Wednesday, January 27, 2016

All Hail Wed!

HUMP day!! I'm out at a seminar so post away. I have to re-state how great Brandon Barash was yesterday. Loved him.  He's such a nice guy too..reminds me of Jason Thompson. Geesh. 

We have lake-effect snow today. Great. :) 


  1. The hospital: So basically,

    Julian and Sonny: Sonny! I still love you! Please take me back! Forgive me! I beg of you!

    Sonny: No! I hate you! You are dead to me! Go drink lye and die you scum!!! You killed the love of my life Duke!!!! I will NEVER forgive you! I.... AM..... SPARTACUS!!

    Halifax Nova Scotia:

    Cabin: Sabrina is so worried about their baby! Yeah me too!!! I want the baby to be okay!!! Then Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos shows something on his phone to Sabrina, and she is all excited. Huh?!!?!

    Clinic: ANNA AND ROBERT! :) Oops Caaaaaaaarlos and Sabrina! Ohhh I get it! Caaaaaaarlos made an appointment for Sabrina at the clinic.. Awwwww! :)

    Robert: The most frustrating, annoying irritating life threatening dangerous moments have always been with you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :'(

    Cabin part 2:

    Sabrina: We need to go to another hospital! I need to make sure the baby is okay!

    Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos: We gotta go.

    Sabrina: We can't go! We can't go! Caaaaarlos we can't go! This baby is coming!

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I hope the baby is healthy!!!!! Please writers don't kill off another baby of hers!!!! :(

    Metrocourt hotel lobby: Ava and Carly scene.. Oh Ava Ava Ava you mean bitch! Making Carly think you are going to let Sonny see Avery, but then pulling the rug out from under Carly! Tisk tisk. :)

    Metrocourt elevator: Paul and Ava scene. Poor Paul is having a not so fresh feeling.

    Coffee bean warehouse: Morgan is all sweaty from working! :) Oh here comes Kendall Jenner and she is all hot over Morgan sweaty!!! Ahhhh he is being smart for once! Yeah girl he ain't that into you! :) And look at that she is sucking up to Sonny and Carly! :)

    Carly: Who is that?!!? Where did she come from?

    *Morgan pops up and puts on his jacket*

    Carly: Oh.

    ROFL! Actually, the scenes between Carly, Sonny, and Morgan were great!!! I got emotional!!!! :( Bye Morgan and bye Carly. Oh look!!! Sonny is standing again!!!!!!

    I... AM....SPARTACUS!

    Metrocourt hotel restaurant:

    Kiwi and Julian:


    Kiwi and Paul:

    Kiwi: How close are you to my mom?

    Gee Kiwi are you asking if they are having sex? Ewww you don't need to know that!

    Julian and Ava: Oh oh Julian is whining over his broken bromance to Ava. So basically,

    Julian: Sonny won't take me back! He put a huge curse on me!

    Ava: A curse? Did you have to sacrifice a chicken?

    Julian: I am serious!!!!

    Kiwi and Morgan:

    Kiwi: I don't really know where this is going.

    Yeah Morgan what are you doing? Are you going to ask her to marry you?

    Morgan: I want us to go back to being more than friends.

    Oh oh Darb Darb is not gonna be very happy to hear that!

  2. lol Thanks, sonya. That was great.

    And may I just say that as I sat here in HALIFAX NS watching the show I did a lot of laughing.

  3. "Di Thanks, sonya. That was great."

    Thanks! :)

    "And may I just say that as I sat here in HALIFAX NS watching the show I did a lot of laughing."

    Hahaha. Why? Oh no accents? :)

  4. OMG How fun... thanks SONYA!! I appreciate you taking over when I'm gone. I LOVE the I AM SPARTICUS!!!!!!!!

    DI, WHY didn't I realize you lived in NS? such a great place

  5. OMG How fun... thanks SONYA!! I appreciate you taking over when I'm gone. I LOVE the I AM SPARTICUS!!!!!!!!

    DI, WHY didn't I realize you lived in NS? such a great place

  6. As an Atlantic Canadian I found the Halifax stuff half funny / half insulting. Of course they are in a log cabin in the woods. And of course the "clinic" is small town, wooden, etc. Because Halifax is soooo remote right? It is not like Halifax is a decent size City with an international airport and very large world class childrens hospital. I kept expecting to see someone dressed in a mounties costume or an igloo or something.

