Thursday, March 16, 2017

Ugly Cry

Came in at 2:35.

Sam and Alexis talking about Julian and his misdeeds..and Alexis thinks it's maybe because of Olivia.  Sam says "he tried to kill you"! Alexis says well.I still should read his letter. She leaves. Liz comes in. Admires Emily. Gives Sam a gift of a memory book. 

Roger and Jake kid were adorable. Franco is doing art therapy with him. I love art therapy...I use it sometimes when the kids won't talk. He's trying to get him to draw stuff from when he was on the Island. Jake draws a door. 

Maddox says Charlotte should stay with Valentin and Lulu should have supervised visitation.  That's what the judge decides-- Lulu ugly cries all over the place. This is for 6 months until they come back and revisit the whole mess.
I don't think anyone brought up the whole Nina mess?? Because? I mean she only stole a freaking baby and took it out of the country... 

At the end: Alexis is sitting in a restaurant with Julian's letter. 


  1. roger is always good with kids. loved him with starr.also liz and griffin have chemistry.

  2. Yeah, Roger has always been great with kids. In a lot of ways, he's really just a big kid at times. :) It's become a lot more apparent in the last few years, since he finally started doing interviews and talking to the press/media.

    As totally unexpected as it was, I'm definitely a Friz fan. :) I like Griffin, but with the current state of how the cast is, I really can't think of anyone right now, that jumps out at me saying that he has great chem with, and would wanna see where things go with them.


  3. I could only see the show disturb Friz if Roger was going to play Todd again. Quite frankly he is starting to play Franco pretty well. His writing has been better. Show' s best move was bringing Friz together.

  4. I'm happy that Olivia iis hopefully gone and Nell. There was no point. Wasn't Monica dating a judge? Can't even think of an interesting story that they have going on now.

  5. Courthouse: I am sorry Lulu, but I agree 100% with the verdict.. I am only thinking about what is best for Charlie.

    The hospital/Sam's room:

    Alexis and Sam: Oh! Looks like Alexis is understanding Julian's situation and that Olivia J made him do things!!! Oh shut up Sam!


    Griffy: Oh oh! Griffy has a cold! He is getting sick! Is this because he drank the strange tea and now he is gonna be ill?

    Griffy and Liz: Awwww Liz is taking care of him. Oh oh Griffy has a high fever!!!!

    Liz's home:

    Friz: BobTodd wins the line of the day!

    BobTodd: I saw on the internet that if you put liquid detergent in it, it shoots bubbles

    *Liz gives BobTodd a look*

    BobTodd: Which I will never do in the house I promise.


    Jake and BobTodd: Hmmm is Jake hypnotized or brainwashed? He has been acting strange.. Especially when he drew a line and then walked back and forth on it.. Oh and the door he drew, with the angle they had, it looked like a bed.

    Inside Central Perk:

    Alexis: Hmmmm what is in that letter?

    Sidenote: The other day Y&R had a scene talking about heart disease, and it felt REAL! It did not sound fake, and it did not seem like a commercial! GH you can learn a lot from Y&R!

  6. "K says As totally unexpected as it was, I'm definitely a Friz fan. :)"

    YAY! :)

    "I like Griffin, but with the current state of how the cast is, I really can't think of anyone right now, that jumps out at me saying that he has great chem with, and would wanna see where things go with them."

    The only people he has chemistry with is Claudette (glad she is gone though) and Anna. (But I don't want Anna and Griffy as a couple)

    "Mommyknowsall said...I'm happy that Olivia iis hopefully gone and Nell. There was no point. Wasn't Monica dating a judge?"

    Yeah she has been dating that judge!! I guess they are not together anymore?! What happened I wonder.

