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When You're MOST Worried about the Lizard, it's a slow slow week... |
Since today's blog can fit on one page, may I suggest fast food for breakfast?
This week on General Hospital:

JaSam really loves their baby. Danny gets to meet her for the very first time. Visitors come in coo and delight in the baby's birth. (no one brought Frankincense and Myrrh tho). Think Seinfeld--but this baby is cute.

Friz are alarmed that Jake is drawing stuff and doesn't remember. They tell Jason. Jason reacts badly. (if you are unsure what happened go back 11 months because it's the EXACT same story). Now we can wait for them to argue ad nausea about Jake being near Franco. Yeah, us !

Alexis is vexed by Julian's letter. Molly and Krissy find it. Molly strangely believes him! Kristina points out that Alexis sounds like she did when she was with Keifer. Alas, Alexis still loves her some Jules.

Awwww, Hammy-Finn is detoxing. He's duct taped to a chair. He sweats. Hayden cares for him. Roxy runs loose in the hallway. Wake me up when the Zen-Zen has cleared his system.

We gotta talk about Us...!! Are we together? You love me! No.wait, I know I made a mistake and lied but..are you mad? Do you love me? Hard to stay away from each other. We have a connection. You lie! Now guess... is this 2005 or 2017??

In came the doctor, in came the nurse, in came the lady with the alligator purse! Oh, it was time for one of GH's favorite devices: Stick someone in jail and have the parade of people stop by to bitch and threaten them.

Whatever. If Tracy's exit story involves Larry then... it's an automatic fail.

Dr. O has new bangs. She went to talk to Anna about Valentin. So did Maddox. That's about it because they didn't say very much. The Val-Anna connection is about the best thing on the show for me right now, mainly because of the acting of FH and JPS. It's apparent however that Griffin will end up being Anna's son somehow--and I don't have faith it will make ANY sense.

I'm hiring Nelle. I just met her but she's the best person and Charlotte loves her. Almost as much as she loves cocoa and cookies. So, back off.

MOST EXPOSITION IN ONE DAY: Monday was a test of our patience, that's for sure. The entire week was a summary but Monday was just a killer. ugh
PROP of the WEEK: Liz gets a foot bath from Franco. Can't get a photo of it but you can probably look one up on Amazon.
So... no real movement this week. I have to be honest, I skipped a day and I only watched 1/2 days because by 2:30 it was apparent that this was going to make me nap. I am glad they finally had on Molly and Krissy but why these 2 don't have their own stories is beyond me. They are the right age, good actresses and for godsakes, get them something to do. So, there you have it!
Next week? Get this: revisit the Ava Pill Morgan Mess.... Revisit CarSon angst....Revisit tired Friz/JaSam Jake fest.... not exactly gripping.
PS. If you don't know Seinfeld you don't get my title. But, it's pretty hilarious. :)
Karen, I guess I am first again, thanks for the SS. Yes, I agree, most of the stories are AWFUL, it is a shame to have such amazing actors and give them such horrible material, THEY NEED NEW WRITERS!! Many of us who have been watching forever will continue to watch forever, but the bad writing is not fair to us, and many will stop watching due to the bad writing, which is not fair to our show.
ReplyDeleteIf this show got rid of everyone they have hired in the past 5 years the show would be 100% better. Bye-bye Finn, Franco, Nina, Helle, Valerie, Maddox, Charlotte, Kiki, Hayden, Nathan, Lomax.
ReplyDeleteSince a few newbies are necessary we can keep Griffin (we need doctors and he has chemistry with everyone), Valentine (great actor but character needs to get away from Nina), Dr. O (we need doctors and her snark to Anna and Monica are fun), and Curtis.
Do a triangle with Maxie with Dillon and Curtis, or Anna with Curtis and Val. Pair Liz with Griffin. Keep Scotty away from Lucy and Bobbie but try him with Monica. Bring back Sabrina Baldwin for Michael.
Tracy is leaving. Do an alzhemiers story with her.
I've been fast forwarding at least half of each show, which I always have when Sonny and Carly were on non-stop, and here we go again. So unbelievable that a person is undergoing detox tied up. Don't they have stomach/bathroom issues? Reviving a storyline after it has aged considerably doesn't generate interest.
I don't understand why Dr. O is still around, for so many reasons, but didn't she just sell out GH with her board vote? She should be done at GH. And it is beyond me how, after all she did to Robin, Anna can even be in the same room with her.
ReplyDeleteI also thought it odd that Anna would call her. Poor Robin was kidnapped for about a year, OMG, poor Robin seems to get kidnapped a lot, how can Anna even look at Dr. O? Of course, I LOVE her, I think she is the funniest character EVER on a show, as much as I hate psychopathic serial killers, I make an exception for her, everything she says I just LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of people here loved Helena, but I hated her, she was sooo evil, I didn't enjoy watching her at all. But Dr. O comes out with the best lines EVER, and with that accent, she is just hysterically funny!
I agree about Dr. O. having a loathesome history but I love the actress, too. Same thing with Ava-MW is always fascinating to watch regardless of what Ava has done.
Yes, ITA, Ava too, I met Maura at an event, and she was one of the most lovely and kind women I have ever met.
ReplyDeleteI was always an AMC girl. Since OLTL followed AMC, I got sucked into OLTL too. After ABC cancelled them, I began watching GH regularly. I already watched here and there, but I was not really a fan. I'm seriously considering retiring from GH permanently. I just can't stand the mob stories, the drug and alcohol stories, the violence, and so on. I yearn for relationship, hospital and family focus. And sadly, it's just not there.
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteMany of us who have been watching forever will continue to watch forever, but the bad writing is not fair to us, and many will stop watching due to the bad writing, which is not fair to our show.
** You "hit the nail on the head" PERFECTLY. After having watched GH for 40 years, as bad as things can get at times, the idea of giving up on it and stopping watching, would feel like quitting some project halfway in and walking away, to me at least.
LSV442 said...
ReplyDeleteSo unbelievable that a person is undergoing detox tied up. Don't they have stomach/bathroom issues? Reviving a storyline after it has aged considerably doesn't generate interest.
** That was the first thing that came to mind for me too, after seeing him tied up. The room is going to smell VERY awful soon.
Oh, don't you know, people on soaps NEVER have to do mundane things like catch a cold, clean their houses, cook or go to the bathroom.
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteOh, don't you know, people on soaps NEVER have to do mundane things like catch a cold, clean their houses, cook or go to the bathroom.
** Of course! Surprisingly though, B&B has had scenes with cooking in the kitchen severaal times over the last few months. And there is the whole "toast" thing with Friz, too. But, that doesn't quite count, really. Though something else did occur to me later on. Since one of the possible side effects of long term opiate usage can be constipation, that might actually be a GOOD thing for them!
I saw the kitchen scenes on B&B but no one on GH seems to have a kitchen. We know Sonny has cooked pasta but that's about it.