Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Nina and Franco! Good Day!!  She's happy about the magazine. He's happy for her. She's interviewing with a guy from Financial Times.

Olivia got arrested for assaulting the mayor. Whoops. Not because of her boob-feeding. Alexis is going to represent her. Kinda like family. She doesn't like her but don't mess with her! 
Shari, Alexis and Lisa...great scenes.  Alexis basically tells Mayor to drop this because it would be bad for her politically. 

KEVIN COLLINS!!  LOVE. He's afraid Liz will have another break down.  Later, another doc (child psyche) says he needs art therapy. 

So glad Maddox is tied to Robert and Anna. Great job. He's also an FBI profiler and works for WSB. YES!! 

Sabrina is in a cabin with Carlos. Felix calls her to tell her Micahel is sorry and made a mistake. Carlos is mad she used her phone.  She throws it in the snow.
The WSB team think they are in Hallifax NS. 

Sam and Jason zzzzzzzzzzz. talking about Liz' house and weird stuff going on. 


  1. Can't wait to watch! Anna, Robert & Andre, Kevin Collins, NiCo, Art Therapy. Sounds good to me.

  2. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sam and Jason: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Come on! Let's get back to the other great scenes! Like Liz and Doc, Anna, Andre, and Robert, the police station, Crimson, and other scenes!!! Sam and Jason blah! Same chit chat different day!

    Police station: Olivia arrested because of breastfeeding her son!!! Great scenes! You are a liar Lomax!!!! I don't have a problem with a mother breastfeeding. I am not uncomfortable, it's just awkward. Cus I don't know what I should do. Should I look or look away? I end up just looking away, to give the mother space and respect. Anyway Olivia wins the lines of the day!

    Olivia: I'm Italian. That's little. The bottle is in my bra genius!

    ROFL! And Olivia is right. That WAS a little. You don't want to see a full blown angry Italian! Yikes! Love it when Alexis stood by Olivia and became her lawyer! Love it when Alexis took a picture of Olivia breastfeeding! Love that cop and the look on his face the whole time! Especially when Alexis was telling Lomax off! His eyes were wide! ROFL! Love that Alexis gave Olivia a blanket to cover herself. :) Great scene all around!!! Alexis wants to sue! LOVE IT! That poor baby was starving!!!!

    Baby uncle Leo: I AM HUNGRY! ME WANT BOOBIE! GIMME NOW!!!! And after dinner, I want to visit my girlfriend Avery.

    Gee after he ate dinner, he was still crying! He must have been still hungry! :)

    Caaaaarlos and Sabrina's cabin: Love the scene!!! He went grocery shopping? Awwwww! :) Love that! Love also that he said that two men didn't treat her right and threw her away like garbage. Awwww! :) Caaaarlos will treat her right. :) Come on you two! Kiss! :)It was strange though that Sabrina threw her phone out in the snow! ROFL! She could have just deleted all her contacts, and not answer her phone.

    Chandler Mansion: Love Anna's face when she found out who Maddox really is!!! I have that same look!!! Yeah Anna I know!!!!! What the?!!?! :0 Great scene!!! All three working together!!! Love how Maddox just knows that Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos cares about Sabrina! :)

    The hospital:

    Liz and Doc: KEVIN!!!!! :) Where the hell have you been?! Love their scenes today! Love how he is worried about her awwww! :)

    Liz and Jake's therapist: Wow! Great continuity!!! Yesterday Jason and Liz talked about Jake going to a therapist tomorrow, and today he is with the therapist! Love Jake's sweater. Wait! Jake needs art therapy?!!?! So more scenes with Liz and BobTodd? YAY! :)

    BobTodd and Jake: Awwwwww! :)

    Crimson: Nina and BobTodd awwww! :) Nina and the guy interviewing her! Come on Nina! You can do this interview!! You got this!!! AND SHE DID!!!! :) A woman who is refreshing sparkling, and effervescent!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I guess you could also say women who are lemony. :)

    Liz's home: Jason doesn't live there anymore!!!! What the hell?! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Yesterday: Oh I forgot to mention yesterday about those yellow blankets or whatever they were around Lulu and Val! So yellow!!! So blindingly yellow! My eyes!!!!! So bright!!!

  3. "SaveOurSuds said...Can't wait to watch! Anna, Robert & Andre, Kevin Collins, NiCo, Art Therapy. Sounds good to me."

