Thursday, March 23, 2017

I need Coffee

Olivia sitting in the PCPD while people coming in to bitch at her. Right now it's Jordan. 

Finn let Roxy wander into the hall-- he's in having with drawls.  He's babbling. She undresses him to get him in the shower.  NOPE.. he goes in fully dressed. 

Tracy and Ned at the Metro.  Tracy's all bitchy.  Tracy is mad that Olivia hasn't said yes to his proposal.  Larry Ashton comes in. 

Franco and Liz...Franco bought her a pedi-machine thing. Foot bath that's it.  He lights a bunch of candles. Better keep Cam out. 

Sonny stops by to see baby Scout.  Maurice is adorable with babies, we all know that.

I haven't watched in 2 days and I'm struggling to watch today. Wow..I'm falling asleep here. 


  1. Just the thought of weeks and weeks of Hayden and Fin in a room while he goes through withdrawals makes me physically sick. Who wants to relax in the afternoon with that?

    And Franco the new age psychopath doesn't entice me either. I turned it off. let me know if I missed anything significant.

  2. On the upside, kellet's is open again 🍔. Oh and jasam are back home, haven't seen it in months

  3. Hate Sonny but I agree he's so cute with babies.
    Disappointed Finn at least didn't take his shirt off.
    Scout is so cute!
    Friz were cute!

  4. Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzz..

    Sonny and baby Trim: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Um Sonny her name is Emily now! Although Sam keeps calling her Scout, so I am so confused. And maybe it's the lighting, but that baby looks like it's a different race. ROFL!

    Sonny: If you ever get in trouble, you call your uncle Sonny.

    Sure! Then he can try to kill the person for you! Or shove them down the ravine!

    Jason and baby Trim: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Metrocourt hotel/Finny's room: GuGu!!!!! Why are you out and walking around? Oh you and Finny got into a fight! :( I hope you two make up!

    RayFinn: Awwwww great scene!!! Poor Finny!!! No Finny you can't do this alone!!! :( So breaking my heart! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tracy's table:

    Tracy and guy who works there: ROFL! She is so rude! :)

    Ned and Tracy: Tracy is offended that Olivia F won't marry Ned! :)

    Ned, Tracy, and Faux Ashton: What the hell?!!?! Who is this actor? Why didn't an announcer say Ashton is being played by, so and so!?!?! I thought at first he was going to bring up Luke! Glad he didn't!

    Police station/interrogation room:

    Jordan and Olivia J: Jordan are you going to a party later? Why are you so dressed up?

    Olivia J and Sonny: Oh please Sonny! You are NOT scary!!! If you want to learn how to be scary, V.C. can help you!

    Police station: Jordan wins the line of the day!

    Jordan: Stop talking about my ass.

    ROFL! Oh my!!! Sonny got to Olivia J! He is SO playing with her mind!!! Now she is paranoid! ROFL! So what Sonny did, worked! :)

    Private room:

    Jordan and Curtis: Oh! Giving him a job! Awesome! Oh and also going on a date? :)

    Liz's home:

    Friz: OH! A foot bath!!!! *shoves Liz out of the way and puts my feet in it* She LOVES it! :) Is it better than sex? :) Oh guess not since they made the wuv! :)Oh living together! Nice! Then after that, marriage? :) Then Liz gets the preggers? :)

    1. You missed it. Sam told Sonny that they are calling the baby Scout. I go by my middle name too.

  5. sonya said...Ned, Tracy, and Faux Ashton: What the hell?!!?! Who is this actor? Why didn't an announcer say Ashton is being played by, so and so!?!?! I thought at first he was going to bring up Luke! Glad he didn't!

    Well since none of the writers noticed the difference they probably assumed we wouldn't either.

  6. "Di said...Well since none of the writers noticed the difference they probably assumed we wouldn't either."

    Hahahaha. We are not blind! :)

  7. sonya said...

    Sonny: If you ever get in trouble, you call your uncle Sonny.

    Sure! Then he can try to kill the person for you! Or shove them down the ravine!

    ** I SO wanted Jason to take her from Sonny and say something along the lines of "That will be up for discussion at a later date/time

  8. OK, wouldn't Liz want to get Jake some ACTUAl professional help? Franco is NOT a licensed art therapist. I THOUGHT that was a different Lord Ashton . . .

  9. "K says I SO wanted Jason to take her from Sonny and say something along the lines of "That will be up for discussion at a later date/time"

    Yes! That would have been good! :)

  10. I can't take anymore of the withdrawal stuff - terrible acting and excruciating to watch. I wish Curtis would have someone other than Jordan since she has been such a bitch to him unless it benefits her. And how tacky to have fake Ashton. Liz is not doing what's best for her kid. Just because Franco is an artist doesn't mean he can analyze, as has ben pointed out here.

  11. "Michelle Latta said...You missed it. Sam told Sonny that they are calling the baby Scout."

    No I heard her, but what about the name Emily? I guess Paint and Wall changed their minds? :)

    "I go by my middle name too."

    Oh? :) You don't like your first name? :)

    1. I'm named after my mother, we share the same first name. Creates less confusion

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Candles, foot bath, wine, great sex... Franco treats Liz like the Queen she is.

  13. "Michelle Latta said...I'm named after my mother, we share the same first name."

    Oh. Awwwww. :)

    "Creates less confusion"

    It does? I would think it would be more confusion. Someone calls your name and both you and your mother answer! :)

  14. "Michelle Latta said...Nope. :)"

    Cool! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...