Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Lab Work


You know it was a slow week when you do the entire Friday Blog and forget to publish it!! I think I was so tired after the show, I just blanked!! LOL Yes, it was THAT boring. Are we in our "spinning out everything we can because the writer's strike is looming" phase? Because.. ouch.  Monday was the only show that really made me happy. 

Grab what ya got--this shouldn't take very long!! 

Photo Credits: @Here4Sprina 

Remember last week I took 3 days off? The last time I had watched the show that week was Tuesday. I'd like to report that in "soap time" we've moved 1 day in 9 air dates. ONE. So.. yeah. That's where I'm at right now. There were some fun parts this week but most were weighed down by repetitive, stilted scenes that just were spun out FOR-EVER. By Friday I was ready for a long nap. 

MARROW UPDATE OF THE WEEK: We didn't see Willow. She's still in isolation. Is that a good thing? It's been 9 air dates since we've seen her. I just want this WRAPPED UP. 

POINTLESS DISCUSSIONS OF THE WEEK: WAY to many to list. Let's just say that the swabbing of people's cheeks at the GH lab took at least 2 days. Maxie had a really strange 2.2 second scene with Sasha in the coffee corner just to tell her about Cody's streaking thing. (Why couldn't she have been at Crimson? Another pointless convo). Dante and Michael. Portia and anyone she came in contact with.  Nina and Carly. You name it. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

THE ENVELOPES OF THE WEEK: This did intrigue me. Laura, Alexis, Ava, Anna, Sam and Spencer all get envelopes to the reading of Victor's Will. He hates them all. What's going to happen!!? If this was Netflix, the envelopes would have been activated when opened and all of them have the virus by now. Heh

MORGAN FAIRCHILD SIGHTING OF THE WEEK: I DID enjoy the Deception/Home and Heart shenanigans. The Deception Crew went to the HH show to sell a "Deceptor" (face wand). They tried to sabotage Sasha into having another breakdown for ratings. They failed. Lucy and Brook Lyn were there too. So was Genie Francis' daughter (see below). Cody was going to streak if they didn't cut the audio. I enjoyed the scenes! Yes I did! 

NEPOTISM OF THE WEEK: I am all for this! Genie's daughter Eliza came on the show as an assistant on the HH set. She really did a good job. You notice when the "extras" have a little something. The "producer" was also good. Made the whole thing feel authentic. Yeah Genie's Daughter! 

MOLLY'S DISTRESS OF THE WEEK:  Molly and TJ found out her endometriosis is severe and she probably can't have a child. Heartbreaking scenes. Knowing that Haley won't be around to finish the storyline is also sad. Now both Molly and Kristina will be recast and this story won't have the same impact for me. I really wish HP and LA could have played it out. *sigh* 

WU OF THE WEEK: Oh, she's just up to everything! First she threatens Gladys and wants her to find out what Sonny's up to and then she tells Curtis she can change the DNA tests at GH. I'm telling you, total domination of Port Charles might be coming! 

JOB OF THE WEEK: Welp! Aunt Alexis gave Esme a job at the paper as a receptionist. Sam's not happy. Spencer isn't happy. Who's happy? Laura, because she can get that girl out of the house more!  A side note: Sam has absolutely nothing to do lately. Zip, nada. 

DECISION OF THE WEEK: And I use that term loosely. We spent a whole lot of time with Robert and his "feels" for both Diane and Holly.  About 9 convos later it comes down to the fact she's a con-artist and he's DA. Plus the fact that Emma Samms is leaving for England again. Bloop! 

 MESS OF THE WEEK: SO, Joss and Dex have a rooftop discussion about life and love. I can't even begin to tell you the things wrong with this scene. I do give it up to Eden who managed not to burst out laughing. The dialog was just terrible.  You have to see it to believe it. Oy VEY. After all this "I'm leaving" ...he decides to stay. I'd like to point out Dex has said this same thing at least two times before all of this.  Joss goes to ask Sonny to fire Dex and he says no. Then Dex gets angry for about 2 minutes and yet ANOTHER scene with these two that's just amazingly bad. I don't get this harsh usually but boy oh boy, the whole scene behind the restaurant was baffling. Dex's delivery was just SO awful. The writers are trying hard for 'Star Crossed Lover" type stuff but eesh. NO.. it's not playing that way at all. 

UM...WHAT? OF THE WEEK: At least this surprised me! I mean... Curtis and Jordan? After all we've been through with these two? Lord have mercy. I think Curtis was just looking for some late night nookie and welp!! Thing is: No one but the audience saw them kissing.  They talked feelings and that was that. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

WARDROBE OF THE WEEK: Oh, N'neka looked great--and got some speaking time! 


James got out of the house 

Ava, Laura, Alexis, Sam, Anna and Spencer all get invitations to Victor's Will Reading 

Cody 'saved" Sasha from a nasty production team

Sasha feels herself again; wants to take back her life and kick Gladys off her guardianship

Gladys owes Wu 85K 

Portia doesn't like Spencer

Molly finds out she probably can't have a baby 

Curtis and Jordan kiss

Joss asks Sonny to fire Dex (he says no)

Trina, Taggert and Curtis all get swabbed for DNA 

Esme gets a job as Alexis' receptionist 

Holly leaves Port Charles 

Scotty wants Cody to go after the WSB for money from the necklace 

Michael decides to be civil to Sonny for Willow's sake

Mac tells Robert he's secretly watching Selina Wu 

Dex decides to, he's staying. 

