Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Karen is on a well-deserved vacation for a few days.
Instead of doing filler, I am just going to post a pic or two
in order to open the blog so that all of you have a place to post. 

This is your blog for Wednesday

Weddings of old!! Who was your fave? My fave older wedding was Tiffany and Sean of course. Celia and Grant look nice up there. Wait, was that Grant Andrews or Putnam?!! LOL 


  1. Thanks for helping out Dave. Appreciate it.

    I used to like Robert and Holly way back when, but now I am a Riane fan and don't want Rovert with Holly. Poor Diane. She's never going to want Robert now. He's burnt her twice.

  2. Luke & Laura, Frisco & Felicia

  3. Lila and Edward remarrying......
    My head hurts just thinking that it is day THREE after the Nurse's Ball.....the group with Victor were only gone 3 days..............

  4. It's official - I cannot stand Portia - she hasn't even gotten Trina back and she is so pious in that she will forbid Trina seeing Spencer.....
    -----Diane was great today - I laughed out loud when she said "I don't care who kissed under the bleachers or before 7th period class." Holly can go away -
    ----Maxie just doesn't look right TO ME in the hair color and what she wears.
    -----Actually maybe Sonny will figure out the SEC thing - cause 3 people today commented on who would benefit and who knew what......they don't realize SONNY told Nina...if Carly said those words to Sonny HE would figure it out
    -------Maxie saying Lucy has no credibility since she faked her own death was bizarre - Valentin and Anna MADE her do is Lucy gone now?
    ----still 3 weeks of May sweeps SO what is the big story now during sweeps?

    1. By Maxie's logic she isn't credible because she faked her daughter's death.

    2. Sadly it will be Millow due to the transplant

  5. Portia and Curtis whine, whine, whine....

  6. Totally agree about Portia. The doctor needs to take a chill pill. So Taggert has arrived. Where the heck is Esme? Not at hospital to grab that cutie pie?
    Holly is weird. Sorry. Again I say...go away Holly.
    KS looks like she's maybe taking steroids for something. She seems uncomfortable.
    No Ninapuss today!

  7. Favorite weddings: Luke and Laura of course. Frisco and Felicia, Anna and Robert and Sean and Tiffany. Sean and Tiffany most hilarious!!!

    1. Sean and Tiff's wedding will go down in history as the funniest damn thing. Elsie May Krumpholdt? That was the name right? I'm smirking right now as I remember laughing myself silly at the time! :)

  8. Some funny one liners today.

    The plane:

    Laura and Curtis: Laura is trying to help Curtis with his anger and forgiveness. Laura chooses to chase peace in her life. :) Good for you Laura!!! :)

    Sprina and Ace: Spencer talks about having custody of Ace. He wants to be his guardian. Ace is just sitting there quiet in his cute little pj's!!! GAH! Ace is adorable. :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Q mansion:

    Nedlia, Brooky, Tracy, and Drew: Stupid Drew punches Ned! Oh so NOW Olivia defends her husband. About time. Brooky defends Ned too. Ned says he didn't do it and that he swears on Lily's memory! That does it! He didn't do it!!! Brooky says she believes him. Olivia still not budging. When Drew was yelling at Ned and the things he was saying, I got so into this scene, that it really felt like Drew was accusing me of calling the SEC and I almost cried.

    Brooky and Tracy: Hmmm Tracy wants Brooky to help her with something, but won't let us in on it! What does Tracy want Brooky to do?

    Tracy and Drew: Tracy wants Drew to turn on Carly! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The hospital:

    Crew: They are disparaging Ned. Blah blah blah. Oh but the good thing about all this is, is that they don't have to hide their relationship! Oh shut up Drew!

    Taggart and Portia: TAGGART!!! THERE YOU ARE! Oh he has been detained? The WSB tried to stop him too huh? Portia is so upset with Spencer that she will stop Sprina from being together! Yeah good luck with that Portia. Taggart says it will just push them to be together even more! And will put a strain on her relationship with Trina. Thank you Taggart! Portia says then you do it! OY VEY! *Facepalm*

    Gladys on the phone: Gladys is on the phone with the travel agent I think and has to cancel her plans because of illness in the family.

    Carly, Gladys, and Sasha: Gladys explains to Sasha about the whole thing and Sasha wants Gladys to book another day! Gladys leaves and Sasha tells Carly she don't know what she will do without Gladys. Oh oh.

    Gladys on the phone: Gladys books another day and then she gets a text about gambling! OH BOY! :)

    Laura, Curtis, Sprina, baby Ace, Taggart, and Portia: REUNION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Maxie's home:

    Felicia and Maxie: Maxie is sick!!! She is supposed to be on hearth and home again! She said she took something for her sickness. Oh oh did she take too much and is going to act nutty on heath and home? Felicia wants her to stay home, but Maxie can't!!

    Maxie, Sasha, and Gladys: Maxie looks awful. She said the only person who can do Hearth and home is SASHA! DOH!

    Robert's office:

    Robert, Holly, and Diane: Diane sees Robert and Holly kissing. DAMMIT ROBERT!

