Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wub Weigh In: Jason Morgan

Ok, some questions for you surrounding the news of Burton's return to GH:

1. Which do you prefer:  Billy Miller as Jason or Steve Burton as Jason? 

2. Would you like Burton to come back as a different character? 

3. Would you like Miller to leave GH and just recast Jason with Burton? 

4.  Do you think Burton and Miller will have to share a dressing room? 

5. Estimated amount of time between Steve Burton's "return to GH" and any major character actually seeing him.  (ie: skulking in shadows). 

6. Do you think his return will help ratings to a significant degree? 

And finally... 
Do you wish Jason had just STAYED DEAD? 


  1. 1. BM

    2. Yes. Danny (SORAS'd) ok, just kidding.

    3. NO

    4. Only if there is a hidden camera and we can see them both shirtless. Hell, maybe pants less

    5. Day One. I think it will be someone who never met him, like Kiki or Amy or some character not important.

    6. Not a chance

    And finally... YES!

    I think this might be a gimmick. SB will come back for a short stint, nothing really long-term and be nothing more than a figment of Sam's imagination to help her through her illness. Then he will leave. My hope is that he is a new character, like Sarah Brown was with Claudia. But I think they are milking this for all it is worth and getting mileage and publicity out of it by making it seem like SB is signing a long-term deal.

    I also feel the Rebecca firing had nothing to do with SB's salary as it is indicated throughout cyberspace. I think there must be stuff behind-the-scenes that we are just not privy to.

  2. 1. I prefer SB's Jason.

    2. No he csnn be Jason if we have to have Jason.

    3. Miller should be AJ

    4. Bahaha. No but it would be funny.

    5. 4 months.

    6. Maybe for a week but the stories are what needs help.

    And finally...
    Do you wish Jason had just STAYED DEAD?

    YES YES YES. Tired of the Jasam/Carson hour.

  3. 1. Billy Miller
    2. I would prefer if Steve comes back as a totally different character like when Sarah Brown came back as Claudia with no mention of his looks (i.e. "you look familiar").
    3. They better not get rid of Billy. That would be so unfair.
    4. Lol as funny as that sounds, no. But I hope Steve gets the smallest room they have.
    5. I think at first, he'll be seen from the back or maybe just his shoes. Lol
    6. I think there'll be a slight bump in ratings but not much. It depends on his character if that bump grows.
    Finally...I thought about this...I am glad Jason didn't die. I didn't like how he returned...the Jake Doe story lasted way too long...but in the end, I love what Billy brings to the show.

  4. Only answering the last question......YES! I wish Jason would have stayed dead!

    1. While I like both actors, yes, I wish he had stayed dead.

  5. 1) I like Billy Miller now he's given Jason some character andnlife and SB return will be annoying
    2) no- just don't come back
    3) if anything make BM AJ since I have no say - bec if the other one comes back we have no choice he has to be Jason
    4) ha no- that's why they are firing everyone - he will have two or three of the other characters dressing room as a suite
    5) Jeeze this could take a while May 2020 sweeps- nah maybe nov 2018
    6) yes at first bec everyone loves SB but if the story isn't good it will go down
    7) no I'm glad they brought BM on - like I said - his character has depth now- I like it

  6. 1. Well, Billy Miller is no Jason Morgan. Not by a long shot. He was however, a great Jake Doe.
    2. Absolutely not. I'll go with Daytime Confidentials blatant hints that they will be twins.
    3. They can keep both actors by doing the twin thing. Steve's return is not short-term and he will not be a hallucination according to DC.
    4. Hahaa! Billy may have to take the broom closet down the hall till someone else gets fired. They need to cut that bloated cast anyway. Billy and Steve will have their pick of many dressing rooms! LOL!
    5. With these IIC, you never know. I think they'll try to milk it for all it's worth especially if his first airdate is somewhere near July 19th which is when Ron's stories start airing on Days. In many markets, Days and GH air at the same time.
    6. Oh absolutely! People will definitely tune in to either see them royally screw this up OR how fabulous it might be. I basically checked out of GH over a year ago but I will be tuning in for sure!
    7. I knew Burton was never going to stay away from GH forever. Impossible. He has a large family to support and selling his shakes and juices just doesn't provide them with the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to I'd think.

    Bottom line is, TIIC have really screwed up GH terribly. The ratings have been in the gutter for many, many months, the writing is atrocious, the lack of respect for history is insulting to viewers. They need to get their shit together and they know it. Now whether they do that or not, is still to be determined.

  7. DeNiro could be added to the already bloated GH cast, and tbh, the problem will still not be solved.. THE WRITING STINKS! That's the real problem. Frank & Co. is creating a media buzz to get ratings. I get it. But this is just a short term bump.. there's a lot more work to do on GH.

  8. they have been talking a lot about nik lately, maybe steve will be taking on the role of Nicholas cassidine. we do not need 2 jasons.

  9. It wouldn't be the first time they screwed an actor over to get the original actor back.

    That second Nikolas - Colton or whatever his name was - got booted when Tyler Christopher wanted to come back.

    Greg Vaughn when Jonathan Jackson decided to come back for that whole Nik/Liz/Lucky who's the daddy storyline.