  7. JSL said...

    I could only see the show disturb Friz if Roger was going to play Todd again. Quite frankly he is starting to play Franco pretty well. His writing has been better. Show' s best move was bringing Friz together

    ** Since I think the odds of Roger going back to playing Todd fulltime again, are worse than those of having Tony Geary coming back full-time, I'm not too worried about a character switch. I definitely think one of the biggest factors to Franco really growing finally as a character (word of warning: I'm actually going to compliment Jelly) is that when Jelly took over, they made a very conscious effort to get him integrated more into the rest of the cast. As great as RC was with big picture stuff and such, he kind of had the tendency to isolate people into just two or three people together. As good as Franco and Nina together were, outside of her the only other people he really ever had any contact with were Kiki, and the occasional scenes with Scotty and Dr. O, and not for very long at all. So he was pretty much just doing the same things over and over again, with no change or character growth. So when Jelly started having him interact with other people, he began to grow. And then with his starting to care for Jake and wanting to help him get better, put him in Liz's orbit, and really things just clicked. It's also great that Jelly has taken things slowly with them. With both chars histories things had to be gradual. That having been said, I can totally see them screwing things up with them, and my reasoning is just one word: Julexis.


  8. Mommyknowsall said...

    I'm happy that Olivia iis hopefully gone and Nell. There was no point. Wasn't Monica dating a judge? Can't even think of an interesting story that they have going on now.

    ** I wouldn't count Olivia out so quickly, as her exit is supposed to keep things open. In an interview Tonja said that she had so much fun acting again, that since just recently her youngest child left home to go to school, when she got back home to CT she was going to get everything packed up to move back out to CA, to get back into acting full time again, since she no longer has children that she has to take care of full time. And she said that there is a VERY good chance this is not the last we'll see of Olivia.

    ** As far as Nelle goes; we can't get rid of her quick enough, IMO. The ONLY positive thing about that mess is Bobbie and Felicia getting MUCH more screen time again. Jax's visit last time, and his next one coming up here soon has also been a plus.

    ** Yeah, Monica was dating the judge that was presiding on the case of Michael suing Sonny for custody of Avery at the time. IIRC his last name was Matthews, but I'm not positive atm.


  9. sonya said...

    The hospital/Sam's room:

    Alexis and Sam: Oh! Looks like Alexis is understanding Julian's situation and that Olivia J made him do things!!! Oh shut up Sam!

    ** Even though she just gave birth, I still wanted to smack Sam for her crap yesterday. Her hypocrisy is getting worse and worse. With all the shit she's pulled over the years, she has no right to the "holier than thou" attitude she's had towards Julian.

    Jake and BobTodd: Hmmm is Jake hypnotized or brainwashed? He has been acting strange.. Especially when he drew a line and then walked back and forth on it.. Oh and the door he drew, with the angle they had, it looked like a bed.

    ** I'm not quite sure exactly what/where they're going with this. Especially when Jake just stood up and drew that very long line, then sat back down, as if it explained everything, and all was fine. That was VERY strange!.

    Sidenote: The other day Y&R had a scene talking about heart disease, and it felt REAL! It did not sound fake, and it did not seem like a commercial! GH you can learn a lot from Y&R!

    ** That would be thanks to Sally Sussman and Kay Alden, both of which Bill Bell taught/mentored for 25 years, and should NOT have been, along with many others, let go, which ushered in what I like to call Y&R's "dark ages" absolutely laying waste to it, making it at times unrecognizable to longtime fans. Only late last year, when they were brought back in to clean up the total devastation that JFP and Pratt enacted over the last few years, has the show FINALLY back on track, and starting to look like again, what Y&R SHOULD be like.

    The only people he has chemistry with is Claudette (glad she is gone though) and Anna. (But I don't want Anna and Griffy as a couple)

    ** In regards to Anna, I've always just thought of him as a son, but not learning about her until later in life, and more as a brother-type to Robin.

  10. LSV422 said...

    JE's hair looked really nice - I am so going to miss her. How come Sam and Rudge both fell off the bridge and landed below on land but Ava and Julian landed in the river? Nothing ever makes sense anymore. By the way, I enjoy all the comments and K's comments on the comments

    ** I'm really going to miss her too. We were FINALLY getting the Qs built back up again. :(

    ** As to the bridge: There are 2 different ones. The one Sam and Rudge fell off of, had solid ground beneath. The other is the bridge that Luke and Robin took Stone bungee jumping off of, which was over water.

    By the way, I enjoy all the comments and K's comments on the comments

    ** Thanks, I'm glad you do. I just like to contribute what can. I've also been a smart ass my whole life.



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