Thursday, January 14, 2016


Yes, I will be getting my CROWN today.. actually at the dentist, which you know costs as much as a real jeweled one! 

SO, GH..for you to watch. It's been a very frustrating week for me to watch ...that's all I'll say. Perhaps a good break getting Novocaine will help! LOL. 

BTW.. let's play: Where's Ric. 
I'll go first... 

I think Ric is in... Monte Carlo gambling. Your turn! 


  1. Ric is off doing some investigating...he is secretly working with Tracy to both bring down Paul, and reclaim ELQ from Nicholas. Ric and Tracy are also having an affair.
    When Ric returns to Port Charles he will be DA, Tracy will be ELQ CEO, and they will be living together in the Quartermaine mansion.

  2. ha ha wouldn't that be awesome! I just have to say I am so choked with stupid sabrina, I know the actress is now going on mat leave but her going with Carlooooossss is so stupid. Now this story will drag on forever or until she comes back from mat leave. In Canada we get a year :)

  3. He's putting lawn gnomes in Elizabeth's lawn to make her go totally rock bottom. Then he will swoop in like the total knight in shining armor boss that he is.

  4. I think Paul is really Rick in a mask.

  5. "BTW.. let's play: Where's Ric. I'll go first... I think Ric is in... Monte Carlo gambling. Your turn!"

    Oh Ric is with me. :)

  6. Sonya, he better not be! Actually we know Rick was at their Xmas party, but Ric is MIA. Surely they can write something for him.
    Linda V

  7. "LSV422 said...Sonya, he better not be!"

    ROFL! You can come over if you want. :) Then you can take him over at your house for a few days. :)

  8. You, know, TPTB, are SUCH idiots, they have a jewel of a man like Ric--gorgeous, a great actor, and they leave him by the wayside so we can choke day after day on Jason, Carly, et al. How stupid can you be? Also, NO ONE answered me--where are Spencer and TJ? And Brad and Rosalie . . .

  9. I will be right over Sonya!! AntJoan, they must be with Ric, Cameron, Aiden and Josslyn probably at Gram's.

  10. Karen, in the Spoilers you have Parry Shen is engaged in real life. Umm he's been married to Kim Shen since 2002. He even has on his Twitter profile "Hubby/Dad"

  11. Thank you Linsav I wasn't sure if I remembered that right about PS I don't Tweet or anything like that but I did Google him once because I was wondering if he was gay in real life and thought I read he was married and a papa. Anyway,I thought the show was actually watchable today. I was kinda creeped out when Johnny howled at the end when he took Val. I was hoping he was going to just let it go when Val told him she was done with Dante and hoped his marriage would heal. Thought he may have gotten to like her. I'm really hoping LuLu catches a boat load of trouble. Just because! :-) I hope your picking up some of the tab on that crown Karen! I worked in dentistry for 23yrs.and know how expensive they are even with ins. Thankfully it wasn't an implant and crown! I'm actually starting to see a glimmer of hope for the show again. It was good to see Mac and Scorpio and then Scorpio agreeing to stay for Anna is some of the reason for my optimism. We shall see! In the meantime I love coming here to catch up and get everyone's take on the show. Thanks for letting me share! Have a blessed night!

  12. Thank you Linsav I wasn't sure if I remembered that right about PS I don't Tweet or anything like that but I did Google him once because I was wondering if he was gay in real life and thought I read he was married and a papa. Anyway,I thought the show was actually watchable today. I was kinda creeped out when Johnny howled at the end when he took Val. I was hoping he was going to just let it go when Val told him she was done with Dante and hoped his marriage would heal. Thought he may have gotten to like her. I'm really hoping LuLu catches a boat load of trouble. Just because! :-) I hope your picking up some of the tab on that crown Karen! I worked in dentistry for 23yrs.and know how expensive they are even with ins. Thankfully it wasn't an implant and crown! I'm actually starting to see a glimmer of hope for the show again. It was good to see Mac and Scorpio and then Scorpio agreeing to stay for Anna is some of the reason for my optimism. We shall see! In the meantime I love coming here to catch up and get everyone's take on the show. Thanks for letting me share! Have a blessed night!

  13. "LSV422 said...I will be right over Sonya!!"

