Laura played off eac other so well that now it's just Sonny...no even Max or Milo. I miss "da bidness" aka mob life. Not this redone ick. So dull!! God Bless Maurice and Laura fir even trying to sell this story.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAMC GH said..
I still love Sonny-he just lacks the SPARK OF JADON MORGAN IN HIS LIFE. Not the boooring Jason now. STONE COLD. Maurice Steve AND Laura played off eac other so well that now it's just Sonny...no even Max or Milo. I miss "da bidness" aka mob life. Not this redone ick. So dull!! God Bless Maurice and Laura fir even trying to sell this story.
** Ugh. I liked Steve when he first came on and was playing Jason Q. But, after the accident he just became so...bleah to me. I've got a friend who I think came up with the PERFECT name to call Steve's Jason M: Borg Boy. He just had so very little range at that point. It also had the unfortunate effect of "creeping into" his other roles and performances. Which sadly his time on Y&R was a perfect example of it. Except for some background changes and what not, "Dylan" on Y&R felt to me VERY VERY close to Jason M, as far as his portrayal went. As far as Billy Miller goes, I really do think he's just been given horrible writing to work with, and it'd be VERY hard for anyone. Having watched him on Y&R for years, I know he definitely CAN act, and is very talented. But, no matter how hard one tries, you still can't get lemonade from rocks.