Jason goes to meet Spinelli and they try to find out who the package delivery guy was. They track him down by the license plate. Jason knows it's the GOON Guy from Cassadine Island. (later we see the same guy skulking around Jake at GH)

Liz stops by Sam's after seeing Maddox. She talks about the receipt that Jake showed her--and Sam gets all wonky. She hears voices "you'll never be safe"...then she "sees" Liz point a gun at her.
Geesh. @@ She realizes she's seeing things. Liz leaves. Sam naps and wakes up thinking someone is in there with her. The baby monitor has crying on it. She runs upstairs.
Anna tries to get Lulu to show Charlotte Valentin's goodbye video. Lulu's pissed. Says No. Anna pleads with her. Lulu says No. Then Nina stops by (with something for Charlotte) and overhears it all. Nina and Anna talk alone ...and it's very weird.
Charlotte comes back from Camp with a Lila's Kid's TSHIRT ON!! awww.
Nina says a great goodbye to her..very touching. Lulu sees it and realizes she should let Charlotte listen to her Papa's goodbye.
CarSon crap ..OMG it's the same old JUNK!! They could take an extended vacation. They contributed NOTHING to today's show.
REALLY great therapy scene with Maddox and Jake. Great acting on both parts and good dialog too. Should have been 10 months ago.
Amy was on ..talking about her BLOG. Nate tells her go get someone else to help her.
Yeh like Dr Maddox (for Amy)! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteYes, when I saw Spinelli with Sonny, I thought, "Maybe GH WAS on yesterday." I'm so not interested in whatever is going on with Sam. And CarSon ... Zzzzzzz. Nothing about tomorrow's show looked interesting to me, either. :-/
ReplyDeletethey HAD to have edited something wonky today!
ReplyDeleteI liked today except for the random Amy stuff and CarSon--
Me too. I got thru it much faster ff thru Carson and Amy. Groan...
DeleteI have to admit I just love little Jake and Charlotte. Skipped CarSon and Amy, too, but I always like seeing
ReplyDeleteSpinelli. There was a disclaimer at the beginning of the show, probably because of Liz with the gun. Spinelli just appeared out of nowhere.
I agree. Jake and Charlotte are so cute! They both did so well in their scenes and Nina wss tolerable and sweet. The Sam and Liz stuff, weird...cant stand Sam so even more ff if she's gonna be like this.
Deletekdmask said...
ReplyDeletethey HAD to have edited something wonky today!
** Yeah, that REALLY threw me off with Spinelli suddenly just being in Sonny's living room and in the middle of a conversation. At first I thought they just did what B&B did, and just skipped yesterday's episode entirely, and was showing what had been originally scheduled to run today. But then after I checked Hulu and ABC, what ran today was what had been meant to run Tues. What I wonder is if they took Tues and Wed's originally intended to air eps and cut and reassembled them into one single episode with stuff from each days's shows. Today's show just really felt to me like it was all over the place. Even more so than the usual scattered feeling from Jelly's "normal" work.
sam is one character I would like gone. never liked her from day one.
ReplyDeleteSame here! I didn't like her as Livvie on PC either.
DeleteDoes ANYONE watch the CarSon scenes? They just babble on about the same things, over and over again.
ReplyDeleteDaytime Dish says Sam's problem is a brain tumor and this will be a part of the Franco redemption story.
"It seems Sam does, indeed, have a brain tumor which will cause her to brutally commit crimes and physically hurt others. There is talk she may even uncharacteristically cheat in her marriage with an existing male on canvas. Apparently, this story is meant to merge and result with Franco's redemption story. Will Sam forgive Franco after living firsthand what he experienced?"
Smacking my head against the wall! More ff! My body needs a workout, not my finger.
DeleteOy vey, they are giving Sam a brain tumor? How original (not). I thought this was Helena's curse, so Connie could remain onscreen, who wants to see Sam commit crimes?
ReplyDeleteUmh....not me.
DeleteThe Sam story line is amusing me. I'm sure it's not suppose to but it is. LOL
ReplyDeleteBlogger Wanda Woman said...
Does ANYONE watch the CarSon scenes? They just babble on about the same things, over and over again.
Daytime Dish says Sam's problem is a brain tumor and this will be a part of the Franco redemption story.
"It seems Sam does, indeed, have a brain tumor which will cause her to brutally commit crimes and physically hurt others. There is talk she may even uncharacteristically cheat in her marriage with an existing male on canvas. Apparently, this story is meant to merge and result with Franco's redemption story. Will Sam forgive Franco after living firsthand what he experienced?"
I think it's to give Griffin a story sense he's a brain surgeon and Sam a story line that's different. I'm entertained by it so far.
Well that just gives me more reason to skip this one. I'm tired of them trying to redeem Franco.
ReplyDeleteBlogger Wanda Woman said...
ReplyDeleteDoes ANYONE watch the CarSon scenes? They just babble on about the same things, over and over again.
