Monday, May 15, 2023

Deception Day


Michael and Sonny in Sonny's office. Michael wants to make things better between them for Willows' sake.  Sonny's wary. They talk and agree. They are not going to interfere with the Nina/Willow situation. Nice shots of Badger Bob today. 

Anna's home! Hears someone in her house. It's Val, making dinner. They kiss. ROBERT comes over. Valentin isn't happy. They banter. Fun scenes. 

Jex 'saying goodbye" ...Dex wants to leave. He tells Josslyn Michael isn't turning in the video. She's pissed. She's GOING WITH HIM. "No you're not" ..and then the worst dialog I've heard since like 1977 comes up. "All I have is my skill set, you have your entire family".. "We'll leave and you'll wake up one day --a waitress named Trixie and blame me".. AHAHAHAHA omg. Joss agrees he should leave without her but..they are HURTING SO BADLY. :eyeroll: Anyway he's going to stay and keep working for Sonny. 

Gladys lost a lot of money at poker and she thinks Cody cheated. Selina Wu says NO ...and I want the money you borrowed! Gladys owes 85K!! She says she's not stealing from Sasha again. Wu says you'd better do something! She has an idea how she can pay off the debt. 

Cody talks to Scotty about representing him in the theft of the necklace trial. 

Mac and Felicia come into the Savoy too. Look really good. They are going to celebrate Holly coming back. Scott goes to sit with them. Asks why Holly is still running around after chloroforming people. They tell him what happened. He asks where the Ice Princess necklace is now. Mac says it sank with the Haunted Star. Scotty gets an idea. 

Scotty wants Cody to get the necklace and then he will represent him. LOL SCUBA DIVE. OH Damn no!! He wants to sue the WSB for losing the necklace. Cody will have to sign an affidavit that he's Taub's son (Cody looks over to Mac). Cody finds out from Felicia that Sasha might be in trouble on the show, he runs out. 

Sasha is on set at Home and Heart again (where she had that freak out) and Morgan Fairchild is back!! She said she won't work with a crazy person LOL. Brook Lyn comes in and Sasha wonders why if she doesn't work for Deception anymore. Brook says she does. Lucy comes in too. 
Then Haven (Morgan Fairchild) talks to the producer who tells her that the last time Sasha went loony their ratings went through the roof. She gets an idea. They put out on social media that Sasha's on and might "lose it again". Luna comes out-she's the one that had the baby products the first time. They figure out the show is trying to get Sasha to flip out. Sasha wants to continue an show everyone she's ok. They start doing the show. Haven tries to rattle her but it's all ok. BUT!! They pipe baby crying noises in her earpiece!! OH man. 

Nina and Drew talk in GH about nothing really. She wants to "go back in time". Cody says she has to own up to all her mistakes and maybe people will forgive her. Damn, she going to tell about the SEC thing? 


  1. very confusing sweeps month-------
    ----------I think Karen is right - Mrs. Wu AND Tracy for some reason want this product =money
    ------Cody ain't gonna pass DNA test........he's gonna save Sasha today though
    ------lots of dialoge for Joss to say 'don't go' BUT BUT I REALLY like they didn't claim they love each other like teenagers.
    -----still on my theory - joss asks Sonny to let Dex go and he puts the condition of finding who is behind Pike.
    ----gosh Michael looks constipated every single time he talks to Sonny.....
    -----when was the last time Nina was at Crimson actually working?

    1. "Mufasa says, BUT BUT I REALLY like they didn't claim they love each other like teenagers."

      Hey!!! People can say they are in wuv and not be teenagers. :) It's so obvious they are in wuv, that when they say they like each other, it's so not believable! ROFL!

    2. Right - I was just glad they weren't silly and declaring love yet!

    3. Personally I liked Mikey's constipated look with Sonny, it made me giggle, lol! I'm thinking I would look like that, too! They sure were tipping toeing around each other.
      I really think Cody is an idiot. Dante KNOWS Mac is his dad, and if he goes into cahoots with Scotty saying Taub is his dad, then Dante is going to bust him, and the lawsuit and if we're lucky put him in jail. Did the writer's forget?

      And oh my, aren't Felicia and Mac the best looking couple on GH?!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What does commenting on bad dialogue have to do with hating two young people?

    2. Some of the mean girls think these characters are real and only their opinion matters

  3. It seems that "sweeps" aren't as important as they used to be. On GH anyway.
    Oh "Wobert", like Holly says, don't be such a party pooper! lol
    Not much today. Tomorrow is marrow day I guess.

