Monday, March 20, 2017
Quite a Day!
Well, first a pickup truck dropped a load right in front of me...I missed most but ran over the bucket handle and my tire was flat. 2 hours for AAA to come and I ended up with my son's car and missed half my day.
HOLY CRAP. I can't watch GH today because of the Comey hearing and the Wild Sean Spicer Press Conference.
Sorry, WAY too important!
Ok, that's all I got-- If you watched, please summarize
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Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal
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Was it boring? Twitter thought so--
ReplyDeleteIt was pretty bleah, Karen. Mainly Sonny just whining to Carly that the only reason he didn't tell her that he "slept" with Nelle, is because he didn't want to "hurt her" Nina, VC, and Charlotte having lunch, then leaving when Laura and Lulu showed up. VC went over to talk about setting up Lulu's first visit time, since it would take awhile before the courts got everything setup. And of course all Lulu did was whine. Nina took Charlotte up to Crimson while he was talking to Laura and Lulu. Then we get to see Bobbie for a whole 30 seconds as she kicked Nelle out of the Metro Court. (That was pretty much the highlight of today.) Charlotte's nanny had to quick, due to a sick relative. So when Nelle went upstairs to give Nina the dress she gave her back, she helped Charlotte with some puzzle book while Nina was on the phone. (And actually the first time I actually liked Nelle a LITTLE bit). She asked Nina for the nanny job.
ReplyDeleteThen there was the usual Finn (I'm not a junkie but will go to rehab now crap), Anna talking to Maddox about her past with VC. Maddox leaves, VC shows up, tells Anna he has no desire to keep doing the "dance" they are doing, and forget about the past, as he wants to focus on his family - Charlotte and Nina.
HALF the show was Sonny and Carly having the same conversation again. They are killing the show and need to be gone for awhile if not forever. Finn needs to stop talking to himself. Lulu is so selfish - Charlotte hates her and needs to come around. All she thinks about is her loss. You didn't miss much Karen, but sorry you had that mishap.
Chandler mansion:
ReplyDeleteMaddox and Anna: Oh glad she admits that she is a hypocrite! :) Oh she is rude to Maddox! Me likey.. :) Well just a little bit. :) He tells her to stay away from V.C.! Hahaha unless V.C. shows up! Oh there he is! I was right ROFL!
The metrocourt restaurant:
Lulu and Laura's table with a side of V.C. Geez Lulu! Do you not want to see your daughter next Thursday? Well okay then! Wait! Is Laura going to set V.C. up!!?!?! I don't like that!!! I don't recognize Laura! She is OOC!
Bobbie and Nelle: YEAH BOBBIE!!!!! WOOT WOOT!
Metrocourt hotel room/McHammy's room:
YAY! McHammy is calling for a room in rehab! Oh no! Don't change your mind!!!! :( Oh oh the vile broke! Now what?! :( McHammy wins the line of the day.
McHammy: I agree Roxie. There is something darkly ironic about calling to get admitted to addiction therapy and getting put on hold for 20 minutes.
ValenNina: The other day when they were talking in the courtroom, he is saying he has no feelings for Anna.. No he is lying!!!!! He is in the love with Anna!!!!
Charlie and Nelle: Hey!!!! Maybe Nelle can be Charlie's new nanny!!!! :)
The hospital:
Tracy and RayRay: Yes RayRay call your honey bun! He needs you!! :(
Sonny's home:
Carly: Sleeping with Nell is like an ordinary pain! Like breaking your leg!
Sonny Jr: Oh shut up Carly and take off your clothes! NOW!
LSV422 said...
ReplyDeleteHALF the show was Sonny and Carly having the same conversation again. They are killing the show and need to be gone for awhile if not forever. Finn needs to stop talking to himself. Lulu is so selfish - Charlotte hates her and needs to come around. All she thinks about is her loss
** My S&C tolerance pretty much hit the breaking point during Frons/JFP/Guza's reign of terror. When they were literally on every day for AGES. At least when FV and RC came in, they got cut back significantly enough so that I could manage at least. Unfortunately since Jelly took over the head writing duties, that went by the wayside, and S&C are back on damn near every day. What really sickens me though, is they've pretty much turned Sonny in to the equivalent of a "superhero". Especially with Anna damn near treating him as if he should be canonized after they went to look for and found Carlos. And there is NO WAY IN HELL, Robert should have EVER had a beer with him.
** The way Lulu is being written now, makes me sick. Yes, she SHOULD have a relationship with Charlotte. I do have agree with VC though, Lulu really hasn't come across as a woman that just found out she has a daughter out there and wants to have a relationship with her, but at a pace the child can handle, because of what's gone on in her life, and having just learned the woman who she thought was her mother, had just died, then found out she wasn't really her mother, so the ONLY other person she feels safe with is her father. She's come across more as a child that wants her doll, and now, be damned the consequences.