Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I Lied

So I ended up watching yesterday's show. 
I am still in denial. This is why people in the biz LAUGH THEIR ASSES off at soaps.
WTH did I watch? How badly written can you BE? Seriously, I love camp as much as the next guy but that--was NOT CAMP. It was just stupid.  

I'm so furious that this is what Tonja Walker came back for. Isolation, stupid convos with people for MONTHS leading to-- the fact that she's crazy and thinks she can get Duke back by using HAIR or..his son's body. 
I would have rather seen her interact with EVERYONE and especially her sister. Even if they put them together in one or two scenes now, doesn't matter. Lost opportunity. 

Anyway, today, I bet we see Olivia "see Duke" when she looks at Griffin...Ian B will be back as a hallucination. 

Yeah Us. 


  1. Hello, I have only been watching here and there, I read the posts here just about every day and when I read something that piques my curiosity I'll watch but most of the time it makes me sad and my head spin. Anyway, just thought I'd say thank you Karen and all who post. And just a comment on jasam baby name. Doesn't Demi Moore & Bruce Willis have a daughter named Scout? I suppose I should Google that! ��


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...