Thursday, May 4, 2023

Kristina Recast ON GH


Lexi Ainsworth is out. It is not known to me if she's out because she wanted to be or??? I'm hoping this is her choice and this recast means Krissy will be on more. This is Kate Mansi from  Days (I don't watch that show so I have no clue how she is as an actress). 

So, here we go! 


  1. She is good at drama but she left 2 times on Days when she was tired/needed a break....I think they wanted Lexi to commit to longer times IF Krissy is the surrogate for Molly/TJ----
    always find it weird/funny/irritating when actors leave and then come back
    ------Carly said, "it just makes no sense that Ned would turn us in" like 2-3 times so I think she will realize Nina did it and accuse her in front of Sonny (who knows Nina knew)-----
    -----today was a Wednesday show so I guess Monday will be a Friday show - bye bye Victor - I LOVE that Laura realized it was like 40 years ago.
    ------gotta hand it to Trina knowing Jordan's number by heart..........
    ------Joss and Dex were worthy of FF today.....
    ------Anna, Holly and Laura saving the day is too cool!!

  2. I hope this was Lexi's choice. They tried to re-cast Kristina once before it was a mess. I LOVE Lexi as Kristina. Her chemistry with Maurice is TOP NOTCH. I want to know what HE has to say about this.

  3. Unbelievable!!! I am not happy about this. I wonder what happened. Well,I would hope it was her choice.

  4. Well, that is sad about Lexi Ainsworth. I hope it was her choice. She wasn't given much work to do that is for sure.

  5. This hurts my heart. Lexi IS Kristina for me.

  6. This really upsets me. Lexi Ainsworth is an underrated gem of "GH."



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...