Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Hamburger Meat

Sounds gross..but sometimes wounds just look like that.
GH for looking a bit like that. 
The 80% meat 20% fat kind. Not the primo.
Still GH is going great guns of late and who am I to bitch? Oh wait, that's part of my job! Last week had some HIGH HIGHs and some snoozzzzers too. 

GET READY and get your RUBBAH GLOVES ON!  Start the GRILLS!! We're goin' in...

1. Love Tracy...lose the caftans.  I'm getting pictures of Mrs. Roper in the 70s with those things. More Ava and Tracy too.. great actresses all around!  With the addition of Maura, GH is really heavy with powerhouse over 40-something women. LOVE IT!! 
Leslie Charleson, Denise Alexander, Jane Elliot, Kristina Wagner,  Finola Hughes, Genie Francis, Lynn Herring, Nancy Lee Grahn, Robin Matthson, Lisa LoCicero... and Carolyn Hennesy now and again. Hope I didn't forget anyone! 

2. Was it me or did Laura and Scotty's wedding seem... really no-nromantic, non-sexy, non-chemical?  Like it should have taken place in some WWII scene when the guy she hardly knows goes off to battle and they get married in the clerks' office? I honestly haven't seen passion or anything between these two since they came back.  Like I said, I'm hoping Leslie's a WiccanFaker. 

3.  Heather FauxFaceTodd...good scene. Was it to throw us off the scent? He looked like Franco smiling in those scenes to me. Then he goes and caresses Jason's pic and grave marker. I think no matter WHO he says he is Tuesday..he may turn out to be someone different anyway. I am already missing my Todd. wah. :stomping foot:

4. TOO MANY PEOPLE-- Just too many damn characters.  Good lord.  And more are coming. 

5. Note the "Rotation" of Anna now that McBain isn't at the PCPD anymore. She's hardly ever on.   I miss her. More please.

6.  Ah, Bradford Anderson is going 'recurring' --right when the Maxie story is going to get interesting!! WHY? Well, his entire GANG left. I knew once Burton was gone the whole wave would start. This leads me to believe that maybe Dante starts falling for Maxie somehow? Or the baby really IS theirs and Britt being a jerk just messed things up for fun? OR my personal fave, Ellie falls for Maxie after Spin is killed in a computer-related short out and the two decide to raise baby Damon (yes, Damon) all by themselves.
We'll have to see how they play out this one. 

7. Tony Geary will be on vacation soon. Shocker.

8.  Kiki and... the Brothers.  Soon they'll start fighting over her. Ho-Hum. 

9. Another great addition. LOVE Kevin. See, there's just so many great actors on the show now and so little time to showcase them!!  Anyway, thank you for what I can get of this guy. Even if he is working on the NuLu Story. 

10. I weirdly don't care a thing about McBain ReDux and Rafe and Sam. Sam's acting like she's had Rafe for years instead of days, btw. Why is she so bitchy about it?  Not diggin' the Silas idea. I'm still waiting for him to grow fangs in the night and really be Caleb. THAT I could climb on board for. Just make Caleb a Cassadine already and give us the back-lore on Cassa-Dracul beginnings. You know they are ALL Vampires. We just haven't been privvy to that info yet. Wouldn't Stavvy make a ZEXY vampire? Ooooooooooo lah lah!! OY!!

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Hands down SCENE OF THE YEAR so far: Tracy's impassioned speech to Luke about finding that true love everyone wants and she never experienced. If you didn't see it..YOU TUBE it. It was this Monday and it was GLORIOUS.

PROP(s) OF THE WEEK: Smart Phones. They were everywhere-- kissy pics and Jason pics..everyone had their phones out. 

I hear Josslyn is getting SORA'd ..which isn't surprising. I wonder if she'll be 16 LOL. Anyone know the BIGGEST SORA'd jump on a soap? Like if a kid went from 3 to ... 17? I'm thinking about Tad Martin, he was a big leap. Lulu was a HUGE leap too. 

That's about it! 


  1. Kristina was a huge leap, too. Remember she was a little girl with glasses who barely spoke and then all of a sudden she was in high school?

  2. Yeah, see I need more reminders!! I do remember that.

  3. The only problems I still have with GH is Ron and Frank's lengthy rotation of storylines/characters and pacing. Sometimes there are many days that NOTHING happens except repetitive dialogue.

    I'm really enjoying the NuLu story but it really needs to start moving forward. Saw a quick glimpse of that happening the other day but not enough progress for me.

    Sam and Alexis really irked me. Especially Alexis the LAWYER. It was so out of character for her to say she'd fight McBain (yup, still McBain to me because I can't stand the name Silas). Alexis never would have said that. She would have told Sam right out that there's nothing that can be done because he is the relative. But clearly Alexis must of hit her head or drank the kool-aid because she even forgot that her own daughter has a criminal past and no court ever would have given her guardianship over a stranger/young boy. I know it was only done for current storyline purposes, but this is why I hate when writers just change history to suit a certain current storyline. Okay, my rant is over. Lol!

