Thursday, May 4, 2023

STILL trying to deal with the Kristina recast (see post below)

TJ has bad news about Willow. She's not clotting and her body is breaking down. Michael has to decide if she should go home to die or do it in the hospital. He goes to her bedside. She wakes up. Michael tells her she has to stay in GH and not go home because when Liesl is found she has to be there. 

Robert is being hauled off by the WSB guy. He pleads with him to stop. Then Diane and Jordan come off the elevator and say he can't take him. Felicia is there too. Diane cites some law and the WSB guy lets him go. 

Sonny tells Nina he's been trying to find out who turned Drew and Carly into the SEC. He says that they might arrest Carly without Drew. Then Nina says she really wants to go to the island like Sonny asked her to the other day. LOL  

Dex and Joss managed to get dressed and watch the computer but she's too worried. STUPID stuff. Sonny calls him and wants to get a jet to Paradise. (with Nina) . Dex comes to Kelly's and tells Nina and Sonny the plane is ready but Willow's in GH. 

Joss gets the call that Willow is dying. She goes to GH. Carly's all upset that Drew hasn't called 

Spencer, Trina are ready to leave the HS. Curtis is going in to get the others. Trina doesn't want him to go, hugs him. Finally Spencer agrees to go and take the plane and Trina takes the satellite phone with her. Curtis leaves. OMG Trina goes back to get another blanket. Then Nanny finds Spencer and Ace. Says they aren't going anywhere. Trina smacks her in the head with a bottle. Down goes Nanny. 

Laura holds the pathogen and says it might be worth killing herself to get rid of Victor. He calls her bluff, Liesl tries to say something but it silenced. Laura DROPS THE VIAL !! (on purpose). OH it won't work without UV light. Guards grab everyone. Then Drew is on his knees about to be shot. Alarms going off..bomb..smoke It's ANNA FKING DEVANE!! More fighting. Anna gets punched hard. 

Valentin is still deteriorating. Helena tells him to come with her. He's bleeding. Boy they really edit badly because his blood is a trickle..then a lot..then a trickle.. it's not consistent at all LOL 


Laura is grazed by a bullet..notices the computer doing strange things

Victor leaves with Liesl and the pathogen. Holly stops them. 

Anna finds Valetin. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Karen says, STILL trying to deal with the Kristina recast"

    WHAT?!?!?!! First time I heard about this!!!!!!! :O

    Greenland: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! :D Ooooo the bad guy hits Anna! HA! HUGE mistake buddy! LAURA GOT SHOT OH NO! Oh it's just a graze whew. :) Poor V.C.!!!! :( He needs the antidote! He is getting all sweaty and the blood is magical. :) V.C. sees Anna! YAY! So glad that Queen Helena is still there. :) The computer is going crazy! Someone is playing tetris!!!!

    The haunted star:

    Spencer, baby Ace, and the nanny: The nanny has no gun. Idiot! ROFL!

    Sprina, Baby Ace, and Curtis: Awwww great scene!!! Trina does this mean you are going to want a DNA test when you go to Port Chuckles?


    Port Chuckles:

    Dex's home:


    Joss: Sonny Sonny Sonny.

    Dex: Sonny Sonny Sonny.

    Talking about Sonny is an aphrodisiac you know. :)


    Nison: Now that Sonny is looking into who called the SEC on Crew, NOW she wants to go on that vacation. Sonny don't you find that strange?

    Nison and Dex: Oh forget about that vacation! Willow is in the hospital! Michael killed her!

    The hospital:

    Diane, Jordan, Leslie Nielson, and Felicia: LET HER GO LESLIE NEILSON YOU JERK! Diane is there to save the say awwwww. :) Now Riane can have their 2nd date, and Diane can tell him how she feels. :)

    TJ, Michael and Carly: Yes Willow is now on her death bed and has to stay at the hospital.

    Carly and Joss: Where are the Tribbles? They can be terrified with you.

    Willow's room:

    Mildew: For a person on her death bed and has to stay at the hospital she sure is talkative. Willow wins the line of the day.

    Willow: I can come in everyday!


    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to March 17th 1982* Jimmy Lee Holt for the first time meets Celia.