    Great!!!! :)

  14. Mac seemed to be speaking for us Robert fans to make a case for Robert to stay. I hope the show can keep him for a while as I think he is on recurring at Y&R. It would be great to see him interact with all of those characters that Mac mentioned.

    I don't get what Johnny is doing. Is this a way to rehab Valerie by making her a victim of big bad Johnny? Even though Johnny is "bad" I'd rather keep him and get rid of Valerie. Normally I prefer the good guys but I think Brandon Barash as Johnny has more charisma than Nathan or Dante who I find deadly dull. I know I shouldn't be rooting for him but I am!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I enjoyed a lot of the show today - especially Mac/Anna and Robert! I did think the fact that practically everyone at the Metro Court was reading Crimson during their meals was ridiculous, however.

  17. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Julian and Alexis:

    Alexis: Honey, look up.

    Julian: What in the hell?

    HAHAHAHAHA! A sea of green!!!! :) There is even a guy reading the magazine hahahaha!

    It's not easy being green.

    Mac and Robert: Yeah Robert!! You gotta stay in Port Chuckles!!!! Yeah I know you have to go back to Wisconsin and still pretend you are Colin! ROFL! Great scene between Mac and Robert!!!! I want more scenes with them! Robert you have got to stay!!!! Mac wins the line of the day!

    Mac: You know what I say when they ask me if I have any kids? I tell them I have three daughters. I mean I know that Maxie is biologically Frisco and Felicia's daughter. And Robin is your daughter with Anna, but what does daughter really mean? It's just a word. I raised those girls. When Maxie skinned her knee, I got to put a bandage on it. When a boy made Georgie feel bad I held her hand until she stopped crying. And when Robin contracted HIV I got to be the one to tell her I love her, to hug her, and to tell her she isn't going to be alone.

    BAH! Mac made me cry!!!! Fantastic line!!!

    Anna and Robert: Great scene with them too!!!! See Robert, Anna wants you to stay too!!! So you got to!

    Sabrina and Felix's home: How did Michael get in?! Does he have a key?! Where is Felix? Oh there he is! :) Love the look on his face when he saw Anna and Jordan hahahaha. Oh it's a where is Sabrina game! She is with Juan Santiago?! NOPE! Try again hahahaha! I forgot to mention yesterday that when Caaaaaaaaaaarlos was on the phone with Sabrina, that was a great line he said about going with him, and if she doesn't, he will turn himself in to Anna and she will kill him! It's true! She would!

    Bangs McGee's car: Great scene with them! Oh look! Bangs McGee has a police scanner! Oh Johnny is in his mid 30's! :) Oh oh Bangs look nervous! Oh very smart Bangs! As soon as he leaves, you grab your phone to look him up? Dumb dumb! Oh Johnny turns into a wolf and howls!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA! I wonder if howling was part of the script or if Brandon Barash adlibbed that. :)

    Police station: Maxie and her multicolored hair had to spill their guts about Johnny! Gee I didn't know Nathan was still looking for him or even the police.

    Maxie's home: So basically,

    Lulu: Whine whine whine whine. Whine whine whine. It's all Val's fault! I am innocent in all this! Nothing is my fault! I thought you were on my side Olivia!

    Oh shut up Lulu! Olivia is right damn it! Listen to her!!!

    Lulu: Dante and I were fine until my cousin showed up.

    No you weren't!!!! Can you say denial?

    Lulu and Dante: So basically,

    Dante: Have you seen Johnny?

    Lulu: What?! No.

    Dante: Have you?

    Lulu: No! And Johnny would never hurt me.

    Dante: I'm going to see my sick son. Then I will come back and you can tell me the truth.

    *Dante sees his son, and then comes back.*

    Dante: So have you seen Johnny? Did he come to see you?

    Lulu: No.

    *Dante leaves.* Then Lulu texts Johnny. So basically,

    Lulu texts Johnny: ABORT ABORT ABORT! LEAVE TOWN!

  18. Oh! Jason Thompson's first day on Y&R was today!!! :) Technically it was yesterday, but it was at the end of the show. Today was his full day! :) And he got a haircut! :) I miss him on GH. :(

  19. Where in the world is "Sabrina" Santiago? hahahahahahaha

    I loved the scenes with Robert today too. I really want him to stay.

    sonya said..." I wonder if howling was part of the script"

    I thought Johnny was channeling his crazy old man. Didn't he used to howl?

