Monday, January 11, 2016

Flunking Out

OH College mail for Krissy.. she failed to make her GPA. whoops. SO she loses her scholarship..which ..she doesn't need with her Cassa-Corthinos connections.

Sonny gets a pissy new neurosurgeon...they are crabby in real life, believe me ..99% of them I've met in my job anyway! They are brilliant but bedside manner? Lacking sometimes. IF You are ONE I AM SORRY! lol 
I LOVE him :) hes' a great actor and we need cranky on the show. The hospital is too cheery. Epiphany can't be the only one. 

Jake needs some acting lessons. I like the kid, I get he's not a recast..but ouch. Plus, they are writing him so much younger than he is. Character and In Real Life. The police guy comes (looks like the new doc but shorter). They are going to open an investigation since there has been 2 incidents. 

Diane called Alexis to take over Jason's case for now because she's on vacation with Max (off screen). Alexis is like, "um, he looks kinda guilty to me"
Sam has on nice red lipstick today. 

Maxie tries to turn in Johnny but Lulu stops her.  Maxie is a little jelly that Lulu might be fooling around with JZ. 

MY NEW MATTRESS IS HERE.. I had to leave at 2:44 sorry!! :) I'm so excited to sleep well on my gel-foam 


  1. Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest for Alexis since Nikolas is her nephew? Just sayin...

  2. They definitely have jake talking like a kid who's younger than he is. And I agree about the acting lessons.

    I also find it funny that Jake is supposed to be 3 years younger than Cameron but he's taller than him as they've never recast Cameron.

    I loved the scenes with Johnny today.

    And how much longer is Krissy gong to be able to keep the marks a secret?

  3. KD--enjoy the mattress. I got a new one back in Sept and haven't slept better in my life! Also, many years ago my (now late) husband had brain surgery and the neurosurgeon was a real gem and a wonderful man. The surgery was just before xmas, and I sent him xmas cards every year while my husband lived, thanking him for saving/extending his life. He was awesome, and his neuro-nurse was beyond compassionate, kind, and knowledgeable. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! (FYI it was a cancerous tumor he removed and which eventually killed my husband.)

    Trisha--ITA about Nathan!! I missed him at New Years, since the last 2 years NYE sort of revolved around him and Maxie. Maxie said he was out of town on a case. I read the actor is starring in a Hallmark movie, so maybe he was off filming that.

  4. Not sure if it applies to neurologist as well but I am not really a fan of mine, liked my other one less. I did have a wonderful one but I moved out of town and couldn't take him with me. LOL! Enjoy your new mattress and oh before I forget....has it occurred to anyone that Jake is behind this, in an attempt to get his parents back together?

  5. OK, where are Nathan, TJ and Spencer?

  6. Haunted Star: Oh look! Maxie and Johnny playing duck duck goose and running around the table, and all over the place! ROFL! These are great scenes! I bet Brandon Barash and Kirsten Storms Barash had a blast!!! :) Johnny wins the line of the day!

    Johnny: What me thinks? What is Spinneli back in town?


    Maxie: I need you to think about Rocco. We are parents. We have children. We can't do stuff like this.

    Whoa! Maxie has become smart and wise! :)

    Johnny: Maxie how is your little girl?

    Awwwww! Damn it Johnny! Stop being so damned charming! :)

    The hospital:

    New Doctor, with Sonny and Carly: WOW! This new doctor has a really awful bedside manner!! He is so rude! I LOVE THIS GUY! :) Can we keep him?! I wonder if he and Piffy get along hahaha. OH OH OH! Can Tracy and this doc have a scene? Can they have a date? :)

    Nik's room: This is so boring! So basically,

    GreenHayden: Marry me!

    Nik: No.

    GreenHayden: Marry me!

    Nik: No.

    GreenHayden: MARRY ME!!!

    Nik: NO!

    I do love her pants!!!! Her shirt meh. When she played Greenlee on AMC, she always wore dresses. I hope Rebecca Budig washes her hands or uses hand sanitizer, or she is gonna catch Tyler Christopher's cold!

