Thursday, May 18, 2023

The LAB Swabs

 Spencer gets his invite from Victor to the reading of the will. Trina thinks he should go because Victor is probably trying to mess with him. 

Taggert walks in, sees Curtis and Portia. Taggert assures Trina he'll always be her father. 

Jordan calls TJ but he's at #GH with Molly. They are waiting for test results. Oh they are not good. Severe endometriosis...fertility tests were not good either. She sobs. She can't get pregnant. Cries. Very heartbreaking. 

Robert wants to know why Holly is conspiring with Selina Wu. Nneka comes in asks who let them in. Robert says it's official business. Holly suggests they leave. They go to the foggy docks to talk about Ethan and getting his debts paid. Holly tells Robert she loves him. She says she doesn't want to compromise his job. He says he will help her and they'll do things together. The whole thing comes down to they love each other but can't be together yada yada. 

Esme is getting shown around the office by Alexis. Sam is there and is wondering what's going on. Esme recognizes her from Sam questioning her at Shadybrook. She leaves to go talk to HR. Sam and Alexis both get an invitation to the reading of the Will. 

Alexis talks a bit about Gregory. Flashback to him telling her about his diagnosis. That was like a month ago lol 

Esme runs into Spencer when she goes to GH to get drug tested for her job. Spencer: WHO would hire YOU? LOL Esme says "YOUR AUNT ALEXIS" He's not happy. Trina talks to him and he calms down. 

Curtis goes back to the Savoy. Jordan walks in. She wonders what's wrong. He's not sure he should have taken the DNA tests. He wants to be Trina's father so badly it hurts. 

Trina says she's going to make sure Spencer stays away from Trina

Holly says goodbye to Robert and leaves



  1. Like others said yesterday, Hollie was and is annoying during this appearance. She's lovely and although it's good to see her, but the spark with Diane is so much more interesting. To use the whole Ethan is in trouble 2 soap days since she saw him is kind of weird as well.

    I don't mind Alexis helping Esme. Avery is such a great actress I can't wait until she is naughty again. The show needs a shake up with a bad girl.

    1. I think they were stretching and straining to find a reason to write Holly off the show and keep her and Robert apart. Emma Samms was only a guest star and lives in England, so we know the pairing couldn't last unless they wrote Robert off, too.

  2. So, now the writers remember that Alexis and Sam are Cassidines?🤦🏻‍♀️

  3. Alexis's office:

    Alexis, Sam, and Vampira: That look on Vampira's face when her back was toward them. Hmmm is Vampira faking? I thought she was going to give us a smile. :)

    Alexis and Sam: Are the writers giving us a flashback of Gregory and Alexis so that we would remember? You wouldn't have to do that if stop leaving us hanging!!! UGH! Oh Alexis and Sam got the Tribbles's party invitation also! :) They will just have a lot of fun!

    The hospital:

    Curtis, Portia, and Sprina: Orange Portia is not happy and faking that smile. Oh hi Taggart! It's about time they can do a DNA test now. What the heck took so long?

    Taggart and Trina: Awwwwwwww! :)

    Spencer and Vampira: Oh I'm glad Spencer won't go for custody. Wait Vampira has to get work papers at the hospital for being a receptionist at Alexis's place of work? HUH?!

    Sprina: Oh look! Spencer has gotten the Tribbles party invitation too! :) Trina can really calm him down awwwwwwwwww. :)

    Portia and Taggart: History is repeating itself? What history? Your history Portia? And what are you going to do? Kill Spencer? Beat him up? Throw Tribbles at him? Make Badger Bob bite his face?

    Tolly and doctor: She can't have a baby, so in comes Krissy carrying their baby for them. Right? :) Watching their scenes was very difficult after we just found out what happened with Haley Pullos. I can't help it.

    The Savoy:

    Robert, Holly, and Nneka: Nneka kicking them out! ROFL! I love Nneka's hair! I'm wondering if she is WSB now too! :)

    Curtis and Jordan: All this talk with Curtis about the DNA test and if he made a mistake and he wants her to be her daughter so bad, will Jordan change the DNA test results? Oh what the hell?! KISSING?!!?! There was no lead up to it! Just out of the blue!!! Sure there was that almost kiss at Charlie's bar and restaurant when they were drinking, but that was months ago!!! Stop kissing!!!! UGH!

    The pier:

    RnH: Robert! Don't bring Luke up!!! The reason Ethan likes going on adventures and gets a high from it, is because of good genes from his mother. And not from his dad which is you. So this conversation they had was very eye opening for them. Good. Now he can be with Diane. :)

    Preview for tomorrow: Curtis tells Jordan let's get out of there?!?! Uh no no no!!! He should be having a one night stand with Ms. Wu!!!! Are the scab writers writing now?! UGH! Their writing starts in July right?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to July 12th 2007* Sonny asks Diane if he has ever hit on her. ROFL!

  4. Esme said she had to get a drug test

    1. "DeeDee Esme said she had to get a drug test"

      Ohhhhhh. That makes more sense. :) Thank you. :)

  5. Will Liesel and Lucy get an invite???? What if Victor left everything to Ace - thinking Esme was outta the picture - then she WOULD wanna hold on to Ace-----can't wait for the reading
    ---Bye Bye Holly - YEAH! Her character doesn't work anymore with Robert
    -----Jordan - hate her - she KNOWS what she is doing - and come on Curtis, really?
    ----Portia should go live on Greenland...
    ----so nu-Kristina and nu-Molly are gonna be hard for me to invest in ----- although they aren't around much anyway but still huge storyline and not the originals...
    ----Spence - spoiled brat.

