Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday Surgery: EX-Germination


photo credit: @TheSoapySoaps 

WHAT A WEEK!! I think I know why the editing was so crazy the past 2 was to get us to the "finale" on Friday. 

SO many thoughts about this. So many feelings about how it all played out. I hope you can follow my reasoning and emotions!! 

We need some Hot Totties after all that ice. 

This is a photo of the set workers for "Greenland". GH/ABC highlighted two artists working on the rocks and look of the set.  I think we forget about all the talent BEHIND the scenes that go into making our show. I thought the lighting and feel of the outside shots were done really well.

There were 3 stories playing out this week:  Sonny's shipment (minor), Willow's dying (moderate) and The Cassadine Plot 2.0 (major). Anything else (including the SEC stuff) was way way down, imo. You should watch at least the last part of the week because there is NO way to put down all the details and things happening at break-neck speed. 

POTATO SHIPMENT OF THE WEEK: Sigh. It's "over"...But is it really? I guess Dex has his footage and he shared it with bedmate Joss but Michael hasn't turned it in. In fact, when he showed Willow, she passed right out and went to hospital with organ failure !! LOL.. BLOOP! By the way: 1. I have NO Idea why Valentin asked Sonny to take this shipment or how Victor was involved (or why) and 2. Why Brick and not Ms Wu? Dang it. 

MARROW SAGA OF THE WEEK: On the one hand, we have Willow dying in the hospital and the other Dr O trying to get back from Greenland with her marrow. They cut back and forth quite a bit and not in a good way, imo. We've all watched TV or movies that juxtapose two events and this was... um.. not it. Just wasn't edited well. Choppy doesn't even begin to describe what was going on. Anyway, in the end, the life saving woman is on her way back to PC and I guess..*sigh* Willow will live.  By the way, she got a bunch of people to promise to like each other but now that's she's going to live, I do believe it's null and void LOL 

SURPRISE HALLUCINATION OF THE WEEK: If you watch, please notice Valentine's ever changing blood trickle/spurts from his nose. I was so thrilled to see Connie back on set! She is fantastic. Keep up with the dreams/visits! By the way, Val and Anna declared their love to each other before Holly came in with the antidote. 

SAVING ACE OF THE WEEK:  Trina and Spencer had their adventure and it involved Spencer getting beaten up, Trina and Curtis finding each other and Baby Ace coming out of the clutches of Knitting Nanny. The biggest frustrations? It took so damn long to get where they were going and the fact ACE had no hat. I mean, I get they were running for their lives but damn!!! Baby Ace had the best time, btw. He smiled, looked around and eventually fell asleep on Trina's shoulder. I hope she took her protein pills! Lifting that kid has to be tough!   Photo Credit:  @Here4Sprina 

WEATHER WOES OF THE WEEK:  So, on top of all the pathogen stuff, Laura notices at the last minute that the computer (Dell model 11) came to life with a pattern she saw before. OH!! It's the 1981 program to get the weather machine going. One weird problem? This all played out in the last 5-7 minutes of Friday's show. Literally. Laura notices..and it starts snowing in Port Charles. Then she thinks a minute, we get a flashback of Robert and-- BOOM! SOLVED!! I ... what? Um.. was this a last minute addition?????? It was kind of bizarre, imo.  Photo Credit: @Kathyre0916

BLOW UP OF THE WEEK: Yes, the Haunted Star has blown up before! Robert and Anna were presumed dead, remember? Well, that does bode well for Spencer who was shown on the boat but probably not blown to bits. Robert got the WSB to change course last minute. Saved Greenland, sunk the boat. 

photo credit: @margiintheD

BITCHES OF THE WEEK:  Welp. Even IF you are a Carly Fan and Nina hater , it was a bit MUCH for these two to be stomping around the hospital all pissy about everything. "What could Willow POSSIBLY have to talk to Nina about" sneers Josslyn. UM, whether you like it or not, they ARE DNA related so... ugh, just shut up. 

I COULDN'T FIND A PHOTO!! :sadness: 

WUBS LIKED OF THE WEEK: With all the adventure happening, I actually loved this simple scene with Brook, Tracy and Wiley. It was done really well and I don't know, a good touch. 

DOOFUS OF THE WEEK: Good Gravy. Everyone is all 'DREW! DREW WILL SAVE THEM"! Welp, the Navy Seal was basically useless AND was not even aware enough to know Victor got away! ahahaha. 

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK (MONTH?): Carly's credit cards are DECLINED in Kelly's! She can't even pay for the pie. Nina offers but Carly is like GET AWAY! Bahahaha. Oh, Carly. So sorry (not). Photo credit: @SoapsSpoilers 


Everyone except Robert gets to Greenland 

Shipment happens. It's explosives; Sonny's angry. Dex gets it all on video.

