Wednesday, March 1, 2017

What Lies Beneath

Olivia threatening Julian. You know she's not gonna do it. *sigh*

Curtis and Alexis go to tell Jordan Olivia is alive. They tell her to call Olivia and pretend she's having a drinking crisis.  Olivia figures it out though. She tells Julian she doesn't really want GH she want what "Lies Beneath" which I'm taking is the old Cassadine lab? 

Liz is back to work but Monica says Franco won't ever be back.  He's out of a job due to cuts. He's going to apply for a janitor job tho-- just to be close to Liz. 

Michael and Noodle-- she didn't tell him yet because Monica interrupted.  She tells him she's going away (please please). Michael says he's going with her! She says GOOD Idea!! We can talk alone.

Jason, Sam and baby STILL at the bottom of the ravine. I guess the ambulance went the wrong way.  Um, where's his phone? He was on it..? Why isn't he on with paramedics? This is just....and don't tell me it's a "soap"?? TV shows do disasters all the time. 
So.. get this. Sam's bleeding, I guess still with her jeans on and Jason carries her and the baby up the ravine (OFF camera of course). The ambulance is there (we see the lights) and then Sam passes out.  They get to GH...

Sonny and Carly..blah blah. Sonny says Nell is trying to set them both up. Carly doesn't believe it.  Then she kinda does. Whatever. She's mad because Sonny didn't tell her right away and Nell wormed her way into their family even farther. 
END: Carly opens the door and Michael and Nell are standing there. 


  1. hope she is leaving. never cared for her acting.

  2. I just read that KM (Sam) is not leaving GH. I thought the same about Jason's cell phone AND the ambulance, Karen. I did enjoy the rest of the show. I usually hate Sonny and Carly, but I thought LW (Carly) was great today. Can't wait to see what S&C have to say to Nell tomorrow - with poor Michael there. Glad to see Laura in the previews. $10 Kevin is the one who finds her. I am over Liv. Happy she's supposedly leaving soon.

  3. GH is worth it lately just for Tanya walker's whacked out performance.

  4. The look on Nell's face when she opened her door and Sonny and Carly were in her apt. almost made it worth suffering thru this whole kakafluka storyline. Cannot wait for the "new one" ripping to come. Hee hee hee.

  5. I guess Paint and Wall have never heard of afterbirth. Oh well she must be really bleeding to soak through those jeans she gave birth in ... sooooo much wrong with that whole situation.

  6. After spending a good hour or so last night trying to figure out why suddenly when I tried to post something like usual, by using my AOL e-mail account, like I've done almost every day since I started to, and kept getting an "Open ID error" message, I finally gave up and resolved to try again tonight. Since no luck AGAIN, I figured out how to get a Google account so I could just sign in at the top of the page, and post directly.

    So, I thought I should say something, since anything from here onward from me SHOULD be coming through this new ID. To try and limit any confusion due to the ID change, as much as possible!


  7. As for today, a few weeks back I remember when trying to figure out why the hell Olivia wanted to get her hands on GH so badly, I'd said that unless she wants to get to Helena's underground lab that she forced Tony to resurrect Stavros 2.0 in, because somehow she got Duke's body and wants to do the same with him, I had no idea why she wanted it so badly, just being my usual smartassed self, and l just laughed it off. So then FFwd to today, when Olivia said that she wanted what's beneath GH today, my eyes just bulged out. NO WAY IN HELL, did I actually think they WOULD go through with something like that. But now unless something else comes out of nowhere, it looks as if they really are going to do that.


  8. lol K, I told you not to give them any ideas. If they haven't written the end yet they'll grasp at any straws and the more absurd the better.

  9. I just can not wait until Carly gets Nell, so many stories, please don't skip this story forever

  10. Olivia Jerome's seedy hotel: What lies beneath? Hmmm I wonder what lies beneath! There is a movie called that.. That is a very good movie. Julian wins the line of the day.

    Julian: Don't tell me it was a purse bomb.

    ROFL! Even Olivia thought that was funny. :)

    Police station/Jordan's office: Oh Alexis!!!! A liquor store?! Really?! Olivia is not stupid!!!! Couldn't you say you were somewhere else?!

    The Ravine: Wall!!! You are so annoying!!!! Take Trim to the damn hospital! UGH! And why didn't you have baby Trim in your jacket? Instead of that wet scarf? The Paint and Wall family are all superheros!!!! Baby superhero Trim was able to come into this world through her mommy's pants!!! Trim is strong! Superhero Wall can go up the Ravine with Paint and baby! Wall is strong! He builds mountains!

    The hospital:

    Nelle and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Liz's home: YAY! Friz sex! :)

    Friz and Monica: Oh rats! BobTodd can't get his job back! :( A janitor? Oh Dr. O will NOT be happy to hear about this!

    Nelle's home: Carly opens the door, and DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

  11. "K says So then FFwd to today, when Olivia said that she wanted what's beneath GH today, my eyes just bulged out. NO WAY IN HELL, did I actually think they WOULD go through with something like that. But now unless something else comes out of nowhere, it looks as if they really are going to do that."

    ROFL! Congrats K! I hope they give you royalties! :)

  12. Di said...

    lol K, I told you not to give them any ideas. If they haven't written the end yet they'll grasp at any straws and the more absurd the better

    ** Me and my damn big mouth! Since Tonja filmed her last scenes a while ago (I was reading an interview with her in this week's issue of SiD, she she said things have been left open for her to be able to return. And since both of her kids are now grown up and now in or finishing college, she said she's planning to sell her house in CT, and move out to L.A. so she can get back into acting again, as she had a great time at GH.) So I wouldn't be surprised at all if we see more of her in the future. So it appears that's the road we're heading down now, since all of her stuff is already in the can, that applies to this storyline, at least. Who knows what will happen after that.


  13. sonya said...

    ROFL! Congrats K! I hope they give you royalties! :)

    ** I could DEFINITELY use them. :) Though if this really does go that way, pretty much the ONLY good thing I'd be getting from this, would be Duke still actually being alive. (As much as I hate the idea of MORE people, Ian Buchannan is one of the VERY FEW exceptions to that though.)



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