Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

I'm going to TRY to be less crabby today. We are interrupted now and then because of the blizzard. It's horrible here...we are due for up to 22 inches!! Plus we just had the wind storm last week and they are still trying to fix people's power! UGH! March is sucking! 

SO, Sam fell off the bridge and she landed on the side of the ravine thing. Julian falls off and???? AND???? I mean? So weird. 

Jake is on....Cam and Aiden are up scrubbing the toilets. Jake thinks Sam's baby is cursed.  Seems Helena told him she was when he was on the island. Then he stares into space and says "Never forget Jake and never tell' ..Liz and Franco are all  @@!!  Liz goes and gets Jake's book that....she got from Helena in April 2016. A YEAR ago.  For F sake. UGH Why didn't they do this back then!? I guess they are now going to do the whole What Happened to Jake on the Island story.

Franco is going to work with Jake on art and try to figure it out. Liz won't tell Jason. 

Carly is talking to Morgan again.  Olivia just happens to go into the cemetery. OF COURSE SHE DOES.  Carly says "you are a monster"!  Olivia pulls a gun on her. They struggle, gun goes off. Carly shoots Liv. Then she holds the gun on her and wants to talk about 'murdering her son'.  Looks like she was shot in the arm...Carly points the gun at her and tells her she's going to 'balance the scales'.  Olivia pleads for her life. Carly said God must have answered her prayers so she can shoot Liv. 

Sonny is bitching to Curtis to find Olivia NOW! He finds the British Boy on the bridge and has a big gun on him.  "Where is Olivia'??!! British guy doesn't know. Sonny's mad. 

Maddox wants Jordan back. Curtis comes in with coffee for her. Oy...jealousy.  He and Curtis banter. Again. Same old sheeze. 

Lulu, Laura and Kevin: Lulu wants Kevin to do Charlotte's psyche eval. DUH, he can't he knows the family. Then Lulu begs him to find out who's doing the eval and to talk to them. Again, he can't. 


  1. who is sonny kidding with that gun, he has never used it. just threats. he is such a joke. good thing he is good looking.

  2. Can Nelle wander into the cemetry so Carly can shoot her too?
    So who stops Carly from shooting Olivia? Ghost Morgan? Jax? Ava? Michael? St. Jasus?

    It is criminal Olivia Jerome has not had a scene with Lucy. Did anyone even think to warn Lucy that Olivia was back?

  3. Witch, I could be wrong but didn't Sonny kill AJ Quartermaine by shooting him?

    1. Yes and he point blank shot that mobster in the meeting of the crime bosses a year or so ago when he was trying to find out who tried tokill him.

  4. So much for Carly's anti-violence stance. LOL

  5. I live in Glens Falls NY. All day weather news on all local channels. Like, we don't realize it is snowing outside?! I guess the storm is better than watching GH these days anyway.

  6. I was surprised that they showed GH today in NYC, they finally stopped the weather news early afternoon.

  7. I haven't watched yet today, but find it ridiculous that when GH vets return (i.e. Anna, Heather, Brenda, AJ, Jax, Jerry, Scott, Todd Manning/Tea/Blair/Kiki (OLTL) the Jeromes, Duke, Olivia, etc.), their stories all have to center around freaking Sonny and Carly or Jason and Sam. Don't get me wrong. I can handle doses of Sonny and Carly, but THAT's the problem with this show.

  8. The floating rib:

    Laura, Lulu, and Doc: I love them, but zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Liz's home:

    Friz: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Friz and Jake: Oh boy! NOW they do the Jake story! What took them so long? BobTodd wins the lines of the day.

    BobTodd: Helena was a wack job.


    Jake: Like a witch?

    BobTodd: Close. Only one letter off.

    ROFL! And I love the looks Liz was giving BobTodd! Hahahahahaha! I love the way BobTodd picked up Jake and took him to bed awwwww. :)

    The bridge:

    Sonny and Rudge: Oh Sonny! Stop talking and shoot Rudge.. That's his name right? Rudge?

    The cemetary:

    Olivia J and Carly: Wow! Shoot her again Carly! :) Well I don't want Olivia J to die. Great seeing the actress again! :) I love that whenever the gun is on Olivia J, she begs for her life! :) She couldn't believe that Carly shot her! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!

    The hospital/Private room:

    Maddox and Jordan: Oh Maddox stop drooling like a lost puppy!

    Maddox and Curtis: Oh please Maddox!!! It's not Curtis's fault! He didn't put a gun to Jordan's head and make her kiss him!!! SHUT UP!

    1. Haha one letter off! Yeh that part was pretty funny!
      Rudge is right.

    2. Haha one letter off! Yeh that part was pretty funny!
      Rudge is right.

    3. Haha one letter off! Yeh that part was pretty funny!
      Rudge is right.

  9. "screamingeagle said...I could be wrong but didn't Sonny kill AJ Quartermaine by shooting him?"

    "dar said...Sonny shot Dante"

    2 lucky shots! :)

  10. friscogh said...

