Wednesday, May 3, 2023

New Dawn


Haunted Star: Curtis is fighting the guy. Flips him over the bar. Trina is beside Spencer trying to wake him up. Curtis wants to leave but Trina won't leave Spencer. Finally, Spencer gets up and they go get the baby. Spencer takes him and he and Trina run out. Curtis just stands there with the nanny. 

Lab: Valentin is bleeding. Dr O wants to give him the antidote...he says wait. Val won't talk but he's getting worse. "IT BURNS" says Valentin. HELENA SHOWS UP as Valentin is losing it. She tells him she's going to drag him down to hell with her. Heh. 

Laura and Drew make it in. He knocks out a guard and they go in an d see the empty lab. Victor then walks in and confronts them. Dr O is there and a bunch of guards. Drew fights and Laura steals the pathogen? GEESH!! MAN! Anyway, they watch Valentin on the monitor, he's having seizures. 

Hospital: Liz and TJ talk about the wedding and Carly being hauled away 

Robert is being held by the WSB and Felicia calls someone about the whole thing..Anna maybe?She tries to get in to see Anna. Robert yells to her to call Frisco. "TELL Him to CALL OFF THE PROTCOL"!  Felcia then tells Robert that Frisco got fired for calling off the bombing of the island. The new head of the WSB said to level it. 

Kelly's: Carly is there trying to eat pie, her card is declined. Another one is declined AHAHAHAHA.. Nina: I can pay for that.  Carly won't let her. Nina asks about the wedding and Carly gives her crap about Nelle?? UGH Carly. IT's just stupid. Ava then comes in and sits with Nina. They talk about the Greenland situation. 

Michael cries at the Gatehouse about Willow when Tracy and Brook show up. "is this my fault"? (YES IT IS) He leaves with Willow. Tracy and Brook stay with the kids and worry. Wiley comes down, asks where mom is. 

Then TJ is working on Willow. Michael calls his mother. She goes to GH 


Laura holds up the vial to threaten Victor. "you drop it, you die" he says 

Curtis tells Trina and Spencer to get to the sea plane with baby Ace. He also tells him everyone that is on the island with him. 

NOTE: Ok, Brook and Tracy were talking and I THINK Tracy got Chase his job back??? I don't even know. It was a weird conversation. YES, I guess she said something to Brook last week? THIS IS so Brook and Chase can get back together and he'll find out about it and>.. ugh. 


  1. Looking forward to all off the island except for Victor and his merry thugs. BOOM. This has been a rather long bad sci-fi movie.
    Moving on to PC doom and gloom. Yes Michael, you killed Willow. Just ask sonya. lol
    Tracy and Brook did talk about her helping Chase get his badge back. Certain doom for their relationship once again.
    Hope Trina/Spence/Ace put some coats on. Brrrrrr.
    Helena looks great for a dead woman.

    1. "Zazu says, Yes Michael, you killed Willow. Just ask sonya. lol"

      ROFL! ;)

  2. Greenland: V.C.'s shirt looks like it was drawn on by a marker and not blood. Oh no he is burning!!! :( HELENA!!! :D The OG Queen! :) V.C. is seeing things!!! Helena wins the line of the day!

    Helena: Do you think I'm the angel of mercy?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! I wish you were alive Helena!!! I thought maybe Laura and everyone can hear V.C. talking to Helena, but I don't think the monitor has sound. Laura has the pathagin? I thought at first it was the antidote. I wonder if Laura is having flashbacks of that place she is in from the past. :)

    Haunted star:

    Sprina and Curtis: Yeah Curtis uh she isn't going to leave him laying there!!!! Oh so glad he woke up!

    Sprina, Curtis, Ace, and the nanny: YAY! Saving Ace!!! :) I wonder if that nanny lady has a gun.

    Port Chuckles:

    Mildew home:

    Michael, Brooky, and Tracy:

    Michael: Is this my fault?


    Brooky and Tracy: Tracy thinking Brooky and Chase are gonna get married hahaha. Once he finds out that you pulled the strings Tracy to get his job back, he won't want to marry Brooky! Tracy sharing her story of her honeymoon hahahaha.

    Brooky, Tracy, and Wiley: The 4 little pigs hahaha awwwwwww! :) Is the 4th little piggy the Tribbles? :)


    Carly and Nina: Nina feels all the guilt feels and that's why she wants to help Carly pay for the food. :) Hmmm why did Carly bring up Nelle? Is this foreshadowing and Nelle is alive? :)

    Carly, Ava, and Nina:

    Carly: It was a lovely evening for everyone that was invited.

    Meow Carly! That was unnecessary! Detract your claws Cujo.

    Nina and Ava: Is Ava going to bring up the past of what Nina did to Ava? Since Ava says she still thinks about it. I think it would be a great scene. :) Damn I wish I was a writer. :)

    The hospital:

    WSB guy and Robert: Who the heck is this WSB agent guy? Is he a real WSB agent? He looks like Leslie Nielson! Hey Leslie Nielson! Leave my Robert alone! GRRRRR! Yes Felicia go get Frisco!!!!!

    Felicia and Robert: WHAT THE?! Oh hell no Frisco was let go?!!? Who in the hell is this new WSB boss?! Great continuity writers! I and others were wondering about Frisco!!

    1. Anyone else have a problem looking at Drew with a straight face with that hat on?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. And WSB guyed taped up Robert Freakin' Scorpio's mouth! The horror! I wish Flea had used the knee to take that guy down. I was very happy about the Frisco explanation and oh my heart, there was Helena. She looks wonderful and I need her on today, too. :)
      Loved Tracy mentioning the 4th little pig that Wiley obviously forgot about...hahahahah! That was hilarious!
      And here I go again defending Cujo, but why for all that is holy does Neener keep approaching her? And the entire scene about Carly telling her about the SEC was weird as all heck. One minute Neener plays dumb, the next she's saying Sonny filled her in, then she's playing dumb again. Awkward and written very poorly.

    4. Julie, I am with you girl!!

    5. HAHAHAHHA! Mufasa...I assume you're agreeing with my last few sentences, if not no matter, thanks! But what was that SEC conversation? Thought I was having a spell!

  3. - I know Brook Lynn didn't get her letter in time, but she sent one in anyway I thought.....and then she spoke so I think Chase will not think she did anything else.-
    ----I think Anna and Holly show up and save the day. and Laura is the HERO of the story!
    ----we all know Michael will feel guilty and not turn in Sonny-----cause this story will turn to the Romeo/Juliet called Joss/Dex
    ----Constance Towers is THE QUEEN and gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ---Spence put on a coat!!
    ----kinda hope the new WSB leader is someone we know.

  4. Nina sure f'ed herself last week but man I bet it felt good for her since Snarly was such a B today.

  5. Dayum, I can't wait to get to Constance Tower's age so I can look that good!

    1. You and me both! I squealed like a little fan girl when she showed up!

  6. Boy, the writers are doing an excellent job at making more and more people despise Cujo aka Snarly aka Carly. She was disgusting human garbage yesterday. I keep saying she needs to be knocked off that pedestal she's on but we know that won't happen. That character has faced zero consequences for her deplorable, vile actions and behavior over the years. No character growth, no self-awareness.Nothing but Carly worship writing from Frank & Company. Terrible.

    So nice to see Constance Towers looking as beautiful and regal as always!

    1. I agree 100%! Willow may hate Nina but she had a right to know her daughter was in GH. Carly is truly despicable as is her poor excuse for a son.

  7. Connie T. still looks so gorgeous! Any excuse to get her back is well worth it.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...