  10. 1. Which do you prefer: Billy Miller as Jason or Steve Burton as Jason? Makes no difference to me. Jason Morgan has never been a favorite of mine. I was hoping that when BM came on that they would have him get all his Q memories back and become a real "Q".. It didn't happen.

    2. Would you like Burton to come back as a different character? They've done that before.... Finn and Franco being the most recent... so why not?

    3. Would you like Miller to leave GH and just recast Jason with Burton? No. I don't think that would be fair to Miller. Unless he chose to leave and that is why Burton is coming back.

    4. Do you think Burton and Miller will have to share a dressing room? ha ha.... What? With a Star saying "Jason Morgan X2" hanging on the door?

    5. Estimated amount of time between Steve Burton's "return to GH" and any major character actually seeing him. (ie: skulking in shadows). My guess is he will come in at the end of a Friday show, won't be seen again until Wednesday of the following week, then will hide in the shadows for another week.

    6. Do you think his return will help ratings to a significant degree? Nope. I think that ship has sailed.

    And finally...
    Do you wish Jason had just STAYED DEAD? YES!!! Originally I liked the idea of him coming back, but they ruined the story by having him become such a mild-mannered weak character. What the heck Sam sees in him is beyond me. Love both actors, but don't care for Jason at all.

  11. You know who I want to come back? Alicia Leigh Willis. I really enjoyed the character of Courtney, she had spunk. It would give Spencer back a parent, Carly back her best friend, and give Jason another girl to fight over him, potentially. And yeah, she's "dead" and Spencer saw her "ghost". Whatever, this is a soap and they can make up whatever explanation they want for why she isn't really dead. Maybe she was spirited off by Helena and has been chilling with SB Jason this whole time!

  12. 1. Never liked the character of Jason so it doesn't matter who plays him. Called "Paint" here with good reason.
    2. SB is not that interesting an actor. Saw him a few minutes here & there on Y&R and not overwhelmed. Didn't realize he is 47 now. The real AJ is still acting so I would always want him to play that part.
    3. I can't imagine all this publicity if they were replacing Billy Miller, unless it was his choice to leave.
    4. No
    5. Could be many weeks.
    6. They need more than SB to help the ratings.
    Wouldn't have broken my heart if Jason had stayed dead.

  13. 1. I loved Steve when he was on GH and was heartbroken when he left. I never wanted Jason back but Billy won me over and I love Billy and his chemistry with Kelly. Now Jason smiles and has a personality.

    I hope Steve's visit is short. I hated the way Steve handled things when he left and wanted him to stay gone. Plus I think his family needs him in Nashville, since LA isn't good enough for them, but he doesn't mind going their to get paid.

    If Billy does leave, I hope it was his choice.

    I wish Steve were playing another character, killed Sonny and then left, but I know that won't happen.

    I didn't sit through the whole Jake Doe, amnesia, Jason has a new face bullshit, but Steve to come back and assume the role. I also don't want them to say NuJason is a fake, or a twin or any other nonsense.

  14. Steve Burton is Jason. I have never felt Miller in this role. He was ok as Jake Doe.
    2. No
    3. Yes
    4. No
    5. Two weeks
    6. Initially absolutely. As stated by many peeps ratings will only permanently go up if writing & respect of character history improves.
    No, just because hardly any Q's left!

  15. 1. SB
    2. Yes, The Jason before car accident
    3. Want BM to stay as Jason's twin
    4. To save money sure
    5. 1 month
    6. Will help in the short term. This will be similar to the 2 Romans story with Days which is fine with me. Though story could have been better. It's all about a well written story that challenges the actors and stays with the canon. I really hope it's not watered down and juvenile. The Quartermaine family doesn't have much strength on the show anymore. That has to be fixed

  16. I still think that SB is just coming back as Sam's imagination, that makes sense to me. Any other way to bring him back is absurd. Of course, I love the actor, so if BM is leaving, then welcome back SB!! But I can't see him moving to LA if his family is in TN.

  17. I don't like Burton, Miller, Jason or Sam, think that covers all of the questions. Anyone else remember when ABC brought Rebecca Budig back to AMC with those trailers "The real Greenlee is Back" and the other actress was still appearing on the show?

  18. Never cared for the Jason character so he should have stayed dead. He became a prop for Carson anyway. If "Jason" remains I hope hope hope he give Carson the middle finger. Let them be back burners for awhile please

  19. . Which do you prefer: Billy Miller as Jason or Steve Burton as Jason? Easy answer - Steve Burton (should never had been recast)

    2. Would you like Burton to come back as a different character? No, that would be insane. SB's "Jason" is golden. Frank knows it

    3. Would you like Miller to leave GH and just recast Jason with Burton? Yes. I like Billy but he adds no value to GH. Great on Y&R though

    4. Do you think Burton and Miller will have to share a dressing room? No

    5. Estimated amount of time between Steve Burton's "return to GH" and any major character actually seeing him. (ie: skulking in shadows). 3 months

    6. Do you think his return will help ratings to a significant degree? Moderately

    And finally...
    Do you wish Jason had just STAYED DEAD? NOPE - the show lost a lot of great chemistry between Jason and Carly, Sonny, Liz, Sam, and even Spinelli, when Steve left. Fact.

  20. these are great answers, loved reading them all! Thanks!! :)


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