    Robert and Diane:

    Robert: Okay she kissed me and I didn't exactly shrink in horror. In some sense I'm always going to love Holly, but as part of my past. Then what do you want? I'm totally enjoying the time we spent together. Give me a break here.

    ROBERT! STOP TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen to Diane. Figure out who you want to be with!!!

    Police station:

    Holly and Felicia: They are talking about Victor.. Felicia wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: Do you see me crying?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem anyway they talk about Robert. HOLLY WANTS ROBERT! Felicia talks about Diane. THANK YOU FELICIA! :)

  9. I loved Grant and Celia's wedding. Grant punching out Jimmy Lee. Celia arriving in the chicken truck. The Quartermaine's were over-the-top hilarious. Edward (the original) talking Grant into forgiving Celia and getting him to marry her. I really miss the 80's!

  10. Is it just me or was Holly annoying? And acting like she alone saved the world. I don't blame Diane one bit; she knows what she wants and doesn't want.

  11. I'm torn between Holly or Diane for Robert. Hmmm.....

    And Portia...oh my gosh. I can see her POV but at the same point, she's also been very unaware of her adult daughter's life for many, many months. But, it is soapy as hell to pit a mother against the daughter's boyfriend so there's that. It's not like Sprina are riding off into the sunset all happy right now. My god, they just began their relationship and it's a SOAP. They are going to break up and get together a million times....IF each of them stay. NC has fantastic acting abilities so who knows if he'll renew his contract with them. For now, we ENJOY!
    FakeDrew needs to GO. Absolute worst casting decision ever made with CM playing Drew.
    And can we say for the bazillionth time, that it doesn't matter HOW the SEC found out about Snarly and Drew's insider trading??? It happened. They did it. They are guilty. So for FakeDrew to be so outraged to punch Ned?? Absolutely ridiculous.

    1. Thank you for pointing out that Drew and Carly are guilty! I've seen people on boards who have them be the victims instead of the ones responsible for this whole thing. If Carly hadn't tried to "help" after being turned down they wouldn't be in this situation.

  12. Jacklyn Zeman passed away?!! Noooooooo.


    May 10, 2023 10:56PM

    Jacklyn Zeman, a GH veteran beloved for her portrayer of Bobbie Spencer, has passed away at the age of 70. Executive Producer Frank Valentini broke the news on Twitter, saying, “On behalf of our @GeneralHospital family, I am heartbroken to announce the passing of our beloved @JackieZeman. Just like her character, the legendary Bobbie Spencer, she was a bright light and true professional that brought so much positive energy with her to work. Jackie will be greatly missed, but her positive spirit will always live on with our cast and crew. We send our heartfelt sympathy to her loved ones, friends, and family, especially her daughters Cassidy and Lacey.”

    Born in New Jersey, Zeman made her daytime debut as Lana McClain on ONE LIFE TO LIVE (1976-77) before being tapped to join the GH ranks as Bobbie in 1977. When she marked the 45th anniversary of her Port Charles entrance in December 2022, she told Digest that her message to the show’s fans was, “’ Thank you.’ The people that have been watching long-term have my heart, my heartfelt appreciation and my gratitude. Thank you for those that continue to watch and continue to feel that GENERAL HOSPITAL is important to them. And to those I’ve had personal interactions with over the years in various ways, it really means a lot to me. It’s very emotional, it’s very sentimental and it’s much appreciated.” In her final interview with Digest, conducted earlier this year, the actress described her long affiliation with GH as “one of the greatest blessings of my life.” Zeman is survived by her beloved daughters, Cassidy and Lacey, and grandchildren Kennedy and Decker.

    From Soap opera Digest:

  14. I am absolutely stunned. I literally stopped in my tracks when I read the news about Jackie Zeman. How is that possible? When you think of GH, she's definitely one of the characters that defined its heyday era - a true legacy character that will continue on in generations to come as long as the show is on the air. I'm saddened that her character faded into the background beginning in the early 2000s. She still should have been prominently featured. Even when she was back for short bits, she shined. With the writers strike, I have no idea what the show will do. But this loss has to be as big as any the show has endured. And to think both characters, Luke and Bobbie, are or will essentially be gone...Unthinkable. It's one of those things I'd never thought I'd be old enough to see the day. I began watching right around the time GH went from 45 mins to 1 hour which was when Jackie came on the show. Laura, Scotty and Bobbie was must see TV. I don't know what else to say.

  15. I remember when Jackie played Lana on OLTL before she moved to GH to play Bobbie. Like Diana Taylor said the Laura/Scotty/Bobbie days were must see TV. Bobbie was so mean to Laura. 😊 Jackie and Bobbie have been part of GH since 1977. Jackie will be missed.

  16. They did that mini tribute to her character at the Nurse's Ball. I wonder if they knew she was ill. She certainly didn't look it. Regardless, it's very sad.

  17. It was a shock.
    I'm glad they did the episode with the Spencer girls and we got to see that.

  18. Unfortunately the were in the first scenes of Fridays episode


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...