Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Taking a Break

If you want to see him shirtless, there he is 
Yep... I can't even with this latest Olivia stuff. Griffin will be taken hostage by her and tied to a table shirtless.
Now, so many people are: Griffin is shirtless! I don't care if he's naked. I'm not watching another hostage story on GH. They are ALL THE SAME...... they are ALL STUPID and Olivia already took 2 people hostage. 
Can't support the writing. If this is all you could think of when you get someone as popular as TW back to play a character, then something is wrong. Olivia should have been interacting with everyone since the day she came to town. Maybe be Brad's adoptive mother, maybe be Griffin's bio mother-- maybe maybe maybe... if if if .. No because yet again she's stuck in a damn room blabbing to one other character. 

So, let me know how Hillary B Smith does during the custody hearing. 


  1. Understood! I had to fast forward more than 3/4 yesterday. Could only watch the always fabulous Diane with Nora and some of Anna. What's even more unbelievable is that OJ is doing the kidnapping single handedly. Really atrocious writing. Finola looked too thin yesterday. Franco is working in the garage now? They need to get rid of him already since they don't know what to do with him. Someone with some intelligence needs to fix this show and Frank V. doesn't seem to have a clue.

  2. From Daytime Dish:

    "To the disappointment of his fans, Tyler Christopher confirmed in a Tweet that he is off General Hospital for good. The actor will also be moving from Los Angeles to Nashville. There have been prior rumors of Nikolas Cassadine’s return and many soap opera followers had Tyler Christopher in mind but a recast would be necessary if the actor sticks to his plans."

    Wow, Nashville is getting crowded with ex-GH men!

    1. That's pretty much old news. I didn't know about the move though...
      If they want to recast though I'd like to see Nick Stable in the role, he was good. Maybe he and Ava could pick up where they left off.

  3. I think the custody case is stupid Lulu would win so easily in the real world. Lets count the ways.

    1. She was kidnapped and her eggs was taken from her without her knowledge.
    2. Valentine took the embryo and had it born then kept the child from Lulu for years. His stance in court about how Lulu doesn't know her child all I could think of is why is that it is because you kept her from the child. He shouldn't get points for that.
    3. Valentina and Nina got married out of the blue after meeting like 5 minutes before that.
    4. Nina is a mental ill woman who drugged a women so she can force her to give birth and kidnap her child. Nina while has been deemed well enough to leave the hospital and has lived a normal life can't adopt a child because of her past.
    5. Valentine has a questionable past with multiple names without even bringing up what happened on the island.
    6. Valentine has not made it easy for Lulu to get to know her kid since it was relieved that Lulu is Charlotte's mother.
    7. Lulu while hasty and ill advised in how she approached Charlotte only had her best interest at heart.
    8. Lulu can provide a loving stable home life.

    At worst in the real world Lulu would get shared custody of her child if not out right full custody of the child, but that is not how this will go. I see Lulu getting no visitation with the kid because Valentine will make her look crazy.

    The OJ story line is just crazy.

    The show need better writers or it will not be on much longer.

    1. It's not gonna get "better" writers as long as it's winning these awards nor will it go off the air.

  4. It's time to move to Nashville....Steve, Steve, Jonathan and now Tyler......Yes, here I come.

  5. Oh, sooo sad about Tyler, I sooo wish he would come back.

    I also noticed that Anna looked sooo thin yesterday, but, of course, it looks good on her, everything looks good on her.

    I also think the custody battle is ridiculous, Valentin could NEVER win such a case. Nina and he both have horrible backgrounds, and they got married after hardly knowing each other, how does that look?

    Re Karen taking a break: I will not take a break, but also am sooo fed up with kidnappings and serial killers. WHY does the show always have to feature a serial killer? Not just a regular killer, like Sonny or others in the mob, but a goodness-to-crazy lunatic serial murderer? I think they started with Helena, but maybe they had some before? Then they have, among numerous others, Heather W, the original Franco, Jerry Jax., etc., etc. GH has BRILLIANT actors who can bring warmth, wit and intelligence to their roles, WHO IS IT that thinks that changing love in the afternoon to murder in the afternoon is a good idea, is entertaining, is what we want to see? We watch to see the actors, the legacy characters, for the history, the warmth, the humor (on the rare occasions when there is any), and the love. We DO NOT want to see crazy lunatic murderers!!