NEWS OF THE WEEK:  Well, I'm sure you all saw the Haley Pullos news about her DUI and arrest. She also was seen going into a Malibu facility for rehab.  She finally had a storyline to showcase her talent and threw it all away. 

Kin Shriner stirred the hornets (me included) by saying he was "written out" of GH. As many reminded me, he's gone this numerous times when he's taking his yearly breaks. He's always back. I'm not panicking. 

Jackie Z tribute was up. It was just a short bumper with some flashbacks and such. Will they have a real memorial? With the writer's strike that's certainly up in the air.  The GH family has lost many this year. Sonya Eddy, producer Nneka Garland and now Jacklyn. So sad. 

That's a wrap!! I also want to say I DO NOT want Sprina saddled in this "He's my Brother" Story. NOPE!! COME ON!! SO many more avenues to take. At this point, Esme and Ace just need to leave. The only story I'm interested in is the envelope/Will reading.  I did like Cody this week. (don't faint). I honestly don't care about Gladys other than the Selina Wu connection. My biggest let down was Mac casually dropping he's been "watching Selina Wu" to Robert. Why not expand on that? You know we won't hear about it for ages. Is Cody helping? N'neka?  I guess I'm just sad that I don't care much about any story right now. Gregory dying? Meh... Molly? Maybe but with the recasts..meh. Esme/Spencer baby fight? nope. Sonny/Nina/Michael/Willow? Nope. Carly/Drew SEC? Hell no. IF Wu gets more airtime and it's to bring down Sonny, then I may perk up. How awesome would it be if she's really WSB this entire time? LOL. I'd rather have her be the head of the West Coast mob though. 

Ok, that's a wrap!! Here's hoping we get some Tracy soon. I think I saw her on the previews? 



  1. You summed up my feelings about the week perfectly. It was so bad that I am considering maybe taking a little break from watching. The moments of joy are few and far between, and it seems like a chore most of the time. What a waste of talent and legacy.

    "If this was Netflix, the envelopes would have been activated when opened and all of them have the virus by now." Ha! I love that idea. It amazes me that fans lately have come up with better material than what is on our screens. Another one I saw was to give Esme a job in the hospital kitchen and have Amy become her comic foil. All of this is better than what we are being served up on-screen.

    If I had my way, they would jettison several blah characters -- Drew, Cody, Jordan, Sasha, Willow and Gladys. Then, bring back Lexi Ainsworth as Kristina, give N'neka a storyline, and bring back Lucas.

    Something, SOMETHING needs to be done to get "GH" back on track. (OK, enough venting.)

  2. I agree with your excellent SS. I couldn’t really comment on Jex because as soon as I see them I hit ffwd. Same with anything Michael, Willow, Carly and Drew. Says a lot about the sad

  3. Thanks for another great SS! This blog really helps to maintain interest in GH.
    The show is just trudging along. Same dialogue over and over for too many characters. It is a sad state of affairs. Characters and stories dropped for weeks and weeks just does not work.
    I too liked Cody this week. Maybe someday Frank will find a place for him. But I'd rather see that happen with RoHo and Michael Easton. They are just two of the wasted talents on GH.

  4. --agree I liked Cody-----and Taggart
    -----just seems like they are changing/destroying characters like Curtis, Portia, Nina---Michael has been destroyed
    -----any sign of Terri, Finn, Mason, Kevin, Marty, and Ava/Austin storyline
    -----Esme never read Heather's letter---------no one watched Helena's video from years ago-------no paternity test on Ace.....sigh.
    -----I want Liesel at the reading of the will but we still have ONE MORE week before that....BUT spoilers say Vic-tah tells them that Luke IS alive and that is another adventure for Anna, Valentin, Laura, Robert, etc.....
    ----this is funny but I have been watching GH 2018 shows online on and wow Maxie looked SO good and then Ava looks much better now-----I couldn't watch lots cause it's about Heinrich/Peter....but I miss Jason (there I said it) and he and Anna were working together to determine WHO is Heinrich and about Faison --------but I have NO remembrance of how Faison died....funny....
    -------Karen we can't get invested when we don't see storylines for weeks......
    worst sweeps ever

  5. Your SS is better than the show. How old is Genies daughter? She's pretty. She looks like her Mom and Dad Jonathan Frakes.

  6. It is hard to understand why GH would make a huge effort to bring a character back that is not really needed in a story line rather than use the fine talent that they already have.
    When Spencer got his invitation, before he even opened it, Trina looked up at him and asked what he thought Victor left him. So stupid.
    Still think Sonny should go to prison for a while. With Cyrus. I want him back with a story. Laura. Marty and Cyrus. Family chaos. What soaps are meant to be.

  7. How about a DNA test is finally done on Ace, we find out he isn't a Cassidine and then Esme and Ace can leave for now. If they want to keep Esme around the bio dad can show up put in a claim and win custody. For me Jex isn't it, it's like they were trying to recreate the Johnny and Lulu dynamic, this isn't it. Still waiting for Willow to die so Michael can take the kids and mourn off screen. GH can correct a wrong and let Sasha be Nina's daughter.

  8. Great idea about Sasha but they won't do it if it doesn't benefit Carly's character. Agree with everyone on Jex, just awful. PS read a rumour that Lexi might be going to DOOL.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...