Willow asks Michael to play nice and he shows her shipment video. She passes out, goes to GH 

Willow asks Nina to leave Carly alone

SEC is tracking down Drew

Scotty gets chloroformed by Holly; still manages to call WSB 

Drew, Laura, Curtis are in Greenland

Frisco was replaced as head of the WSB 

Laura steals the pathogen, smashes it on the floor. It's not activated

Valentin is injected; sees Helena while "dying" 

Dr. O stole the antidote and Holly delivers it to Valentin and Anna

Laura thwarts the weather machine, saving Port Charles

Portia cried a lot 

Carly's credit cards don't work. Needs cash 

Dr O talks to Willow and tells her she's on her way 

Baby Ace is rescued

The WSB drones hit the Haunted Star with Victor, assorted goonies and Spencer on board

NEWS AND NOTES OF THE WEEK:  Unless you've been under a rock, you know Lexi Ainsworth is leaving GH and a recast is happening. If you follow her on IG, there is a video explaining things from her point of view. "new projects" yada yada. She also says that the upcoming story is a good one and inspired by her real life happenings. Um..?? It's all puzzling. On the one hand, I wish her all the best...on the other? I'll miss her terribly and wish she could have played all this out. 

Also: Writer's Strike happened. What does that mean for #GH? Not much for the near future because they've pre-taped. They'll stretch things out as much as possible. After that? The show will probably hire someone to write for it like they did in 2007. Not sure how all that works, but I don't think the soap will go off the air for any amount of time. 

Charles Shaughnessy's last day was Friday after the yacht blew up. (as far as we know!). He will be missed. 

Ok, now comes my take. First of all, I do appreciate the history involved in this story. The references, the Easter Eggs were not lost on me. I DO think it was rushed at the end, however. After a year or years of build up, it was over in 3 days of chopped up scenes that really didn't flow.  That part was disappointing. I don't know why they wasted so much time with Chit Chats like Marshall and Portia. Dex and Joss.. yada yada. SO happy Genie was in there doing the thing. I have NO idea why Robert wasn't with her instead of Curtis. Sure, Curtis could go but-- why not Robert too?? Finola and JPS did a great job as usual, I liked their scenes. Loved Helena popping up. The Trina and Spencer part renews a sense of new adventure. 

I will miss Charles S playing Victor. He was outstanding taking that role over. He turned real wacky really fast but all in all, great role. The Willow part? Ugh.. I just am not into that whole thing. I think we all knew she'd live so, the point? Meh. The SEC thing might be interesting if Carly is shown having to wash dishes but we all know that's not happening.  

I am so behind the writers who are striking. I've read a lot about their demands and what's been happening in negotiations. More power to you all. 

NEXT WEEK ALERT: I will be gone on vacation WED-FRIDAY! I may take a real vacation and not do the blog at all, not even Sunday Surgery. We shall see. David can always put up a filler shell and Sonya recap. I can't wait to go!! I'm eating pizza and seeing a show. GUESS where I'll be!! 


  1. "Welp. Even IF you are a Carly Fan and Nina hater , it was a bit MUCH for these two to be stomping around the hospital all pissy about everything. "What could Willow POSSIBLY have to talk to Nina about" sneers Josslyn. UM, whether you like it or not, they ARE DNA related so... ugh, just shut up."

    ROFL... that sums up my feelings nicely.

    I am at an odd place with "GH" right now. I love certain actors and am gald Laura (Genie Francis) is finally getting her due, but the focus and editing overall really hurt the show.

    I am beyond tired with Drew, Willow, Cody and Sasha. They could all disappear and I would not miss them one bit. I am extremely upset about the Kristina recasting -- the last time I felt this strongly was when they tried to fire Rebecca Herbst (Liz) about 15 years ago or whenever it was.

    Someone on Twitter recently had an AI ChatBot come up with some "GH" plotlines and, heaven help me, they were more interesting than what's playing out on our screens. Dan and Chris need to go, and I don't get why ABC can't see this.

    1. Agree with you. The writing and editing etc has been horrible. MOST of the actors are top notch and deserve better. Lexi Ainsworth should have been given more to do on the show and ditch some of the others IMO. Also Molly and TJ need to be on more. Mac too. Agree that some of the others you mentioned like Drew, Willow, Cody, Sasha, Gladys and some others needs to go and bring some other people front and center instead.

    2. Drew in that hat had me laughing so hard.

  2. Thanks Karen. Have a great vacation. Nice time of year

    I think I agree with you mostly 100%. Will miss CS as Victor; he was great, but time to go. Friday was good, but had it's issues as you said. WHY was Robert not there? That made no sense at all since he was there the first time. Do like Curtis, but Curtis and Drew should NOT have been there.

    They should have had Mac, Felicia and Robert go along instead of Drew and Curtis. Would have made so much more sense.

    As I have said, Loved VAnna, Helena, Sprina and Laura and Holly. Sure hope they get better stories going after this. Was a let down really.