    And Olivia was as obnoxious as usual today, congratulating Julian on his engagement as she reminded him about their one night stand. I'm really disliking her character now. She's a jealous biaaatch who obviously wants to break them up.

    1. Why change her character so thoroughly? She went from Sonny's doormat to Julian's stalker! Not right...

    2. Why change her character so thoroughly? She went from Sonny's doormat to Julian's stalker! Not right...

  20. "Di Where in the world is "Sabrina" Santiago? hahahahahahaha"

    ROFL! With her cousin, Carmen Santiago! People are still trying to find her too! Hahahhahaha!

    "I loved the scenes with Robert today too. I really want him to stay."


    "I thought Johnny was channeling his crazy old man. Didn't he used to howl?"

    Did he? I don't remember!!! :)

    "And Olivia was as obnoxious as usual today, congratulating Julian on his engagement as she reminded him about their one night stand. I'm really disliking her character now. She's a jealous biaaatch who obviously wants to break them up."

    Oops forgot to talk about her. Yeah!!! Olivia wants Julian!!! It's written all over her face! And the Christmas portrait. :)

  21. Olivia can't want Julian, because I want her with Robert!! They had a scene years ago when she saw Fasion's face under the Duke mask during a hallucination (remember when she had those?)and she and Robert had off-the-chart chemistry. I actually think that it would be cool to give Olivia a real-life type of story. She's a middle aged, single mom who has never been married. (Remember when she and Steven Lars were almost married before he went to jail, and how happy she was???) How nice would it be to address her jealousy of happy couples, her hurt over all her failed relationships, her desire to meet the right man, see her dating, online dating, etc.? I think that would be a nice story line, especially if it has a happy ending. And especially if that ending is her and Robert. ;)

  22. ??? Any of you mom's out there scream like a banshee with a sleeping toddler in the next room ???

  23. I'm pleasantly shocked re: Tristan hanging with GH...I thought for sure I read that he was going back to Y&R at some point and the stuff with Robin were the only scenes he was going to shoot this time around. This is GREAT! The scenes with him and Mac and even the brief scene with him and Anna at the end made this episode worth it. Pairing him with Olivia would be OK, but I want some scenes with him and Genie Francis too. Loved that the writers acknowledged the Scorpio/Laura friendship through Mac's comment and they have to have some scenes together...I remember that he did attend the Luke/Laura re-wedding but it was just as a voiceless bystander and I thought that was kind of lame considering what a big part he had in their first wedding.
    At any rate, I'll be tuning in if Tristan is sticking around for sure.

  24. Ruthie said...
    ??? Any of you mom's out there scream like a banshee with a sleeping toddler in the next room ???

    That seems to happen all the time on this show.It's happened several times at liz's house too. Made me wonder if her kids were medicated.

    And here's an ever bigger question: If your kid had just been terrorized by a strange man who even broke into your house, would you tell him it was okay now and just send him up to his room to play? What are the odds of that happening! Mine would even be sleeping with us at that point.

  25. Johnny looks like he has caught his dad's insanity. We need to keep Tristan! Loved the Mac and Anna scenes with him. He just makes me smile to see him on my screen. Y&R has Jason T. - they don't need Tristan, too.

  26. Just read that Parry Shen has been making a movie with Katrina Smirnoff from DWTS. I guess some of these actors can't wait around for GH to throw them a bone and need to make a living. Good for him!

  27. "LSV422 said...Johnny looks like he has caught his dad's insanity."

    Hahahaha! All that he needs now, is to be obsessed with orchids! ROFL!

    "Y&R has Jason T. - they don't need Tristan, too."

    No they don't need Tristan too!! Although it would be nice to see them both in a scene together, but temporarily of course. :) I see Tristan on both Y&R and GH and it's strange. :) GH should give Tristan a contract! He belongs on GH!!!

  28. I tried to watch Jason on the Y & R, but I can't. Most of the actresses on that show have wasted there looks with Botox. They look really bad to me. Sorry--can't take fake...or at least bad fake. But it was good to see some old friends from All My Children...

    Please let Tristan stay......we need him and Anna together, unless Duke isn't really dead. But we still need our Scorpio's.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...