Daytime Dish says Sam's problem is a brain tumor and this will be a part of the Franco redemption story.
"It seems Sam does, indeed, have a brain tumor which will cause her to brutally commit crimes and physically hurt others. There is talk she may even uncharacteristically cheat in her marriage with an existing male on canvas. Apparently, this story is meant to merge and result with Franco's redemption story. Will Sam forgive Franco after living firsthand what he experienced?"
**My question is: What male, already on canvas, is there for Sam to have an affair with? I can't think of ONE guy right now who is in a position to have an affair with her. She has literally NEVER interacted with a man currently on the show besides Jason and Sonny. (Which is a really sad example of how dis-involved the bloated cast is with one another.)
If they're leading in the direction of her cheating, they'd better start having her interact with more than the same few characters she's been seen with.
I don't care about Sam at all. I thought I missed something too when Spinelli was just there. I want Carson to go away and take Amy with them. And did we ever get a warning for violent content when Jason, Sam and Sonny were shooting guns all over the place??
ReplyDeleteOne brilliant storyline idea after another. No wonder the ratings have tanked. Haven't missed Franco at all since he has been off. MB may be a very nice guy but they need to stop kissing his ass and giving him so much screen time. Goes for LW, too.
I haven't missed franco at all either but I shudder at the thought that we'll have him on even more when he gets back. :(
ReplyDeleteThe line of the day goes to whomever wrote this..
ReplyDelete"In light of today's events, some viewers may find images in this broadcast disturbing.."
Oh I like that!!!! Thank you!!
The hospital:
Maddox's office:
Maddox and Jake: Oh great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan and Nina: Awww Nina! Give that gift to Charlie! You can still see her!!!
Nathan and Amy: Oh my gosh Amy SHUT UP!!!!! Hmmm who is she on the phone with?
Sam and Jason's home:
Jason and Sam: WOW!!!! They were all loud and yelly! I likey!!!
Liz and Sam: Wow!!!! Sam is seeing things!!! What is wrong with Sam?!?!?!
Lante's home:
Lulu and Anna: Oh Lulu you have no right stopping Anna when she wants to give the message from V.C. to his daughter! Think about Charlie!!! Oh come on now they are hiding Lulu behind the sofa? It's too late for that now Hahahahahhahaha!
Nina and Charlie: Lila's kids camp shirt YAY! Awwww great scene with them.. Charlie sharing the message from her daddy.. Sweet! Glad Lulu changed her mind and is finally thinking about what is best for Charlie. Anna brought up Luke hahahaha.
Sonny's home:
Spinny and Sonny:
"Karen says OMG I was so confused. Spinelli just POPPED UP random in Sonny's living room..it was WEIRD"
YES IT WAS VERY WEIRD! I was confused also!!!!!
Carly and Sonny: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Jason's home:
Spinny and Jason: YAY! Together again!!! :) Spinny how is Georgie?! :)
"Wanda Woman said...Daytime Dish says Sam's problem is a brain tumor and this will be a part of the Franco redemption story.
ReplyDelete"It seems Sam does, indeed, have a brain tumor which will cause her to brutally commit crimes and physically hurt others. There is talk she may even uncharacteristically cheat in her marriage with an existing male on canvas. Apparently, this story is meant to merge and result with Franco's redemption story. Will Sam forgive Franco after living firsthand what he experienced?"
OH! That sounds interesting.. And then we can finally have peace with them and no more snarky snarkiness from her! I am really tired of it.
Cheryl said...**My question is: What male, already on canvas, is there for Sam to have an affair with? I can't think of ONE guy right now who is in a position to have an affair with her.
ReplyDelete***Well RH just penned a new conract. Maybe he said he'd like to have a storyline with Sam now and he'll get to snog her for a while and give Liz a break. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm waiting with bated breath. (`0´)
Wanda Woman said...
ReplyDeleteDaytime Dish says Sam's problem is a brain tumor and this will be a part of the Franco redemption story.
Apparently, this story is meant to merge and result with Franco's redemption story. Will Sam forgive Franco after living firsthand what he experienced?"
** This is Sam, OF COURSE NOT. Her hypocrisy has no bounds or limits!
Michelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteSame here! I didn't like her as Livvie on PC either.
** I did, but it was only at the beginning of her run, when she was just an unknown daughter Kevin had with Rachel Locke. When the show jumped the shark, and turned into what for all intents and purposes was "Dark Shadows Lite", and she turned into a complete whackjob, and only went downhill from there. I loved Dark Shadows, so my issue wasn't specifically PC changing directions, it was just done so poorly. Livvie started out to be kind of intriguing, but when the show went in that direction, she turned into someone that I had zero interest in watching. And when PC ended and she came onboard GH, Sam did the same thing for me that Livvie/Tess did for me as the show pretty much felt like it was in freefall to me, I had zero desire to watch her as Sam. And that has never changed at all.