Monday, May 1, 2023

Scotty's OUT!


Greenland: Valentin's phone rings ..he decides to run out so the guards think it's only him that's there. 

Dr. O is working on the antidote. Victor tells her to hurry it up if she wants to save Willow. Guards call on the walkie talkie and tell Victor that Valentin is there "Hello, DAD" he says. Dr O knows this will throw off Victor's plans. He says to search for more people that may be on the island. Dr O tells Victor they are compromised now and they should regroup. He thinks she may be right. 

Holly and Anna talk about Greenland. Scott hops in, he's been listening. Robert comes in the door and they hope he hasn't called WSB.  He hasn't but unless they do, he will. Then Holly sneaks in and puts a cloth around his face and he passes out.  Robert, Anna and Holly are going to Greenland. Anna pulls her plugs out. OH they are making Robert stay there while THEY go!! 

Carly's out of jail and at the Q's. Michael tells her he thinks Ned called the SEC. Willow is happy to see Carly. Carly says Sonny covered Drew's tracks. Willow says "see, Sonny cares about us" . Michael is grumbling. 

Nina meets Marty at the Metro, tells him to 'call off' reporting anything to the SEC. He says UM NO can DO! IT'S DONE! Carly's already been brought in. He goes to look for Laura. 

Sonny at the warehouse, getting the shipment. He says he's mad he got targeted the last time and someone is obviously aiming for Pikeman. Anyway, They open the crate and find bricks of explosives that could take out a whole city block. Sonny's mad.. but he takes the shipment. He has to get back to Nina and tells Dex to take the money and make sure it all goes smoothly. Dex then counts the money and makes sure it's shown on camera. 

Sonny goes back to his office. Nina shows up. He tells her about the wedding and Carly getting taken by the SEC.  He says Drew wasn't there. Nina is confused. Sonny tells her the Greenland plan-- and that he diverted them to the plane going to Maui. 


Dex sends the footage to Michael 

Drew is pretending to be a guard taking in Laura 

Anna and Holly leave for Greenland

Victor wants to use Valentin as a test subject. 


  1. Why do they always leave Robert behind?
    SEC, SEC, SEC...I think Carly said it five times in one sentence. lol
    Please, not Holly to the rescue. Soon all of PC will be in Greenland. Or Venezuela.

    1. "Zazu says, SEC, SEC, SEC...I think Carly said it five times in one sentence. lol"

      It still sounds like they are saying the FCC! GAH!

  2. A lot of funny one liners today.

    The hospital:

    Anna's room:

    Anna, Robert, Holly and Scotty: What Holly did to Scotty was funny, but poor Scotty! He is just worried about his little shnitzel!!! Robert is all turned on now hahahaha. Both Anna and Holly are going to Greenland! YEAHHHHH! Scotty all sleeeeeeping on a chair with a blanket over him! ROFLMAOPMP! Holly wins the line of the day.

    Holly: Don't forget my darling, Anna and I were both married to you and we survived that.


    Robert and Scotty: Is Scotty having a nightmare?! Hahahahaha!

    The Pikeman meeting: Geez Dex quit having eye sex with the hidden camera! Actually the camera is not that hidden. Hmmm huge box! Are Tribbles in there? Green beans? EXPLOSIVES?! Damn! Well, I'm glad it's not drugs. Yeah Dex listen to Brick. Don't trust anybody including Brick. ;)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Marty: Marty you crack me up hahaha. Yeah I think Tracy called the FCC-SCC first. It still really sounds like they are saying the FCC!

    Sonny's office:

    Nison and Badger Bob: Bug eyed Nina! Badger Bob wants to tell on Nina so bad. Will Nina say something? Nahhhhhhh. Is Nina going to change her mind about going on vacation? :)

    Q home:

    Mildew and Carly: Oh forget all the sadness people! Just call Joss over and have a hootenanny! :) Willow can do the dousey doe. I mean why not? Grab your partner by the hand and spin them round! She is supposed to be dying, but she has enough energy to dance. :)

    Carly and Willow: Willow has to get on her magical wheelchair and go back home.

    Greenland: The look of surprise on Victor's face when he heard V.C. is there hahahaha. Laura pretending she is hurt hahahaha. I thought she was going to hit those 2 bad guys. I really wanted the weather to change in Port Chuckles drastically. Damn.

    1. Sonya, you mentioned Holly said that both her and Anna being married to Robert. Put Holly and Anna to the rest of the women working to bring down Victor and that makes 5 of Luke's exes avenging him - Trina is too young though Luke would have admired her spirit.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, you mentioned Holly said that both her and Anna being married to Robert. Put Holly and Anna to the rest of the women working to bring down Victor and that makes 5 of Luke's exes avenging him"

      HA! Yes that's true. :)

      "Trina is too young though Luke would have admired her spirit."

      Yes he sure would admire her spirit!!

  3. Felicia would be better than Holly..............
    no Mac sighting or Lucy since Nurse's Ball which I THINK was just two days ago?
    SOOOOO confused about the Pikeman - I think the writers started writing a storyline and then went to chase rabbits ------------makes no sense ------ so it must be just to have Dex give the evidence to Michael who won't do anything and then Dex is stuck..
    -----cannot wait until Nina is caught.

  4. I don't care if Nina is caught but that smirky, above the law Carly needs to not get away with everything! By the way, since I follow Jack Wagner on Twitter, his rep reached out to some fans saying he wanting to connect with some. I thought it was a scam but I have actually been chatting with him! Of course I told him that Frisco was mentioned recently and we all keep hoping. He seems really nice. I almost blew it all off but I'm glad I didn't.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...