Friday, May 3, 2013

Scoops are UP

go to the WUBS NET 

Looks like the Relish story continues... And I think  Russian Relish was better than Pickle Eddie. Frankly, my dear....



  1. Does anyone know if they actually will be on "The Chew" on GH, and/or will they also be on the actual show?

  2. Not sure.. Maybe just a mock set? I really haven't been paying attention. Sorry!

  3. I think they are bringing the CHEW to GH--in other words, getting some of the Chew cast to come in and do a pretend sequence.

    Well, you know they would have to make a mock show--how else could Tracy and AJ insult each other and play dirty tricks? They couldn't go on the real show as Tracy and AJ--well, they could, I guess but it wouldn't suit their purpose.

    Has anyone tasted the stuff in either jar yet to pronounce the verdict?

  4. Yesterday GH

    Laura and Nik: Nik!!! Listen to your mother!!!

    Q home: Oh wow!!! This was comedic priceless gold! :) Monica and Carly ROFL! Carly is afraid Monica will talk to Liz! ROFL! Really Carly? What do you think Monica is going to say to Liz? How is my son in bed? ROFL! They all want to forget it happened and pretend it never happened! Oh oh does this mean Carly is gonna get pregnant? ROFL! They didn't use protection! Unless she is on the pill. Oh please be pregnant! Please be pregnant! That would be so awesome! :) That would be one way for Liz to find out! ROFL! The look on Carly's face if she finds out she is pregnant! ROFL!

    Floating rib: Oh Dante is calm and talking to Lulu and not yelling or punching. Zzzzzzz. Their scene today is so boring!!! I want a Milo and Lulu scene BADLY! Oh a flashback of what really happened back then. Cool. But it's boring! I went on youtube to watch the real scene. Good times. :) Milo shows up YAY! :)

    Milo and Max: ROFL! Aww come on Max! Milo is just being a good man!!!

    Today's GH

    Q home: Michael and AJ are going on the chew!!!! ROFL! Monica has a good idea. Bring Liz with you AJ! :)

    Tracy and Nik: Pickle Eddie!!! ROFL! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Try again. :) Oh they are going on the chew also! ROFL! May sweeps! ROFL!

    Metrocourt: Carly can't stop thinking about the HOT SEX she had with AJ ROFL! She is using hand sanitizer all over herself ROFL! Oh love how upset Carly is when she found out Morgan is missing. :(

    Morgan's dorm: The dean had the gall to say that there is no gambling!?!?! UH Dean? Are you BLIND?!!?! Do you not see the sign on the door that says poker game - Thursday?!!?! Oh look it's Michael and he has a gun! Oh wait that's not Michael! That's Morgan's roomie!!

    Johnny and Olivia: Johnny baby!!!! :) Good to see you. :) Uh does Olivia have feelings for Sonny? :)

    The hospital: Oh Britch is good!! She is milking this for all it's worth!! No Sabrina!! Don't be stupid! If you tell Patrick that Britch is faking, then Britch will use tears, and then Patrick will be on Britch's side!!! And then you and Patrick will be on the outs!! Then Britch will be happy! THINK GIRL THINK!

  5. why not honor Tracy's step daughter and Nik's sister and call it pickle lulu? lol

  6. Monica catching Carly in AJ's closet on Thursday's show was great. But the funniest line on that show (just caught up on it this evening) was unintentional. Laura told Nik that everybody thinks of Lucky as a rock. Um, Laura, last time we saw Lucky, he was talking to rocks.

  7. Skeebob, I was thinking similar thoughts regarding Lucky....Seriously, a rock? A rock that was addicted to drugs and came completely unhinged (Maxie). A rock that spent his last year crying allllll the time! Remember? Vampire,red eyes super pale skin. Lucky's last stint in Port Charles was a joke! Rock my foot, puhlease!

  8. they really missed the boat by not killing Lucky off, imo. I realize actors want 'open ended' returns but having Lucky abandon his family? NO

    1. I couldn't agree with you more. Clearly these exits are often leaving collateral damage. Another perfect example, Robin! So, many fans are left totally unable to invest in anything Patrick Drake relationship wise because we know Robin is out there! I say kill them off and if they ever want to's a soap, they come back from the dead all the time!

  9. If a member of the Jerome family is coming, shouldn't the former commissioner who brought down the Jerome family wake from his coma?

  10. Yes to Robert waking up and coming back. It would liven up the Anna/Duke story, which really has nothing going on at the moment.

    I for one am grateful they didn't kill off Lucky, one of the legaciest of legacy characters. Guza killed off enough of those.

  11. How many new characters are coming to GH? So far, we have Lauren Frank (who may or may not be an existing character), the three new characters played by the ex-OLTL actors, Ava Jerome, Nu Morgan...

    I hope that doesn't mean they will be trimming the existing cast to make room. Why do I feel like Olivia (Lisa LoCicero) may be in trouble?

  12. How many new characters are coming to GH? So far, we have Lauren Frank (who may or may not be an existing character), the three new characters played by the ex-OLTL actors, Ava Jerome, Nu Morgan...

    I hope that doesn't mean they will be trimming the existing cast to make room. Why do I feel like Olivia (Lisa LoCicero) may be in trouble?


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...