Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Push Over

I'm too old I think.
I'm just too old for this.... while I appreciate the work that went into the scenes, I just can't deal. 

Sonny saves the day.  OF Course HE SAVES THE DAY. Anna even thanks him.

Ava finds out that Kiki got shot. Thank god for Maura West. 

Dante saves Lulu, pledges his undying love to her. 

Carly and figures out what Sonny wanted to do and she's mad. They talk on the docks, because there are no police there. Carly threw the guns into the harbor. Because THERE WERE NO POLICE THERE. It seems everyone forgot they sent Morgan to damn Military School to escape Sonny's mob life. 

Very intense scenes, and I give kudos to all involved because they must have been a bitch to shoot but the premise and the sheer audacity of recycled mobular bullshit just pissed me off today. 

OMG TOMORROW? Ava says: Kiki might be paralyzed!????? AHAHAHAAA!!


  1. So can we now all just officially call Maurice Benard co-headwriter? LOL Seriously?!?! The church had a cop, a prince and doctor in it. The mobster saves the day? I don't even know what to say about this. They turn Kiki's paralysis into a bonding moment between her and Sonny too. Because Kiki and Sonny scenes go over so well...-_-

  2. kd said...Kiki might be paralyzed!????? AHAHAHAAA!!

    I was thinking they must have had to lease that wheelchair for a minimum of a few months. lol

    Odd that Lulu went into the water right by the boat, managed to get her socks and shoes off but couldn't get back to the boat to get out of the water. Dante jumps in the water, swims for 5 minutes looking for her and somehow manages to get himself and an unconscious Lulu out. Go figure.

    Then he says he doesn't know how he thought to look for her at the boat. It must have been the love connection on the astral plane again. He completely forgot that she said she was going to move her and Rocco's stuff and he even said he could give her a hand if she needed him. Do the different writers even read each others stuff? No wonder there's no continuity.

    And the NO POLICE at the docks was just ridiculous. No police force would leave one cop to guard all those weapons and no cop would just wonder off to take a call when on duty like that.

  3. Pier: 10 minutes maybe 15???!!?!?!?! Kiwi should be dead by now by that long!! Thank you again Dixon for shooting her!!! :) 3 cheers for Dixon! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY HIP HIP HOORAY! :) Now why couldn't Carly wash her hands in the water? Why wipe her hands on her coat? Dumb. Anna and Paul arguing! :) Panna for the win! :)

    Church: This was fun! :) Dixon wondering which girls were Sonny's daughter!! The screaming! I gotta say, that the screaming made me laugh. I don't think I was supposed to laugh. Oops! :) Now who else can Dixon shoot? How about Mayor Lomax! Sonny getting up!

    Sonny: I... AM... SPARTACUS!!!!

    Then he takes Dixon down! That was exciting. I cheered. :)I am glad Sonny didn't kill Dixon! I like Dixon! We should keep him. He should get redeemed somehow and stay on the show. Carly giving Sonny the stink eye. Anna and Paul great scene with them. They keep arguing! :) I think the writers want to redeem Paul! To me, it worked. Dixon wins the line of the day.

    Dixon: The cripple wants to be a hero too huh?


    Pier part 2: Carly throwing the guns in the water, great scene! Let me help you Carly! Carly and Sonny scene was great too! She blames both of them for how Morgan is! :) Yeah it was strange that the cop wasn't there, but then Carly wouldn't be able to throw the guns in the water.

    Police station:


    ROFL! Whoa there little doggie! Man Morgan made me laugh. I don't think I was supposed to laugh. Oops. Someone give him a tranquilizer dart!!!!!

    The haunted star:

    Dante: Lulu?! Lulu?! Where are you?! Lulu?! Lulu?! Where are you?! Lulu?! Lulu?! Where are you?! Lulu?! Lulu?! Where are you?!

    This is taking way too long. Is this going to take a week for him to find her?! Oh he jumps in the water!!!

    Little Dante: Oh the water is so cold! There is going to be a lot of shrinkage!