    Thanks again Karen and have some great R&R

  3. Fantastic SS! Thank you. Sounds like NYC vacay. Wherever you go, enjoy!
    I may be the only one who is not in love with Anna and Valentin. His whisper talk annoys me. Maybe when this is over and they are on to their next caper.
    It should have snowed for longer. Or they could have left that art out completely. Overkill.
    Yes, the Tracy/Wiley/Brook scenes were a spot of calm and sweetness. That 4th pig.
    CS was grand.
    Hope the WGA strike is over soon and they get what they are asking for.

    1. "Zazu says, It should have snowed for longer."

      YES! I agree. It should have.

  4. Even though the incredible fabulous Constance will be turning 90 this month (May 20th), I wish TPTB would give her a new contract, give her ONE final run on the show....I still think Nikolas poisoning her was a weak way for her to go....she had a better "death" when Luke killed her on the Haunted Star back at the 50th anniversary in 2013. I know people are tired of resurrections etc but she is too good and frankly, you need one super villain to stay in Port Charles...with Victor gone (again), Stavros blown up in Creighton Clark, Faison dead and lobotimized , then its time for the Queen of Evil to make her return.

  5. thanks Karen and others cause I felt the SAME way.....Laura fixed the problem in two scenes-----they shoulda shown more clips from years ago - seeing Robert made me so happy------it just seemed forced....'ohhhhh it's snowing' and that was it.....
    ------glad we all agree that Drew is useless as a Navy Seal and as a character...
    ------PLEASE writers don't let Spence be missing for months-----please-----I think it's odd no Mac/no Kevin/no Esme in weeks......and no Taggart -----which I realize it's two days after the Nurse's Ball (gimme a break) but Taggart hasn't even been mentioned!
    ---so if this wraps up and Millow, will the rest of the sweeps be Ava/Austin/Drew/Carly/Sonny/Dex?????
    ------Guess now Trina will have the paterniity test = still think Curtis isn't her father...
    ------finally-----------I STILL think the WSB head is gonna be someone we know........cause Robert even said, "Whoever this guy is, he wouldn't even take my call." and that seems odd....
    ----I truly thought Luke would be seen this sweeps month.....
    -----so when all of your assets are frozen, does that mean regular ole checking accounts????????LOL

  6. OK, I guess that I live under a rock, because I had no idea that Lexi is leaving--I am SOOOO upset by this.
    I am still catching up on shows, so just saw the Millow wedding. Joss's dress was beautiful, and she looked lovely, but for the rest of them?... What WAS that shmata that Carly had on? Tracy didn't even bother getting dressed up, and Olivia, who is a knock-out, certainly didn't knock me out with what SHE was wearing. Ditto for Maxie and Brook Lynn.
    But what REALLY irked me was the lack of any Monica mentions. Tracy actually mentioned Monica once or twice since she's been back, but NO ONE ELSE did. Is she ever coming back? Are TPTB hoping she will just fade away, because we will NOT forget her. . . .

    1. Yes. Monica needs to be mentioned by others too. Hope Leslie Charleson is doing ok.

  7. I wanted to add that I thought that Sam looked great, and did a great job officiating at the wedding.

  8. "Baby Ace had the best time, btw. He smiled, looked around and eventually fell asleep on Trina's shoulder."

    Adorable little munchkin!!! :)

    "I hope she took her protein pills! Lifting that kid has to be tough!"

    ROFL! I'm sure it is!! He looks heavy!

    "we get a flashback of Robert"

    I loved seeing a young Robert Scorpio again! :)

    "Charles Shaughnessy's last day was Friday after the yacht blew up. (as far as we know!)." He will be missed.

    Yes very much missed. Hmmm if they don't show a body, that means he can come back at a later time! :)

    "I am so behind the writers who are striking."

    Me too!!

    "I've read a lot about their demands and what's been happening in negotiations."

    Yes I read about their demands too!

    "More power to you all."


    "David can always put up a filler shell"

    I love when he helps out! :)

    "and Sonya recap."

    Yup!!! :)

  9. Loved SS and I just died laughing about your screen cap for Joss and Carly. And "stomping around the hospital and acting pissy"! OMG, that was just too perfect. Thank you!
    I'll miss Charles S. too. He is such a good actor and it was a brilliant choice casting him as Victor.
    Yes, last week was so choppy and rushed, and EVERYONE should have been commenting about the weather.
    I'm going to guess you're going to Chicago for vacation. They have shows too, and their pizza is way better than NYC, lol! Enjoy wherever you're going!

  10. one of the previews/spoilers for next week says Joss asks something from Sonny-----I wonder if she is going to ask him to release Dex from working for him? Since we know Michael won't use the video/changes his mind about bringing him down.
    I don't think Joss would ask a favor for her mom....

  11. Thank you for a great SS. I agreed on everything you wrote per usual.

    I am originally a Chicago gal and love their pizza best so I too vote Chitown. Enjoy!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...