Sunday, January 3, 2016

Kim McCullough Shares Her 2015 Year

I first saw this on twitter when SOD had something up about KM's miscarriage.  I was hesitant to RT or to post about it because it feels so raw and I didn't want to invade any privacy. I do believe now that KM wants to share and have people read about her journey this year. Go to her BLOG  and read about the brave lady that she is. 


  1. Yeah I saw that on facebook. :(

  2. She had many ups and downs last year. So sorry to hear of the loss of her baby girl. I wish her all the best in the future.

  3. Wow, I had no idea she was even pregnant. I had a miscarriage myself and feel her pain. I hate when people used to say "things happen for a reason".

  4. When I was on the set of GH, I briefly met KM. We said "hi" to each other, she was this tiny thing wearing shorts and smiling, always smiling. It was amazing to read her blog--she seems as strong and resourceful as her alter ego, Robin!

  5. I read it, too. She was amazingly forthcoming and it is sad that she had the miscarriage. Hope she has a great 2016.

  6. No wonder she looked puffy. She was pregnant!!! :) So sad. :( I just want to hug her now. I'm glad she wants to share her journey with us.

  7. KM's physical problems explains why her return to GH was rumored but never fulfilled. One story this summer was that she would be pregnant when she returned.
    I,as many others, have watched her grow from a youngster who still had baby teeth to a beautiful woman. I enjoy her infrequent returns and I hope they never recast her role.I look forward to her return to GH.

  8. KM is true GH fam...The writing for Robin has all driven us nuts at times, I know, but KM always brings the goods and truly respects what the show has meant for her and the fans over the years. Nothing but respect for her and I hope she drops by Port Chuck every now and then for a visit.
    Praying that we do get one or two Robert/Anna/Robin scenes with just the three of them before the exit. The three always had a great chemistry and made even the craziest of storylines feel real.




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...