Monday, May 8, 2023

Body Bag

 GH: Nina runs into Sam, wants to know about her daughter's wedding. Sam's nice, explains. Then mentions the SEC incident. Nina flashes back to calling them. 

Millow: Same old : They are so happy, so in love. It's a miracle. Willow wants Michael to delete Sonny's video thing and not send it to the FBI. She says Sonny will be in jail and Carly might go because of the SEC. (SEC, SEC, SEC) 

Carly and Dante talk about the SEC. Yada yada. Nothing big. She is glad that Sonny helped her. 

Sonny's Office; Diane and Sonny talka out the SEC--Sonny wants to help Carly. Diane can't tell him details. She thinks he might be happy because he could be getting sole custody of Donna. Anyway, she says if it goes to trial, Carly will probably lose. He says it can't go to trial then. 

Greenland: Can't find Spencer. Valentin says Anna is in England talking to diplomats about what happened. Curtis is being debriefed then will take them home. Geesh, Val looks dapper for almost being dead! Ace still has no coat on. They are in a locker room somewhere waiting? Trina says she won't leave without Spencer. Guard comes in and says they found a body. They walk to the body and he unzips the bag: It's Victor (nice dead make up job). Trina goes back to the room and talks to Ace about Spencer. Flashback City of Sprina. 

Valentin has a goodbye monologue with his Dad. Says he's glad he didn't raise him.

Then it's time to go but Trina refuses. GEESH POOR ACE. 

Dex's Apartment: Joss and Dex hug "They can't find Spencer " Joss says. I guess if you want to find out what they are feeling, give it a watch. The most boring time filler ever. 


Dante and Sam make out in the GH hallway

Nina and Carly run into each other at the elevator. 

Deanna says Dr O and Drew landed ...time to get prepped. 

All of a sudden Laura pops up, they are all walking to the plane and Spencer walks out of the mist. Trina and he embrace and kiss. 



  1. horrible editing----
    like how did we not know Liesel and Drew left first?
    I cried when she jumped into his arms cause it was so real and then Laura's face.....great surprise that they didn't drag it out for months!
    -----Enjoyed Sam today (who knew?) as she talked common sense to Nina.
    -----just not 100% sure Victor is dead dead - kinda thought this man works for him???? cause Valentin never touched him so years from now will we see him again?
    ----I thought MICHAEL would be the one to change his mind about the video - NOT Willow begging him......
    ------just watched Chad on State of Mind - he was really funny cause he said what we all think: "I've been involved with this woman who has had lymphoma for over a year - is that normal ---- it's been forever...."
    -----just G sitting on O for Sonny to find out NINA did it.....

    1. "Mufasa says -just G sitting on O"

      What is G and O? :)

    2. Have you not heard the saying G sitting on O - like GO GO GO GO

    3. THE EDITING WAS HORRIFIC... I mean, it's like they skipped a whole part!!!! and we get JOSS AND DEX for most of the show? WHATTTTTT

  2. Sonny will throw things and they will be over for good. I would love it if Nina was the one that ended things with him herself and said, "well so be it. You are blinded by her crap. You want to be with her? Go be with her... I'm out". She can be broken behind the scenes but I don't want to see her crying since she obviously did it to herself.

  3. The whole show was boring time filler until Spencer showed up. So glad we didn't have to wait for him to wash up on the other side of the river.
    Nina has had the same conversation with almost everyone she knows and doesn't know. Her talk with Sam may be the first time they ever spoke. Do we really need to see flashbacks of things that happened a few days ago? NO.

  4. Greenland: Great shot of Greenland! :)

    V.C., Baby Ace, and Trina: V.C.!!!! He looks great! I'm glad he is okay! :) But wait we don't know what the after affects are going!! :( Baby Ace must be so freezing!!! ROFL! Yeah TRINA!! FIGHT FOR YOUR MAN! :)

    Trina and Baby Ace:

    Trina: He could be a real pain in the a,

    Baby Ace: Huh?

    ROFL! Trina would have won the line of the day, but someone else did. And that baby had this confused look on his face then he is like huh? ROFL!

    Victor, Trina, and V.C.: Trina is so relieved the dead body isn't Spencer! Awwwwww. :) Gee I guess Victor didn't blow up ROFL! How did he escape?

    Victor and V.C.: Everytime someone talks to a dead body, I'm waiting until the dead body wakes up and scares the person!!! When V.C. left him, I thought Victor's eyes would open. I was cringing!!! :)

    Trina, baby Ace, Laura, Curtis: Time to go home!!! That's very odd that Anna is not going with them. After she almost lost V.C.!! Well, time to go on the plane. Oh wait someone's hand and arm!!! Is it Spencer? IT IS!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

    Sprina: WOW! That was one hell of a jump Trina!!! ROFL! Awwwwwwww! :) I don't think I ever seen such a high jump when a person sees their loved one who isn't dead. Laura never did that to Luke.

    Port Chuckles:

    Sonny's office:

    Diane and Sonny: So basically.

    Diane: SEC SEC SEC SEC.

    Sonny: SEC SEC SEC SEC.

    Diane: Does talking about SEC turn you on?

    Sonny: No.

    Nina and Sam: Nina needs to get another jacket. A better color. She should get a black one. That would be a lot better. Sam wins the line of the day.

    Sam: I betcha Carly can help you with that.

    WHAT?! No she can't!!! What are you talking about Sam?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Dead*


    Sam: Who were you on the phone with?

    Dante: Another woman.


    Dante and Carly: Will they have a fling soon? *Snicker*

    Willow's room:

    Mildew: Willow is delusional and is on her death bed. She don't know what she is talking about.

    Dex's home:

    Jex: Gee no sex today? I guess talking about Spencer and the explosion didn't turn them on. But I did love how she said that Trina fell for Spencer and you are going to make me say it aren't you? Yes ma'am! ROFL! Then she admits she fell for him awwwwwwwwww. :)

    1. Baby Ace had me laughing out loud with Trina, he was perfect! HUH?!! HAHAHAHAH! Even Trina smiled. And honestly "Another Woman" and Yes Ma'am" were perfect. :)
      Sam was quite nice to Neener today, but I'm real tired of Neener remembering "SEC" and that constipated look. We're going to see that forever, ugh!
      The Trina leap was outstanding as was the Spence catch and stagger. I loved it! :)

      Victor's makeup (like Wubs said) was great. You and I must watch the same shows because I thought his eyes were going to pop open, too. Creepy!

    2. Man his diaper must be about 10 lbs worth of tinkle

  5. I know he said that he was going to have a glorious villain send off but one thing we need to consider is something Victor said weeks ago...he said there was cultists out there that believe in his cause...if they think he is dead, they may go out of there was to resurrect him down the road....just a thought

  6. Ohemgee, I loved Trina's running body slam into Spencer!! No wonder he's been bulking up. He took that hit like an offensive lineman.

    1. You and me both! Watched that leap 3 times and it just got better! I especially enjoyed his controlled stagger, and keeping them both upright. :) Excellent scene!

  7. Nobody is ever Dead Dead on this show. Just look at Peter.

  8. Just read in a few different places Nina is going to beg Carly for help!
    GIVE ME A BREAK! It is beyond ridiculous. Carly and Joss mean girls

    1. and I can't figure out WHAT she would ask of Carly and why Sam would sugget it although Sam DID say tell her you are sorry------------and I doubt she does.....

    2. TO FURTHER put Nina in a terrible position --Carly might forgive her, THEN she'll find out Nina turned her in. Stupid

  9. There is no reason for her to apologize to Carly other than the writers shoving her down our throats


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...