Friday, May 5, 2023



Laura thinks there may be another weather machine. She tells Curtis about the 1981 one. They see the program run. Laura says Mekkos was going to freeze Port Charles and it looks like it's still going to happen. She remembers she memorized the formula they need to stop it because she memorized it back in the day (flashback to Robert). She punches in the formula and stops the weather machine. They hug. 

Victor tells Holly if she shoots, he'll drop the pathogen and they will all die. She tells him she saved Ethan AND that she's the one that made him impotent. Then he goes to shoot her but Drew saves the day. Liesl gets knocked out too--- she's bleeding.  Drew is so dumb, he doesn't notice Victor waking up and running away.Victor goes to the Haunted Star. 

Liesl wakes up and says she has to save Valentin. Drew notices that Victor is gone. AHAHHA He's SO STUPID. Navy Seal? AHAHAHAHHAA. Liesl wakes up and says she hid the antidote so if Victor uses the pathogen, he'll end up killing himself. 

Trina and Spencer crouch behind a rock...they see Victor leaving. Spencer wants to go find him. He gives Trina the baby--Spencer goes after Victor. 

Valentin sees Anna. Thinks he's hallucinating. HE says he loves her. She says she loves him. He won't let her open the door because he's infectious. She says he can have a hazmat suit. He says too late. He tells Anna he loves her again, tells her to tell Charlotte she was the best thing in his life. He passes out. 

Trina calls Jordan (Stupid). Jordan and Felicia tell them drones with bombs are coming and they have to get on the plane. They are like BUT! BUT! um.. Grandmother--Curtis... Um.. They FINALLY decide to leave. 

Michael and Willow: Ugh. You know. She's dying. 

Nina, Sonny and now Sasha wait in the hall. Carly and Joss walk around giving them dirty looks.

OH !! Willow says she'll see Nina.  Nina goes in, Carly leaves. Willow has one thing to ask Nina: LEAVE CARLY ALONE. Stop the vendetta. Oh brother. WEAK ..ugh. 

Portia is cryin' in her office. Liz comes in. They talk... Portia cries. Jordan comes in and says they heard from Trina. IT STARTS TO SNOW!! SNOWING!! 


Robert gets the drone strike called off

Spencer goes on the Haunted Star to stop Victor

Holly comes in with the antidote

The Haunted Star is bombed-- Laura, Trina and Curtis watch it blow up

Liesl talks to Willow and tells her she's alive 


  1. Wow what a great show today!!! There are a lot of funny one liners!


    Laura and Curtis: The snow machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That perked me up. :) Ooooo flashback of Robert. Love it!!! A young Robert awww. :) Love the talk of the past!

    Holly, Laura, and Curtis:

    Laura and Curtis: WHAT?!

    ROFL! I'm glad they are told about the air strikes.

    Vanna: GAHHHHHHHH! Made me all emotional! Anna wipe his nose!!!! Then you can kiss him! HOLLY AND THE ANTIDOTE! YAY! :D

    Sprina and baby Ace: Uh yeah that hiding spot doesn't help Spencer very much! ROFL! No Spencer don't go get Victor! Go to the airplane! GAH!

    Dr. O, Victor, and Holly: I love that Holly told Victor it was HER that made HIM impotent hahahaha. Oh oh was Dr. O shot? Oh no she just hit her head. Whew. :)

    Dr. O and Drew: Yes Drew! Victor is gone!! Now what are you going to do? Dr. O was so funny on the phone with Willow hahahaha!

    The haunted star: Victor wins the lines of the day.

    Victor: The hell with the nanny. I'm not having a very good day.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Victor I'm going to miss you. :)

    Spencer and Victor: I thought Spencer had a gun at first. Oh oh the airstrikes! GET OUT SPENCER!


    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Portia talking to God:

    Portia: God if you can hear me.

    Now that is silly! :) Of course he can hear you.

    Portia, Liz, and Jordan: SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The weather machine is working!!!! I got so excited. :) Although the writers should have waited to have snow during the summer. That would have been better. Cus then people would be like, snow? In the summer? Then have a huge blizzard! Anyway Laura stopped the whole thing anyway, so that was disappointing. :(

    Carly, Joss, and Nison: Carly and Joss holding hands.. Nison holding hands.

    Mildew: Blah blah blah. Zzzzz.

    Nina and Willow: Leave Carly alone?!!?! Why? Is Carly 5? Is she weak and can't take care of herself? Unless Willow meant leave Carly a loan. Well, I don't think she needs a loan. Carly has money.

    Sonny and Sasha: Oh yes let's be positive that a dying Willow is going to be okay.

    Carly and Mildew: Stupid Drew is on the phone! Willow is going to LIVE! Let's all celebrate by bringing the Tribbles, The green beans, and Badger Bob, to the hospital and everyone can have a party and we can watch the Tribbles, Green beans, and Badger Bob dance the night away. :)

    Robert and Leslie Neilson: Hey!!! Frank Drebin! You leave Robert alone and stop being a jerk!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 31st 1996* The Q's celebrate new years eve. Young Emily has a crush on Nik. How very ironic.

  2. Anyone think that GH is being written like a comic book? I see so many similarities lately.
    All the phone calling. Getting the freak out of there should be their priority.
    Oh well. Whiney and Grumpy Cat will go on.
    Hope Nina is outed sooner than later.
    It's still two days after the NB. lol

    1. Thank you!! I keep saying GO!! LOL!! I mean wth and then Spencer goes back to the boat! 🤦‍♀️

  3. yes zazu
    so glad that Laura saved the day with using 40 year history!
    but some was corny and if I was Cameron I would remind the writers that Drew was a Navy Seal for crying out loud.....what a dufuss....
    ------we know Spencer survives and Victor dies but I hope they find Victor's body....
    -----Vanna was so soapy and it was great...
    ------WOMEN save the day.
    ------I'd like extra credit for this class as I am not commenting on Millow, Nina and Carly....

    1. You definitely get extra credit from me. 2 thumbs up.

  4. It was corny, but I thought it was pretty good. LOVED VAnna. Loved Spencer and Trina even though they NEVER left. Drew is duffus. Curtis was fine. Laura is awesome. Holly was awesome. Spencer can't be dead. Oh, Helena was awesome. Leisl was awesome. WOMEN POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So glad that we got Felicia and Robert in there too, but WHERE are Mac and Kevin? At the bar?

    1. Loved today's show but I wish they'd stop dragging it out...I keep telling my TV GO LOL!

  5. I think I may have to fast forward through Millow after today. While I agree Nina is unforgivable and there's no going back, come on! Willow asking her to leave Carly be. Not a word to Carly. It will be interesting to see how Sonny reconciles with Carly and if he will condone everything she has done.

    Loved Laura, Leisel, Vanna and Sprina. Oh and baby Ace! No Esme scenes was surprising. I would have much rather watched Esme scenes vs. Michael/Carly/NIna/Joss/Dex/laughable Drew.

  6. The writers strive so hard to turn Carly into a hero, but it falls flat. Why would Willow be so loyal to Carly? Ridiculous.

  7. Holly and Victor were hysterical! I guess this also the end of the Haunted Star. Drew was an embarrassment. This idolizing of Carly is sickening as are Millow.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...