    Julexis's home: So wait. Kristina failed a class, so she is suspended? HUH?! That is stupid. And why isn't she telling her parents about this? Another stupid thing! Did Kristina just put that letter in her mother's purse?!!?!?!

    Liz's home: Hmmmmm. Is the bad guy real? Or is Jake lying to get his parents together? Hey! That cop looks like the doctor at GH! I wonder if they are brothers! :)

    "Karen says Jake needs some acting lessons. I like the kid."

    Yes I agree he does need acting lessons and I do like the kid too.

  7. Nathan is going to be on a Hallmark movie. I saw a preview, and at first couldn't place him. It is a take on Pride and Prejudice, with Nathan as Mr. Darcy. Seriously. Couldn't make that up. Hee hee.
    Stephanie, it would also be a conflict of interest for Alexis because Jason is her son-in-law.
    Can anybody else picture the meltdown when Alexis finally finds out about Krissy flunking out?
    Hope the new mattress gives you excellent sleep and wonderful dreams, Karen.

  8. Ok, so, I'm going to be the one to say it.

    Where is Brad, Lucas and Rosalie?

  9. "david said...Ok, so, I'm going to be the one to say it. Where is Brad, Lucas and Rosalie?"

    Well Lucas was on today, but um, Brad and Rosalie are probably having marital relations. ROFL! :)

  10. GH Rumor....

    Apparently starting Feb 1st, Jason will be paired with Liz on all days ending in an odd number. He will be paired with Sam on all days ending in an even number. This will eliminate the confusion that the fans have as to who Jason will be with and the volleying back and forth and back and forth between the two.

    "Is he with Liz now? Or with Sam?" It will now be on a schedule.

    As for the 31st, Jason will be with neither and spend the day with his one true love, SOnny.

  11. I still think Ned and Patrick should have been the male leads on this show. As TPTB could not keep those actors I realized watching Monday's show the two male leads should be Johnny and, not Jason and Sonny. Yesterday's show also featured who I believe should be the two female leads. No, not Carly, Sam, or Hayden. My choice for female leads are Maxie and Kristina.
    It of course goes without saying that I believe our vets should always be more prominent. The magnificent mavens of Anna, Tracy, Laura, Bobbie, Alexis, and Monica. And General Hospital Gents of Mac and Scotty.
    PS: I think Lucy needs to come back and bitch-slap Nina out of Port Charles for trying to be a lesser version of the iconic Lucy Coe.
    PPS: some chat as to where is Nathan. Truthfully, does anyone miss him? I much prefer Maxie out and about interacting with others then endless lying in bed talking with Nathan scenes.

  12. "david said...GH Rumor....

    Apparently starting Feb 1st, Jason will be paired with Liz on all days ending in an odd number. He will be paired with Sam on all days ending in an even number. This will eliminate the confusion that the fans have as to who Jason will be with and the volleying back and forth and back and forth between the two.

    "Is he with Liz now? Or with Sam?" It will now be on a schedule."

    Well that is a very strange rumor. I hope it's just a rumor.

    1. LOL, I think that was snark not rumor. Loved it and laughed my butt off.

  13. "Jenna Woodruff said...LOL, I think that was snark not rumor. Loved it and laughed my butt off."

    Hahaha oh! :)

  14. Friscogh, always like your posts. so well out and on point.

    Of course I was kidding. Does anyone ever take anything I write seriously?

    I am on FB groups that post previews daily "Jason is with Liz. Jason is with Sam". I am getting dizzy. What lazy writing. Pick a storyline and stick to it. I'm tired of the yo-yo writing.

  15. I actually (once upon a time) knew the actor who played the Dr. really well. His name is Matt Reidy and he is great. Would love to see him on the show regularly. I had neck surgery and my neurologist had 0 bedside manner - but he was a great surgeon and that was all that mattered to me!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...