    Did anyone lese notice that when Morgan was talking to Sonny and Carly he was wearing a denim shirt then minutes later talking to Kiki he was wearing a plaid shirt?

    Everyone knows I do not like Kiki or Valerie. It is getting to the point however where I would keep them and get rid of Sonny.

  7. "kdmask said...OMG How fun... thanks SONYA!!"

    You're welcome!!!!! :)

    "I appreciate you taking over when I'm gone."

    Awwwww. *BEARHUGS*

    "I LOVE the I AM SPARTICUS!!!!!!!!"

    ROFL! Does it look like it to you whenever he stands up? :)

    "DI, WHY didn't I realize you lived in NS? such a great place"

    Yeah I either don't know or forgot that she lives there. I never been there so I am not familiar. I will have to look it up.

  8. One of the few times that Kiki or Morgan didn't annoy me. I agree friscogh - I absolutely cannot stomach Sonny anymore. Or his big mouth spouse. Heaven forbid one of the writers should actually go to Halifax to get a clue as to the city they are writing about. Thanks for filling in Sonya!

  9. sonya said...Hahaha. Why? Oh no accents? :)

    No, it's not the lack of accent. It's the fact that it's more like the backwoods somewhere than here in a modern seaport whose older homes look very different.

    Thanks, I think it's great, kd. I used to live down shore but now I have an apt overlooking the basin and harbour and it's very beautiful. I think I may have told you many many years ago. lol I forget too.

    *waves to friscogh* I was half expecting Mounties too.

  10. so, lucas comes on once every 6 months, mentions brad and rosalie and the storyline is then dropped for another 6 months and that is supposed to be good writing?

    i am actually going to DEFEND Morgan. I know, god help me. I m bipolar manic depressive and I have been on lithium for 19 years. (YEARS!!!!) I still have friends, who, when I get upset over life or something really pisses me off, they say "did you take your meds?"

    That is so rude and inappropriate. And it hurts and it is just plain wrong. Everyone gets upset no and then and not amount of drugs can stop that. Lithium helps you maintain a levelness you don't normally have in life, but everyone, no matter what, gets upset.

    If someone who is not BiPMD get upset, I do not run up to them and say "maybe you should be on lithium, you got upset. Maybe you are Bi polar?"

    Carly mothering him is the worst thing for him. Coddling him and constantly asking him if he is taking his meds is belittling and babying and just wrong. I've had friends thing they mean well by doing this to me, but it does more harm than good.

    It is frustrating to watch this. But, on the other hand, I do feel the writing is somewhat realistic. There are Morgans in this world, and there are definitely Carlys for them in this world. And unfortunately, this writing is realistic. Today Morgan made comment like "I'm allowed to get upset" and I said "thank you" out loud to the tv.

    I think the writing is getting better. Another thing I hate to admit since I have spent months blasting this show. So, yes the writing is somewhat better, it is just very very slow. But we all know that.

  11. David said....That is so rude and inappropriate. And it hurts and it is just plain wrong. Everyone gets upset no and then and not amount of drugs can stop that. Lithium helps you maintain a levelness you don't normally have in life, but everyone, no matter what, gets upset.

    I agree. He was upset but he wasn't out of control or off the rails. Carly just likes to mother hen him as she always has to be in control - even if it's someone else's illness. I've yelled shut up at her several times. lol

  12. Yes, Dave I agree on the bipolar story. I was thinking that today-- and I hadn't read your post. Carly was SO being a mama.. and Morgan was so being a frustrated young adult with medical issues trying to deal with them. Her harping was VERY realistic.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...