Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ConKate.. Olivia and Sonny.
and Olivia could keep Sonny in her life, they have a son.

Island Memories are coming.  Can't wait for some helena flashbackaroonies.

Shawn/Shaun/Sean..and Alexis--you like? 

FauxTodd gets a CD from behind a picture frame in Crimson. His modeling shoot? 



  1. "That's a lot of L's"

    Definitely a Todd line.

    I loved Lulu's reply too. "I'm in L hell." lol

    NuMorgan is extremely unlikeable. What a jerk.

  2. I am trying to tell myself that every summer they drag out young actors most of whom can't act and Morgan and Kiki are no worse than the rest but I can't stand them. She is even worse than she was as Starr and the guy playing Morgan is horrible. This is as painful as New Kristina.

  3. Yes, ITA, I can't even stand the name, Kiki, and the actress/character is sooooo annoying!!

  4. I don't know anyone on the sites I visit who like her and yet we're constantly being told how 'popular' she is. I can't understand it.

    And the fact that they've completely changed Morgan's personality hasn't helped any either. He was never a smart mouthed jerk.

    And since when has Michael become such a pushover. he should throw her out and then if Morgan leaves with her, he should call his dad. He's not the parent.

    If they start spending too much screen time on this pair I'm definitely turning off.

  5. The problem is we watched KA grow up as Starr on OLTL. As a little girl she was fiesty and cute. So Starr was tolerated as an adult, even on GH. However, to keep her tied into the GH canvas they basically have made her a Quartermaine who everybody finds very obnoxious. I bet that in a few months something tragic will happen to her and everybody will again route for her. She is not a bad actress just over-acting at the moment to make this character less like Starr. Give it time, she will come around. However, I can't say that about this nuMorgan. His acting is just plain bad!

  6. For those of us who didn't watch OLTL it's really hard to tolerate her.

  7. Lulu and ????????????? Lulu asks what Look alike Todd's name is! Good question Lulu!!! This is killing me! He acts and sounds just like Franco!! And his facial expressions act like Franco!! BAH!

    Dante and Milo: Dante's head is about to explode!!! Yeah I think Milo is getting sick and tired of getting hit, that is probably why he was going to hit back! Oh and there is papa Sonny! Yeah Milo you heard your papa Sonny! Go to the corner and think about what you did!!!

    Crimson office: Connie is SOOOOOOOOOOO jealous of Olivia and Sonny! :)

    Alexis's home: Really?! Alexis and Shawn argue over teen angst?!!?! Come on! :) Oh when they were holding each other after the argument, I thought Alexis was going to tell Shawn she loves him! :)

    Sam's home: Man Sam HATES Sirus!! He is under her skin! :) Poor Rafe is upset over the whole lookalike!

    Michael's home: The look on Michael's face when he sees his brother and Kiki kissing ROFL! Oh shut up Morgan!!!!!!!!!

  8. Becky, I found she overacted a lot as Starr too. And a lot of us never watched OLTL so there's no history there.

    And sorry, sonya, but I disagree. I don't find he's acting like Franco at all. He's acting very much like Todd. I'm hoping Todd made a deal with ABC so that if he acted in both shows he could come back as Todd renamed, and in disguise (since he's a wanted man) and that way he'll still act like our Todd and the truth can be discovered late if the other show fails.

  9. Di said...And sorry, sonya, but I disagree. I don't find he's acting like Franco at all. He's acting very much like Todd. I'm hoping Todd made a deal with ABC so that if he acted in both shows he could come back as Todd renamed, and in disguise (since he's a wanted man) and that way he'll still act like our Todd and the truth can be discovered late if the other show fails.
    Oh I hope you are right and he isn't Franco!!! I don't want him to be Jason either! Todd in disguise I can handle. :) But it's a very bad disguise ROFL!

  10. That's why he looks familiar. ROFL

  11. Di and Sonya, I'm gonna weight in here and say you are both right! Di, I can still see aspects of Todd's behaviour, iran Roger is Todd and has been for quite sometime! And Sonya, I can also see Franco. I never watched OLTL but, I grew to love Todd and I'll miss him dearly however, I truly believe Roger is playing his own version of Franco. I hope and pray that some major twist is coming. Like James Franco was not the real Franco and that they change his Franco nickname to at least Rob. Same goes for Kiki, I hope that changes to Lauren!!! There has to be something big about to happen because James Franco's Franco was a serial killer! After everything Todd Manning did in his lifetime (from what I've read) it still pales in comparison to serial killer Franco!!!

  12. "After everything Todd Manning did in his lifetime (from what I've read) it still pales in comparison to serial killer Franco!!!"

    You're right, Avalonn. Franco was one major sick freak. I definitely don't want to be watching him on a regular basis.

    And let's face it, whoever Roger is playing will be here on a regular basis because TPTB love those three. They're the show now.

  13. Never thought we'd see Morgan become a bigger douchebag than Michael. He's apparently not too bright, either.

  14. I'm glad Alexis finally has a man but I don't think Shawn is the right one. Liked her with Jerry better. I really hated Franco and don't want him to come back in any way, shape or form. Morgan and Kiki are so annoyingly bad and unattractive. Genie Francis always brightens up every scene she is in. Not much exciting going on right now. Finally watched the Luke and Tracy scenes and Jane Elliot was magnificent.

  15. You think Morgan and Kiki were obnoxious yesterday, wait till you see them today.

    (Not a quote, just a paraphrase) "We're grownups because we had sex and you could hear us and we can tell everyone we had sex over and over again..lalalala...Oh..and I broked your 'puter...So sorry..but I'm a grownup cause I had sex. lalalalala

    This grownup turned off today!

  16. Avalonn said...Di and Sonya, I'm gonna weight in here and say you are both right! Di, I can still see aspects of Todd's behaviour,
    Yeah I can see some aspects of Todd too, along with Franco.

    Di said...(Not a quote, just a paraphrase) "We're grownups because we had sex and you could hear us and we can tell everyone we had sex over and over again..lalalala...Oh..and I broked your 'puter...So sorry..but I'm a grownup cause I had sex. lalalalala

    ROFL! And the sex was so good too!!! Lalalalalala. :)


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...