Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Gong Gong Gong

Chuck ...oh Chuck Berry the guy behind the Gong Show is gone. I can't tell you the sheer lunacy of this show if you didn't see it at the time. My brother and I would jut die watching after school!! Everyone was either coked up or drunk. 

Anyway, I have a meeting at 2:00 so I won't be in for GH. Based on yesterday I really couldn't care-- so boring. 


  1. K, did you mean chuck Barris ? Bloody spell check.....

  2. Two Chucks have died within a week. He wrote the great song Palisades Park - went there many times. He died in Palisades, NY.

  3. I used to watch that show every day :)

  4. Valentin had the best line of the day! Hahaha!!

  5. I loved the Gong Show and Chuck Barris. Can not think of the show without thinking of

  6. Ruthie said...

    K, did you mean chuck Barris ? Bloody spell check....

    ** I think you meant to address this to Karen, instead of me, btw. :) It looks like spell check/auto correct kicked in on her, yeah.


  7. LSV422 said...

    Two Chucks have died within a week. He wrote the great song Palisades Park - went there many times. He died in Palisades, NY.

    ** Great song, and a The Gong Show was never really my thing, but I can definitely respect him for doing it. And I don't even know what to think about the the whole "secret CIA hitman" thing. On one hand it sounds like absolutely absurd bullshit, and nothing more. Yet, on the other hand, taking into consideration the time period, the man himself, and some of the other insanely bizarre shit the CIA did then, I could see them doing something like this, too.

    I've always been a big Chuck Berry fan. Without a doubt he was one of the greatest guitarists ever, who if never had existed, there would be no rock music today. And was most definitely one of the key figures in the development of American music in the 20th century.



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...