    Dante jumps in, and where did Lulu go!?!?!! Oh there she is! The water scenes were actually really cool. Nice shot. And Dante looks hot all drenched. :) Dante giving Lulu CPR was very odd editing. Did anybody notice? Once minute you see him give her mouth to mouth, and then you see him pushing on her chest. Very odd editing.

    The hospital:

    Ava and Morgan: YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Maura West was fantastic! :)

    Michael, Morgan, and Madox: SOMEONE GIVE MORGAN A TRANQUILIZER DART!!!! Or he needs to cut down on coffee.

    Nathan: Nathan is early 30's! He is older than Maxie!

    Kiwi: Oh BobTodd said Kiwi is 22!!! :)

    BobTodd and Nina:

    BobTodd: I am selfish and a terrible human being.

    Awwww BobTodd you are not!!! The way you are with Kiwi and Nina! You are wrong about yourself!

  4. I didn't finish yet, but couldn't resist reading Sonya's recap anyway, LOL!! OK, WHY was Lulu just thrashing around in the water and sinking? She can't swim AT ALL?? Even doggie paddle? C'mon, we all know how Luke took her ice fishing; she never even was taught to tread water in case she fell in? She was sinking like a stone, c'mon, even if you never were taught to swim, paddling around is kinda instinctive. And, as someone else here said yesterday, if the boat is tied to the docks rather than at sea, couldn't she just get to the shore?

  5. "AntJoan said...I didn't finish yet, but couldn't resist reading Sonya's recap anyway, LOL!!"

    ROFL! :)

    "OK, WHY was Lulu just thrashing around in the water and sinking? She can't swim AT ALL??"

    Apparently not!!!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. sonya said... Now why couldn't Carly wash her hands in the water?

    The water line might have been too far below the dock for her to reach over and do that, but why oh why would she leave the hospital and go back to the docks without washing her hands. Getting someone else's blood off your hands would be an instinctual reaction in the real world.

    sonya said... Oh the water is so cold! There is going to be a lot of shrinkage!

    That would explain what happened to Lulu's brain. lol

    And thanks for the laughs, Sonya. I always love your reviews.

  8. Am I mistaken - or did Morgan get arrested - processed at the pcpd - go to the hospital - and THEN sees Kiki being brought in? - bad ambulance service in PC

  9. I hate that show has Kiki thinking Sonny's the greatest person ever.

  10. Just another example of bad editing, JohnD. They should have at least had someone say, "We've got her stabilized now and we're taking her to the O.R. That would have explained the time lapse.

  11. "Di said...The water line might have been too far below the dock for her to reach over and do that,"

    Okay good point. :) Then doesn't she have a wet nap? And since she went to the church, take her coat off and hide the blood and hide her bloody hands too, so that Ava doesn't see the blood!

    "That would explain what happened to Lulu's brain. lol"


    "And thanks for the laughs, Sonya. I always love your reviews."

    You're welcome. :)

    "JohnD said...Am I mistaken - or did Morgan get arrested - processed at the pcpd - go to the hospital - and THEN sees Kiki being brought in? - bad ambulance service in PC"

    Well it did take the EMT's 10 or 15 minutes to get to her! So of course they are slow! Another what, 5 or 10 minutes to get to the hospital!

  12. I wish Anna would have snapped and popped a cap into Sonny's ass. I'd love to see that character 6 feet under at the ends of Anna "By God" Devane, who is a badass until the end even with these crappy scripts.


  13. Still haven't caught up yet other than here, but I read Brooklyn (Emma) is coming back for a visit with Grandma Anna!!

  14. "LSV422 said.. I read Brooklyn (Emma) is coming back for a visit with Grandma Anna!!"

    Yeah I read that too! YAY! :)

  15. Well, I guess that she can't play with Joss anymore, who suddenly is, like, 40. OK, Sonny KO'd that bad guy with ONE punch? That didn't even look like much of a punch? I guess he got REALLY strong doing his PT with Piffy!

  16. I think they're going to have to age Spencer too AntJoan or Joss will soon be babysitting him. lol

    And I'm always happy to see Emma.

  17. "Di said...I think they're going to have to age Spencer too AntJoan or Joss will soon be babysitting him. lol"

    ROFL! That would be VERY odd! :)


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...