Monday, March 6, 2017

Duke's Hair

Diane and Nora were cute. Diane didn't know it was her and started talking about a case she had and how this woman was coming from Llandview -- which of course, is Nora. The bartender in this scene was HOT! WOWZA..really hot.  Diane tells her about how she's going to win this custody case. Lulu and Laura come in, so does Valentin and Diane finds out she's Nora. 

Nina's still all jealous of Anna. She has flashbacks. Then she says she's not going to the custody hearing. 

Anna and Dante.... Anna's trying to leave the hospital. They talk about Olivia...Griffin tells her not to leave. Yada yada

OLIVIA kidnapped Robin. She's in the basement that Luke had in his house. OMG how boring. Kidnap-- really? Again? She talked to Julian while he was handcuffed to the radiator-- now it's Robin's turn. 

Olivia says she has to 'Have balance' and wants to "bring Duke back" . Wonder if she knows he was cremated.  And....Olivia finds the door to the lab (which was destroyed in 2001 but whatever) and says she knows Helena brought Stavvy back to life so Robin can use the machines to bring back Duke. Robin is like, DUH..Stavros wasn't actually dead and they just kept him 'alive' until they could start his brain again. 
OMG this is so bad...Ok, Olivia knows Duke was cremated but has his HAIR and wants Robin to use it for his DNA. Now, come on. Clones start out as babies. So ?? Does she want a baby Duke? She's not stupid? UGH I don't know. Anyway, Robin wants to help her but knocks the hair vial out of her hand to the ground. Olivia freaks out.
That was one of the WORST scenes writing wise I've ever witnessed. It was just BIZARRE. 

PS. The lab under GH was destroyed and sealed in 2001. So. Whatever. 

Oh, and another thing, Olivia had NO CLUE that Robin would even be in Port Charles, right? But she had this plan all along? Who was she going to get to run the lab? 

Later, she realizes there is a piece of Duke alive! It's Griffin!! She gets in the elevator with him and tomorrow we see him strapped down in the lab. Oh For F sake. 

Franco and Liz are in the parking garage. Franco tells Liz that Jake said Sam had a curse on her from Helena.  Then they find Jules in the trunk.  He goes to GH. 


  1. At least Franco seems to have washed his hair today.

  2. If Olivia Jerome is supposed to be either funny or scary, she misses the mark. She is just annoying. PLEASE, someone get rid of her, and cremate her, and scatter the ashes in a live volcano.

  3. My question is, why the f is Laura going to see Nina??? If Nina stays away Lulu and Dante have a better shot, so wth? Am I missing something as usual? LOL! Wish OJ would go away! This storyline is so stupid! I agree, holes, throwing sh** at walls again! Grrrr

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. But it is a shirtless Griffin so that is a point in its favor. Can they make Curtis related to Duke so we get a shirtless Curtis?

  6. I could get behind a shirtless Curtis.

  7. Michelle Latta said...

    My question is, why the f is Laura going to see Nina??? If Nina stays away Lulu and Dante have a better shot, so wth? Am I missing something as usual? LOL! Wish OJ would go away! This storyline is so stupid! I agree, holes, throwing sh** at walls again! Grrrr

    ** I'm just still amazed they actually went in that direction. I can't remember if you said you were watching back when OJ was originally on. If not, I really do suggest hitting YT up. Olivia was always batshit, but this time around she comes across as VERY over-the-top, to the point of being cartoonish, at times. Considering the way Jelly writes stiff, it really shouldn't surprise me. But it just gets frustrating.


    1. Yeh i watched back then but memory is not what it was....definitely cartoonish. That is Jelly.

    2. Yeh i watched back then but memory is not what it was....definitely cartoonish. That is Jelly.


  8. Crimson:

    Valenina: Oh oh!!! What happening here?! Are the writers gonna break them up?

    Nina and Charlie: Awwwwwwwwwwww. :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Diane and Nora: NOOOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! YAY! :) Good to see you Nora!!!! :)

    Lulu: Wait what?!!?! Maxie texts Lulu about Valenina?!!?!?! How the hell does Maxie know?! I didn't see her. Where was she in Crimson? Was she hiding in a cabinet?

    The parking garage:

    Friz: Awwww love love love. :) Wait Liz calls the police FIRST and THEN has BobTodd opens the trunk?! HUH?! That did not make any sense at all! Why didn't they open the trunk first?

    Hospital basement:

    Olivia Jerome and Robin: Okay this was strange. You can't bring someone back to life with DNA and hair!!!! HUH?!!!

    Karen says Now, come on. Clones start out as babies. So ?? Does she want a baby Duke?

    BAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! You won the joke of the day yesterday! :) Yes! Does she want baby Duke?! ROFL!

    The elevator:

    Olivia and Griffy: OH OH! Now Olivia is going to be jealous of Griffy!!!!!! :0

    The hospital:

    Anna's room: Anna you got to stay there until your doctor lets you go!!!!! Listen to Griffy!!!

  9. Love your blog. I just don't get the writers and the OJ dialogue. I know she was always crazy but carrying around your love's hair in your cleavage and thinking he can come back from that is just too much. It makes me want to bang my head against a wall. OJ should have been front and center from the beginning and not in the shadows with just Julian. Would have loved to see her with Anna, Ava, Robin, Griffin, etc. But no, we get crazy.


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