    So I will ask everyone who reads this a question: Does ANYONE like watching stories featuring serial killers? This is not a rhetorical question, I really would like to know the answer to this.


  6. Hospital basement:

    Olivia J and Griffy: I didn't understand why Griffy had to have his shirt off, until she starts cutting him. I get it now.. WOW! Great scene!!! So much better than yesterday's crap! Wanting to get Duke's DNA and hair so that she can revive him! WHAT?!!?! Today she thinks Duke's soul will go in Griffy's body!!! LOVE IT! :)

    Olivia and Anna: Great fight scene!!!! :) Oh oh Anna is bleeding! :( Love the flashbacks!

    Griffy: Oh it worked!!!! He is Duke!!! Or he is just faking! ROFL!

    Julian's room: Geez you can grill him all you want! But he is still out of it!!!


    Laura and Nina: I didn't get this scene.. Waste of time I thought.

    Courtroom: WOW!!!! V.C's opening was great!!!! :( I'm glad Nina decided to show up! The smile on Laura's face, geez Laura it might not go your way!!! She just might stand by her husband!

    Stand by your man!

    Stand by your man,
    Give him two arms to cling to,
    And something warm to come to
    When nights are cold and lonely!!!!

    1. Oh Griffins totally faking it but I love it, sexy as "Duke", he's trying to fool cray cray. I act liked today better than yesterday. Kept telling Lulu to just.stay.quiet.
      As for Val....such crap, Lulu wasn't EVEN GIVEN A CHANCE TO BE A MOTHER TO CHARLOTTE!! So of course he was there for all her first!!! I wanted to punch him, I hope Nina does the right thing!

  7. Michelle Latta said...

    That's pretty much old news. I didn't know about the move though...
    If they want to recast though I'd like to see Nick Stable in the role, he was good. Maybe he and Ava could pick up where they left off.

    ** I was quite surprised at how well Nick did in the role. Usually I can't stand temp recasts (The recent Maxie and Spinelli ones were VERY good examples of that), and I either just FF through them or grit my teeth and deal with it, depending on the situation and who all is in the scenes with said recast. But Nick really impressed me, and he definitely had chem with Maura, like Tyler. So I'd be totally okay with him coming on board.

  8. AntJoan said...

    So I will ask everyone who reads this a question: Does ANYONE like watching stories featuring serial killers? This is not a rhetorical question, I really would like to know the answer to this.

    ** 99% of the time I don't. The ONE time I can think of right off the top of my head that GH has done in about the last 40 years was Ryan's obsession with Felecia. That was done so well, and chilling, but not overboard, like GH seems to end up defaulting to, more and more so, as time has gone on.

  9. Michelle Latta said...

    Oh Griffins totally faking it but I love it, sexy as "Duke", he's trying to fool cray cray. I act liked today better than yesterday. Kept telling Lulu to just.stay.quiet

    ** I figured that's what he was gonna end up doing. Sadly, more and more, as time has gone on, that's become my almost universal wish everytime Lulu opens her mouth anymore. I know ER CAN act, as she was rather good on Y&R. But, it seems for some reason, ever since she's taken over the role from JMB, it's as if the writers decided to have the character drop about 50 IQ points.

    While watching today, I couldn't help but think throughout the whole episode: Where the hell did Robin go? It's as if she just disappeared entirely. :P

  10. Yes, where is Robin? At first I thought that Cray Olivia could have released her, but that would have given her away, so I guess she is holding Robin somewhere else?

  11. Count me in as being sick of serial killers and abductions, too, although I like them on nighttime TV where it is done much better. I couldn't watch Griffin with OJ. Poor Matt Cohen - I was really embarrassed for him. Anna immediately found an entrance to the underground even though the police didn't. I like Nora - the actress is good. I'm disappointed about TC. I really wanted him to come back more than I wanted the character.

  12. Blogger AntJoan said...

    Yes, where is Robin? At first I thought that Cray Olivia could have released her, but that would have given her away, so I guess she is holding Robin somewhere else?

    ** Glad to see I'm not the only one that was bugging. Having watched Today's (Wed) ep and watching the short preview for Thurs, I guess we're going to see tomorrow. That may be, but it's still really bad writing/form to just have people magically disappear, with absolutely no mention of at all, by anyone on screen.


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