  6. Very enjoyable two days without Snarly and her mini, Jex, Millow and FakeDrew and people bowing at their feet! Such a different show without them!!

    I agree the Holly and Robert convo was super weird!

    Curtis and Jordan with the insta-kiss was just so, so bizarre and out of nowhere! Not a fan.

    Esme working for Alexis could be interesting.

    Portia is stuck on repeat so she's quickly becoming FF worthy.

    The two recasts for Kristina and Molly are really going to mess with this important storyline but due to the strike it's not like it could be shelved to a later date. I know Kate Mansi is up to the job because I've seen and enjoy her amazing acting abilities but it's just not the right time to have not only one recast but now two. Yikes.

    Hoping things can work out with the writer's strike but the two sides are so far apart....and now with SAG possibly getting in on this....*siiiighhhh that could change everything.

    1. I thought the same thing about the recasts. I am glad the Davis girls finally have a storyline again, but it just doesn't hit the same with almost all new actors.

    2. Lexi would have been amazing in this story. Halley on the other hand I have not felt the same about for a few years. Maybe its because she has never really had her own storyline.

  7. Maybe it's my mood but couldn't even make it through the whole show.
    Not interested in the Molly/TJ story, which looks to be a long one.
    Can't even look at Holly.
    Someone go find Nikolas. Ava doesn't even fret over his disappearance.
    mufasa says "Portia should go live on Greenland". LOL And maybe take Jordan with her. Nice couple.

    1. There is a another new moon happening this month - May 19....a black moon, rare occurrence. Perhaps that is what is throwing everything off?!

  8. Hopefully daytime confidential is correct that Halley Pullos checked in
    to rehab

    1. yes and DailyMail had the pics - very smart of her cause this will show she is trying to get better however it turns out...
      -----PLEASE let Liesel be invited to the reading of the will!

    2. It may save her job. Time will tell.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a boring show today. Some funny one liners though. Looks like Karen forgot to hit send again. ROFL!

    Sonny's office:

    Bodyguard Frank and Dex: Oooooo a lot of money. Gladys is turned on by it.

    Frank and Gladys: Yeah Gladys like Frank would really tell you how Dex got all that money. Is Gladys going to jump Frank's bones? Nope. :)

    Joss and Sonny: *Yawn* Badger Bob is yawning too. I think Badger Bob wants to push Joss out the window. Now now Badger Bob you be nice. Sonny, Frank, Dex, and Badger Bob should take off their shirts.

    Gladys and Sonny: Gladys is turned on by all the money and wants some! Sonny is reading her like a book. :)

    Outside Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Gladys on the phone: Oh yes. Call Ms. Wu for your idea!! :) What is it?

    Outside somewhere:

    Jex: Dex is so furious with Joss that he turned into a robot! I don't know what just happened! And now kissing. Will they have sex right then and there on the ground?

    Nina's Crimson office: WOW!!! Nina is working at Crimson today!!! :O

    Nina and Sasha: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: I'm sorry. You're talking to me.

    ROFL! Well she isn't talking to the Tribbles. :) You are the only one in the office. :)

    Central perk coffee place:

    Maxie and Sasha: Hey!!!! Maxie is feeling better. Great. :) Oh look lots of plants there. And this place doesn't look very busy. ROFL!


    Scotty and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody you can't squirm your way out of the DNA test! Tell Scotty the truth! Cowboy Cody sees Dr. O and a little boy. Scotty isn't affected seeing Dr. O? His little Shnitzel!

    Dr. O, James, and Cowboy Cody: Ohhhh the boy is James! :) James is skeered of horses! Awwww. Well Cowboy Cody can change that. :) Comet aka Mr. Ed to the rescue!!

    Scotty and Dr. O: Dr. O is speaking to Scotty! YAY! :D Now kiss and make up!

    Dr. O, James, and Scotty: Ooooo Dr. O is letting Scotty drive them somewhere!! That's a first step! Baby steps!!! :D

    The Savoy:

    Curtis and Jordan: Jordan you are talking way too much.

    Jordan: What about your other parts?

    Well, his parts want you Jordan! And yes of course he is on the rebound, and he is also horny. I'm glad she put a stop to this and isn't going to sleep with him. OH MY! Curtis wants something more than the Savoy! WSB job incoming! :)

    The hospital:

    Taggart and Portia: Oh orange Portia just listen to Taggart! He knows what he is talking about and is making a lot of sense! Now Taggart take off your shirt. :)

    Dante and Michael: Oh Dante you are not butting into anything! Now you two take off your shirts. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 13th 2009* Diane wants to know from Alexis if Sonny is good in bed! ROFL!

    1. The winners of today's talkfest are, drumroll please....Taggert and Cody, and little James too!

    2. Sonya, was there any male on the show that you didn't want them to take their shirts off? 😀

    3. Had to make the boring show seem more appealing. Boring show for a Friday coming into the summer months. I remember growing up I was so hooked on GH that was the only moment I would come in from swimming all day and night

    4. Gary says, Sonya, was there any male on the show that you didn't want them to take their shirts off? 😀

      Hmmmm. No! ROFL! Once Zeke shows up he can take off his shirt too! :)

  11. These characters can't get more annoying. Now Portia is making me nuts


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...