    1. Whatever editing they did to get us caught up seemed to have cancelled out a lot of scenes we would have enjoyed. More Sprina scenes after the run/jump hug, more Laura, More Vanna

  4. A lot of funny one liners today!

    The Savoy:

    MacLicia: Awwww they come in holding hands!!! :) Awwwwwww! :)

    Mac: I love Holly.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    MacLecia and Scotty: Scotty says two of my favorite people.

    Felicia: Since when?


    Gladys and Ms. Wu: Is Ms. Wu going to beat up Gladys? :) Or does she have a woman bodyguard who is going to do that? :) What are Ms. Wu's plans for Gladys? :)

    Gladys and Scotty:

    Gladys: Rude!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are they going to get drunk and have a one night stand? They are both hurting and drinking.

    Cowboy Cody and Scotty: OH! Scotty changed his mind and decided to help him. Hmm. Can't wait to see where this goes. Maybe the secret will come out that Mac is Cowboy Cody's daddy! :)

    Sonny and Michael: I guess they have kissed and made up? HI BADGER BOB! :)

    Hospital roof:

    Jex: They like each other a lot? HA! They more than just like each other. They are in wuv. I think they should be on the run! :) We need a good on the run story! :) A waitress named Trixie?

    "Karen says, and then the worst dialog I've heard since like 1977 comes up."

    ROFL! Did the writers borrow the script from the Luke and Laura on the run storyline? :) It reminded me of that. All Joss needs is a wig. :)

    The hospital:

    Nina and Drew: Same dialog different person.. Next Nina will go and talk with the Tribbles, Badger Bob, and the green beans.

    Chandler Mansion:

    Vanna: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Vanna and Robert: Hahahahaha. Robert! Hahahaha.

    Anna: Hello Robert.


    V.C.: Thanks to the lovely Anna.

    And then Anna puts her head on his shoulder! Awwwwwwwww! :)

    V.C.: Sometimes I save her, sometimes she saves me. Sometimes we get trapped together. We like to mix things up.

    Awwwwwwwwww! :) Oh and V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: I have no idea why I would need to know that.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Robert likes his pasta al dente? Yikes! WHY?!!?!

    Home and heart: MORGAN FAIRCHILD!!! LUNA!!!!!!!!! :) LUCY!!!!! :) I'm thinking are they going to sabotage Sasha or just use Sasha to get more viewers by telling everyone she will be there.. Oh! They are going to sabotage her! DISGUSTING!!! GRRRRRRRR! I'm glad Luna is disgusted too. A baby crying in Sasha's earpiece? UGH! DISGUSTING! They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

    Sidenote: A Jackie Zeman little bumper thing. Awwwwww. :)

    1. Too bad there's not a mike on the table, sonya. She could take the ear bud out and hold it to the mike so that the audience could hear it. ...and say, isn't it wonderful the way hert and Home supports people who've had emotional problems? Their company would be done!

    2. "Di says, Too bad there's not a mike on the table, sonya. She could take the ear bud out and hold it to the mike so that the audience could hear it. ...and say, isn't it wonderful the way hert and Home supports people who've had emotional problems? Their company would be done!"

      Oh yeah!!!! Too bad! Yes their company would be done.. I hope Lucy has a mic in her purse. :)

    3. Yes, to the one liners you mentioned. I did a lot of giggling!
      Robert is a party pooper, and I love him for it. :)

      But for me, it was Dex saying a waitress named Trixie. OMG, such an old fashioned name, and yup, dialog from 1977. But I laughed out loud, twice!

      So not cool piping a baby crying in Sasha's ear. Maybe some good fall-out today. I have to agree with some posters here, not exactly a mind blowing May sweeps.

  5. Wow....there were so many FF worthy scenes in today's episode for me and many others. Just not a great show at all. Terrible dialogue and acting from a certain couple-JEX. Extremely cringe imo, but if you liked it....GOOD FOR YOU, those are your people!

    1. The only thing I liked was VAnna and Robert and Mac a d Felicia. How sad. Morgan Fairchild has ruined her face. Sorry, I know I shouldn't say that.

    2. I fast forwarded all of Dex and Joss, and Grumpy Face and Sonny as well. Anna, Val and Robert were delightful as always. Great to see Mac & Felicia.

    3. I fast forwarded most today also.

  6. I fell asleep but my excuse was an exhausting Dr appt. 😂😂😂Did a rewatch Not too bad but not great. I can't believe though that it took me this long to realize that's Luna from OLTL!! I kept looking at her and I googled and yep! I recognized her voice first. Missed it last visit I guess. So...guesses on Dex getting shot and dying since he's still gonna work for Sonny?

  7. This could be the worst May sweeps on "GH" ever. Major snooze fest.

  8. agree Kevin - I forgot to comment - I REALLY liked Morgan Fairchild's assistant - he was cute and good.


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