    1. "Talking about Sonny is an aphrodisiac you know." Line of the day for me. HAHAHAHAH!
      Not feeling Trina AT ALL. I was happy she clunked the nanny on the head, though.
      Anna sure recuperated quick, but I was so glad she showed up when she did. Now if Holly can just shoot Victor dead (go ahead GH blow the entire year's CGI budget, please!) I will be a happy girl.
      Very unhappy that everyone is blaming Ned for the SEC debacle. That has to be stopped right now!
      Like everyone else has said I hope it was Lexi's choice to leave GH, and at least the recast looks similar and not some curly haired blond.
      Constance Towers needs to come back every other month. She is magnificent!

    2. "Julie H says, "Talking about Sonny is an aphrodisiac you know." Line of the day for me. HAHAHAHAH!"


      "(go ahead GH blow the entire year's CGI budget, please!) I will be a happy girl."

      ROFL! Well, they didn't, but hey we got Holly telling Victor about making him impotent so that was well worth it. :)

      "Very unhappy that everyone is blaming Ned for the SEC debacle. That has to be stopped right now!"

      Yes!!! I want it stopped too!!!

      "Constance Towers needs to come back every other month. She is magnificent!"

      Yes that is fine with me. Every month or every other month.. Magnificent indeed! :)

  3. Robert is all "smirky" and turned on by Diane "I love it when she sites precedent" Love Robert freaking Scorpio, and Diane.

    1. Oops spelled cite wrong !!!

    2. Aren't they the best?! I need another smooch scene between those two! :)

  4. I love badass Laura, Anna and Holly. And, Spencer and Trina. The computer is playing tetris. lol. Just like 40 years ago per Laura !!!

    Just read that V.C's other show is starting second season. He may be gone for long time. Boo :(

    1. So was I the only one yelling at my TV today telling Trina and Spencer to get out of there?! They were taking forever and I swear if that island gets blown up and Liesel dies...Imma be pissed. LOL!

    2. "lindie says, I love badass Laura, Anna and Holly. And, Spencer and Trina."

      Me too me too!!!! :D

      "The computer is playing tetris. lol."


      "Just like 40 years ago per Laura !!!"

      Yup!! :D

    3. Loving the tetris reference! How old are you all? :)
      (I used to play in DOS, so that should give you a clue to my age, lol!)

    4. "Julie H says, Loving the tetris reference!"


      "How old are you all? :)"

      48! Going to be 49 in June 16th! How old are you?! :)

      "(I used to play in DOS, so that should give you a clue to my age, lol!)"

      Hahaha. My family and I had a Tandy computer. My brother kept it in his room. :)

    5. On VC's instagram they just wrapped the 2nd season. Hopefully we will see lots of him!

  5. And, oh yes, go Hells (Helena). She is rocking it for like almost 90 years old. Dang.

  6. Yes she's about to have a birthday...90 yrs old. She looks good for her age!

  7. I REALLY want the new WSB director to be someone we know - as a surprise!
    always find it weird/funny/irritating when actors leave and then come back
    ------Carly said, "it just makes no sense that Ned would turn us in" like 2-3 times so I think she will realize Nina did it and accuse her in front of Sonny (who knows Nina knew)-----
    -----today was a Wednesday show so I guess Monday will be a Friday show - bye bye Victor - I LOVE that Laura realized it was like 40 years ago.
    ------gotta hand it to Trina knowing Jordan's number by heart..........
    ------Joss and Dex were worthy of FF today.....
    ------Anna, Holly and Laura saving the day is too cool!!

    1. Could the WSB director be Luke somehow? Once he finds out Laura is there, he stops. Etc. etc.

    2. I know this would never happen because he wouldn't blow up the island but it would be funny if new WSB director was someone really unexpected like Luke.

    3. OMG. We thought that at the same time RJ

    4. Yes! I actually ff thru Joss and Dex lol! Filler...and I'm sure Dex didn't earn any points with Joss by telling Neener about Willow...but I guess he did with Sonny 😂

  8. I'd love if it were Luke!! We can dream, right? 😊

  9. Based on today's news Lexi was fired. WTF is wrong with these writers.

  10. Hear lexi's own words about leaving:

    For those who prefer to read it:

    1. That made things much more clear than just taking one sentence from what she said, which is what I read. Thanks!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...