Monday, June 19, 2017

General Hospital Preview Rant

I'm putting this up because ...well, GH has done it again. This is summer? Really? Seriously? This Sonny shit again!??? I am at the end of my rope here. With all the stories you could tell--with all the characters you are wasting we are seeing an 'old enemy' of Sonny come back to threaten him and..someone gets (wait for it): SHOT. 

Look, you couldn't write good mob stories for 18-20 years, and you're not going to start now. Not the way the show is a chopped up mess that never finishes anything. I don't care who's 'coming for Sonny'. Not in the least. You could have expanded airtime for Curtis and Co-- you know, integrate them into the canvas. Or, you know, get Molly and Krissy back (really back, not just for a an episode here or there). How's Monica doing without Tracy?  Oh you know the fans have a million ideas and none of them are this: 

So, enjoy. I have to say, even if you're a Sonny fan you have to be tired of this. I think the one thing I'll watch this summer is Olivia and Ned's wedding. Hopefully, there's no bombing, fires or shootings going on. 


  1. Yes, I am one of the true Sonny fans left, and I AM TIRED OF THIS. PLEASE, PLEASE, no more mob!!

  2. Oh Good God!!!! Really???? I love the Jake Lante stuff but I'm seriously considering tuning out! Does he EVER take a vacation???

  3. I am so disgusted, too!! At least I get through the show, what little I watch of it, in record time so I can watch other better shows. Karen, thanks for the heads up on the new Luther in the works! Love that show and can't wait. Now that's worth watching. We can't just blame the writers - Frank V. is even more at fault than them. He should know better. B & B had a phenomenal surprise last week with the return of Sheila Carter. We could use something exciting like that instead of the rumors of BC returning or the woman from AMC.

    1. I dvr it and ff thru all the crap i hate but I'm beginning to think is it really worth it??

  4. Hopefully Sonny gets shot and dies. He can join Morgan. I'm so tired of Sonny Hospital. His day has come and gone and now he's just tedious to watch.

  5. The thing is...Guza had diff producer(s) ... and he was MOBULATION. Now this? I miss Ron a lot and I'm going to try Days in July. When I saw this promo, I flipped out. I saw the end of today's show and "GARVEY" is after Sonny. Who? WHO CARES!!!! UGHHHHHHHHHH and why is Julian telling him?
    God, get me out. LOL

    1. I watched not even 5 minutes and turned it off. Amy just grates my nerves.

  6. not for nothing, but wasn't there always TEEN storylines in the summer?

    this show has jumped the shark so much it is now fish food.

    look, I am going to say it here and now. I bet (and I live in Vegas, get it???) I bet they will NOT hire a new head writer or head writing team and they will just let the show die its slow painful death with whoever is attempting to write this shit until its cancellation on Dec 31.

    they will let the show play out until April 1 2018 to let it his its 55 yrs anniversary. And end it on that day.

    you heard it hear first people.

  7. Michelle Latta said...

    Oh Good God!!!! Really???? I love the Jake Lante stuff but I'm seriously considering tuning out! Does he EVER take a vacation???

    ** This type of crap, is why I haven't watched live in years


    1. I took it off my dvr list yesterday. So annoyed.

  8. Is Carly Schroeder returning to GH as Serena?

    1. I haven't seen anything from Michael Fairman or here, so doubtful.

  9. You hit the nail right on the head. I do like Sonny, but I am tired of the constant reworking of the same old stories. Give him something new in his life. Heaven knows that all of us who are middle aged (and beyond) have things going on in life. There has to be SOME other stories to come up for this guy. Bring his kids back in. He does have good relations with them, and also with Molly. Give him mandatory service at the hospital (for parking tickets, cause he will never be convicted of anything else), and get interested in some sick babies. Sheesh. He has spoken of his bipolar, and his interest in it. Have him volunteer in the hospital in the psych ward to help others like him and his son.
    Just end all the killing. And all the CarSon break up/come back together. No more Sonny babies.
    By the way, the above isn't very good, but it is on the spur of the moment as I sat down here.
    Karen could write a ton of stories about these folks. Someone please hire her!!!

    1. I wonder if Mo likes playing the same crap, day in day out? I guess if it gets him screen time that's all he cares about

  10. Michelle Latta said...

    I wonder if Mo likes playing the same crap, day in day out? I guess if it gets him screen time that's all he cares about

    ** It's a guaranteed steady paycheck, which these days is a VERY good and VERY important thing to have. I remember reading an interview with Richard Burgi a couple months or so after he came on, one of the questions he was asked was why he went back to daytime again, after finding success in primetime and movies. Besides the fact that he said he enjoys that it takes much more commitment, and being challenging. He had also said being able to have a reliable paycheck and steady work (especially in acting in TV and movies) just doesn't come as easy as they did a couple decades ago, even. I think Mo has pretty much been on "autopilot" when it comes to GH, for quite awhile, also.




Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...