    Love Tracy and Ava!

    Like feisty Starr!! I hate the name Kiki, they must have said her name over 100 times this week. Each time I cringed. But love the storyline.

    Love having Todd back. Lol! I'll reserve judgement on this until I find out who he is and how much history writers will change if he turns out to be Franco.

    Glad to hear they're aging scary Joss!

  4. The brothers fighting over Kiki..would Michael and Kiki (Lauren) not be cousins?

  5. WHAT!?! They put BA on recurring! That's it. I'll watch Lucy scenes and that's it! GH is once again dead to me!

  6. Brandon tweeted: "Hey friends, I am still at GH and will continue to be.. Recurring isn't a bad word:) keep watching, great stuff is coming!"

    So doesn't sound like he is leaving. We will see.

  7. Oh, I am sad that BA is on recurring, he IS one of the main characters, IMO.

    I thought the new Joss was a cute little actress, we didn't see enough of her. And, there is like NO mention of Kristina, like she fell off the face of the Earth.

  8. caftans

    I was wondering what you meant until you compared her to Mrs Roper. LMAO

  9. I agree that the scene of the week was Tracy's speech to Luke. I'm trying to go with this Silas thing but I call him McBain in my head.

  10. recurring..yes, on/ PLUS releases from contract to shop for other jobs.

  11. Whoever does the costuming for all the female vets should be fired. Tracy, Laura, Felicia, and Anna deserve to be dressed much better.

    I'm happy about Joss being SORAed. That actress looked like a ghost.

    I hope we're supposed to initially dislike Silas and Kiki. Please let the nastiness of their characters be intentional and things start to change soon. Right now, they're so unpleasant I can't stand them. And I love Michael Easton!

    GH is at its best when the stories are fast-paced and feel like you can't miss an episode. The stories are all dragging right now. Yes, there are lots of actors on the canvas, but if their stories would progress faster, the pace of actor rotation would pick up, too. Move it along, Cartini!

  12. Karen says OR my personal fave, Ellie falls for Maxie after Spin is killed in a computer-related short out and the two decide to raise baby Damon (yes, Damon) all by themselves.
    ROFL! We can call them Mellie! :) And they can get married, and raise the child. :)

    Karen says Wouldn't Stavvy make a ZEXY vampire? Ooooooooooo lah lah!! OY!!
    OH HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) And I think I used to call him Stavvy! :)

    Karen says SCENE OF THE WEEK: Hands down SCENE OF THE YEAR so far: Tracy's impassioned speech to Luke about finding that true love everyone wants and she never experienced. If you didn't see it..YOU TUBE it. It was this Monday and it was GLORIOUS.
    Yes Karen! It was fantastic!!! She needs the love of her life Joe Jr back!! OR his twin!!! :) The actor needs to come back! They had fantastic chemistry.

  13. MatchboxGinny said...Like feisty Starr!! I hate the name Kiki, they must have said her name over 100 times this week.
    Let's all do the Kiki!!!! ROFL! Did you see the video Karen put up? :)

  14. Laura Wright and Sonya Eddy (both over 40)

  15. Damon? Why Damon? Spinelli's first name is Damien. :-p lol

  16. Damon? Why Damon? Spinelli's first name is Damien. :-p lol

  17. I did that Tawna on it wasn't exactly Spin's name but a version of it.

  18. How we know that NuStar is not Loren Frank? Her and Michael would br first cousins and that would be icky.

    So we have two choices.

    The Franco we knew was not the "real" Franco and and this NuTodd is Jason's real twin. So Kiki is no relation to Michael.

    Or she is not really Franco's child and is really a Jerome and the daughter of a mob boss and Sonny's enemy.

    So Everyone just believes Kiki's mother that she is Franco's child. No one asked for a DNA test. Not that a DNA test from Gh is reliable, but still. Clearly Tracy is being bamboosled by this woman. She should be smarter than that.

  19. The Michael and Kiki situation is reminiscent of Monica and Ned. She had no idea he was Tracey's son when they slept together, just as these two have no idea they might be cousins.

    @ MatchboxGinny, I couldn't agree with you more! I thought the same thing about Sam when Lucy mentioned she be Rafe's guardian. Considering Sam's past, Lucy looks like an angel!

  20. Kristina did fall off the face of the earth and nobody seems to mind. It's FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!

    L.A. will always be my Kristina.

    "Keep calm and carry a big stick."

  21. I liked how Carly was pushing Birth Control...was she using it with AJ ...? LOL



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...