    Can Nelle wander into the cemetry so Carly can shoot her too?

    ** We can only hope!!

    It is criminal Olivia Jerome has not had a scene with Lucy. Did anyone even think to warn Lucy that Olivia was back?

    ** It really is. Sadly though, it doesn't surprise me one bit, coming from Jelly. Pretty much the ONLY good thing to come out of the whole debacle were the much more liberal use of flashbacks than normal, even though everything is available to watch on YT (unfortunately the quality isn't that good, but at least it is there.)


    1. I'm just happy that Olivia finally got injured. The stupid cow pushed pregnant Sam off a bridge! I wish Jason had gotten to her instead of Carly.

  11. sonya said...

    Friz and Jake: Oh boy! NOW they do the Jake story! What took them so long?

    ** I'm surprised they actually even got back to it at all. Stuff they started on Y&R and forgot about completely (more than a year before they left) is only getting sorted out and fixed now, 2 complete regime changes later. I'd pretty much written it off, like nearly everything else that had to do with Helena's will. So, I was amazed that they suddenly pulled it out of nowhere again.

    BobTodd wins the lines of the day.

    BobTodd: Helena was a wack job.

    Jake: Like a witch?

    BobTodd: Close. Only one letter off.

    ** True-er words have never been spoken about Helena! :)

    The bridge:

    Sonny and Rudge: Oh Sonny! Stop talking and shoot Rudge.. That's his name right? Rudge?

    ** Yeah, his full name is Winston Rudge, evidently

    ** Since it's sort of related, Karen was complaining about the differences between Sam and Julian falling off the bridge. They were different bridges. The one Sam fell off was not over water. The one that Julian did, is the bridge over water that everyone thinks of when they see a bridge, as it's that Luke and Robin helped Stone bungee jump off of. They're two completely different bridges.

    The hospital/Private room:

    Maddox and Curtis: Oh please Maddox!!! It's not Curtis's fault! He didn't put a gun to Jordan's head and make her kiss him!!! SHUT UP!

    ** Yeah, after that little display ANY sort of respect at all I may have had for him, is long gone. He sounded like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. If anything, how he acted was just embarrassing, since he is a "well educated psychiatrist'.


  12. "A well-educated psychiatrist"? Is there any other kind? I guess there is on GH, where Franco can be an "art therapist." You have to have a master's degree and a license to be an art therapist, at least in NYS, being a former sociopath artist does not qualify you for the job.

    Oh, and I dreamed about Jax last night. He was hot in the dream, and I don't find him hot, as I love only Sonny and never liked blondes. I don't know what he was doing in my dream . .. I held him and comforted him, he was upset about something, VERY upset and depressed, but, don't worry Sonny, nothing happened between us . . . :)

  13. AntJoan - TOO FUNNY!!! I was wondering where Sam's sisters were. Too busy to get to the hospital for the birth? I know Lulu was cheated and deserves to have her child but she is really annoying. Sonya, I just knew you would have that line of the day, LOL.

    1. Lulu can be annoying, but I still prefer her over crazy petty ass Nina as Charlotte's mom. Nina has too many mental issues to be considered a good mother to a barbie doll let alone a real live child. Give Lulu back her baby.

  14. AntJoan said...

    "A well-educated psychiatrist"? Is there any other kind? I guess there is on GH, where Franco can be an "art therapist." You have to have a master's degree and a license to be an art therapist, at least in NYS, being a former sociopath artist does not qualify you for the job.

    ** Oh, I've DEFINITELY heard about/ know of some that absolutely should NEVER have been allowed to practice and treat patients, that have made absolute wrecks out of people's lives that truly needed help. As far as the status of Franco goes, it's one of those things that one overlooks for the sake of "entertainment", is the way I look at it, at least.


  15. AntJoan said...

    Oh, and I dreamed about Jax last night. He was hot in the dream, and I don't find him hot, as I love only Sonny and never liked blondes. I don't know what he was doing in my dream . .. I held him and comforted him, he was upset about something, VERY upset and depressed, but, don't worry Sonny, nothing happened between us . . . :)

    ** It's times like this, you scare me! ;)


  16. LSV422 said...

    I know Lulu was cheated and deserves to have her child but she is really annoying.

    ** That's pretty much the way I think about the situation, too. As much as she does deserve to have Charlotte in her life, she's gone about it the worst ways. I do have to agree with what Valentin said in court last week. That the way things have been going with Lulu, that even though yes Lulu does love Charlotte because she is her daughter, but she also has been treating/coming across as if Charlotte is more like a possession in the abstract sense, than her daughter that everytime she comes in contact with, she practically terrifies her.


    1. She only terrifies her because she has been brainwashed by Valentin into thinking that Lulu is bad in some way. And speaking of Valentin, how cruel can he be to take away the mom who raised Charlotte, keep her away from her natural mother and put a psycho in that little girls life. I feel so sorry for Charlotte!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...