Thursday, February 4, 2016

On Fire

20160202 1443(24)

I spent an hour in my unheated basement yesterday, I was fine. :) If the furnace is in there, it kicks off a bit of heat. But OH's a soap and we need another fire! RIGHT!!? 

I'm going to see Anomalisa today!! So I won't be here. It's nominated for best animated picture and is supposed to be superb. 

I hope to see GH when I get back or tonight! 


  1. I found it hilarious that Sam was freezing in the basement while Lulu was walking around outside with no coat on. lol

  2. How long do we have to see Sam in that basement? Of course once she out, she will be at the hospital and we will be subject to the ping pong of Jason between Sam's room and Jake's room. Liz, Sam, Liz, Sam, Liz, Sam....I miss Jake Doe!!!!

  3. she is freezing in a basement yea ok.wouldn`t the pipes for the house freeze if it was that cold?!So dumb

  4. does anyone think that Rachel was once a high priced call girl?

    if she was, perhaps she stole money or did something with a client's money or whatever....

  5. Las Vegas: Wow! Who is that hunky man!?!?! :) He knows Rachel! :) I want to know how they know each other!!!!

    Honeymoon Suit: Nik and GreenHaydRachel are making love, but I'm bored! I want to go back to that guy who called her Rachel!!!

    Nik: You don't look like a Rachel anyway.

    Me: No she looks like Greenlee! :)

    Las Vegas part 2:

    Man: Hey it's me. Listen, you will never believe who I just ran into in Vegas.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Intriguing!!!

    Waterfront: Hmmm looks like it's getting darker. I love this new place!!!! :) Hey when are they going to show that new Italian restaurant that Liz was talking about before?

    Hospital: Wow!!!! They showed Cam!!!! Where is Aidan? Love the Jason and Cam scene. Poor kid. I love that Lucas was coming out to talk to Liz and Jason. :)

    Nico's home: Poor Kiwi is so cold! Well duh it's cold outside idiot! And you were outside at the new waterfront cafe for awhile! I actually enjoyed them playing scrabble, but the back and forth, push and pull, no we shouldn't have sex oh yes we should was boring! UGH! Hmmm organic soda?! HUH?! ROFL! I never heard of that.

    The floating rib: Oh hey! Bangs Mcgee is gone! I love Val's hair! :) Oh come on! What is this?! High school? So basically,

    Dillon: Get out get out get out get out!

    Lulu: No no no no no.

    Maxie: Get out get out get out get out!

    Lulu: No no no no no no.

    Was there a full moon at Port Chuckles? I did like Lulu apologizing to Val. Lulu you shouldn't be all shocked when she didn't accept your apology! You did the right thing.. I did love the Val and Curtis scene. :) All flirty. :) I will call them Valtis! Boy this guy has got a lot of chemistry with Val, GreenHaydRachel, and Jordan! Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: Is everybody an idiot?! Not you sweetheart.


    Cave: Sam is so stuck in a cave!!! Well it seems like a cave. Will Sam get frostbite in Liz's basement?! Can you get frostbite in a basement?! Oh look she can stand and walk!! Oh wait it's just a dream.... Or is it a nightmare? Oh oh I see smoke!!!!

    Smoke: Hi. My BFF fire, will be here momentarily.

  6. Avalonn said...How long do we have to see Sam in that basement?

    Hmmmmmm. A month? :)

    david said...does anyone think that Rachel was once a high priced call girl?

    No but I do now!!! That is an interesting theory!!! :)

    "if she was, perhaps she stole money or did something with a client's money or whatever...."

    Could be!!! :)

  7. sonya said...I will call them Valtis!

    Why does that sound so naughty? lol

    1. It sounds more like something you would require the use of penicillin to clear up.

  8. "Di said...Why does that sound so naughty? lol"


  9. david said...
    does anyone think that Rachel was once a high priced call girl?

    if she was, perhaps she stole money or did something with a client's money or whatever....

    David, if she was, maybe she used to have a different face. I wonder if she ever ran in the same circles Sam did back in the day when she was Sam McCall Girl...

  10. "Michelle Latta said...

    LOL Sonya!"

    Hahaha! :)

  11. What if Rachel is Paul's daughter?

  12. It was speculated a while ago that Hayden or Darby would be Paul's daughter. Hayden seems to old to be Pauls daughter. No idea why we even need Darby.

    When Tracy revealed that Hayden's real name was Rachel a few weeks ago. Wasn't it assumed that she was Rachel Shaw Emily's twin. No sure why they needed to bring her character back. Another dumb move by the powers that be at GH.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...