    It was a very good show today! :)

  4. I FF'd through Sam and Jason today but I enjoyed the rest of the show. It was really nice to see Kevin again, and I'm really going to enjoy Maddox working with Anna and Robert.

    I think there will be a breast feeding scene in the next edition of Crimson, with it's modern women. I wonder if they'll use Olivia? lol

  5. "Di said..I think there will be a breast feeding scene in the next edition of Crimson, with it's modern women."

    Oh yeah! I think so too! :) You can just read Nina's mind! :)

    "I wonder if they'll use Olivia? lol"

    Well, Alexis DID take that picture! :) So I hope so! :)

  6. Olivia certainly is beautiful enough to be featured in a magazine! Sonya, yesterday, when Anna and Robert opened their scene talking about the house, I also thought it sounded like Robert was buying one, but that didn't make sense to me, then I realized it was Robin/Patrick/Emma's house, they didn't make it clear.

    1. AntJoan I also thought the same thing when Anna and Robbie were talking, then realized which house they were talking about. Wonder who's gonna move into it?

  7. Aunt Joan, if you want things to be clear, you are watching the wrong show 😻😹

  8. "AntJoan says Sonya, yesterday, when Anna and Robert opened their scene talking about the house, I also thought it sounded like Robert was buying one, but that didn't make sense to me, then I realized it was Robin/Patrick/Emma's house, they didn't make it clear."

    Actually it does make sense.. Cus if Robert is staying in Port Chuckles, then he has to find a place to live! :) I thought Anna was helping him find one.

  9. I am with Di: ff all Sam and Jason stuff, but thought the rest of it was really good.
    The breast feeding uproar is so silly. I fed my baby in some of the finest restaurants in Chicago: I put a blanket over the baby, and no one knew. People are squeamish about the human body and looking at it, so I didn't give them a chance.
    I did, at a friend's request while visiting her home, go into her bedroom to nurse. Her five hear old son came in, and sat down next to me. He watched for a moment, and then said, "So that's how you do it." The he left.
    I hope Anna, Robert, and Doctor Who find Sabbie and Carlos. I hope they drag Carlos back, and the whole Paul thing explodes in his face.
    And I hope little Jake gets some help. That kid is seriously disturbed.
    Good soap!!! Hee hee hee.

  10. I love the breast feeding story line. I breast fed my children everywhere and my daughter wanted to feed until she was 3 years old so I did. I breast fed on a plane once and I saw a flight attendant approaching. I thought oh great, she's going to ask me to stop. She patted me on the shoulder and smiled and said "if anybody has a problem just let me handle it". Women have to stick together not tear each other down.

  11. Sonya - I SWORE up and down today Anna's house is the chandler mans too. Has that been confirmed?

  12. "ATinz said...Sonya - I SWORE up and down today Anna's house is the chandler mans too. Has that been confirmed?"

    Well, I showed the pictures!!!! :) But no it wasn't confirmed.

  13. Did anyone notice that before Sabrina threw her phone in the snow that she turned it on? Maybe she is hoping it will help track their location. I think she is sorry she left.

  14. screamingeagle said...
    Did anyone notice that before Sabrina threw her phone in the snow that she turned it on? Maybe she is hoping it will help track their location. I think she is sorry she left.

    I noticed. There is no way that Sabrina would want to live the rest of her life hiding out with Carlos. Especially now that she knows Michael is willing to make a life with her. She even made the comment to Carlos that this life was new to her so she didn't understand the rules. But... will it take three months to find her? I think I read that she has three months maternity leave coming.

    Also, loved Franco's comment to Kevin Collins about drawing that same type of picture when he was a kid and it didn't end up good. Guess we won't see the pictures that Jake drew though. And since I like Roger Howarth so much, I hope they can come up with a way to make us all forget how evil he was before.

  15. YES! I meant to put that in, I thought maybe she put her GPS on.. ;)

    I have no problem with breast feeding but it was kinda cluess/over the top with the mayor there LOL. At least ASK...but it makes for a fun story and I love that Alexis is sticking up for Olivia.

  16. I have no problem with breast feeding either. My problem was with Olivia scheduling a meeting with a client while her child was fussing. The mayor suggested that perhaps she'd like to take care of the baby first and they'd meet another time but Olivia insisted on scheduling the meeting then and there.

    Then they had the mayor start acting like an idiot and threatening to call the police.

    Like I said, no problem with the concept, hated the way it was carried out.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...