Monday, May 29, 2023



No new GH today--- It's a Sonya Eddy repeat of her last airdate! Have a wonderful day... 

1 comment:

  1. I'll copy and paste what I said at the time. :) Then make new comments.

    Metrocourt lounge:

    Sona Ninny nanny goat: All lovey dovey! :D

    Purtis and TJ: TJ texting Willow and not Molly? TREEJ! :D

    Curtis and Sonny: Oooo I think it's a good idea Curtis if you do take that test, I mean if you are going to have children! Well, I mean more children with Portia! :)

    Nina and TJ: Oh I'm glad TJ remembered HIPAA!!! Nina he can't tell you anything!!! TJ puts Nina in her place! ROFL! Love it!

    Nina and Olivia: Nina you don't expect Olivia to be in love with you do you?

    The hospital:

    Mr. Hat man and Piffy: Oh poor Piffy!!! She is so afraid!!! Come on Piffy snap out of it. This isn't like you!!! Do you want a hug from a Tribble?

    Mr. Hat man: A valiant effort is not a failure!

    DAMN STRAIGHT! YOU TELL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mr. Hat man, Portia, and Piffy: There ya go! Now you got Portia being there for you! Awww. :) Why is Mr. Hat man so shocked that Piffy kissed him? I mean they have kissed before right? I mean they ARE dating..

    Mr. Hat man and Portia: I'm so confused. I guess he and Piffy aren't dating? But they sort of are? I... *Shrug*

    M-Cat room: Piffy all smiles when she sees the first question! ROFL! SEE! You know the answer Piffy! COME ON! :D

    Police station:

    Dante, Robert, and Marty: 3 handsome men in one room! :)

    Marty and Anna: Anna feels all the guilt feels! GOOD! You tell her Marty!

    Calabrina: Oh so they ARE going on that trip. Will something bad happen at the trip? Will the Hook person try to hook Trina?

    Video of the drone: There is a camera at the pier! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Is that Holly? Is it a brainwashed Holly who shot Lucy? Looks like Holly! Marty says Anna! So it must be Alex? I'm so confused!

    Q breakfast nook:

    Ned, Michael, Willow, and Olivia: Oh look! Willow is showing now! ROFL! And of course Willow isn't going to tell Michael about TJ texting her! TREEJ! :)

    Nedlia and Michael: Olivia wins the line of the day.

    Olivia: You sound like a couple of children on the playground! You started it no you started it.

    BAHAHAHAAHAHA! They do!!!! :)


    Willow and ???: What the hell was that scream about? She screamed like someone hung from the rafters!

    Q Breakfast nook Part 2:

    Geez! Willow didn't see a face? Was it the angel of death? Was it the headless horsemen?


    Michael, Olivia, and ???? Michael with a wimpy weapon! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Did Olivia see a headless horseman or angel of death too?

    Robert and Holly: HOLLY YAY!!! ROLLY!!!!!!!!! :D Emma Samms looked a little shaky.. :(

    New comments: PIFFY!!! The last time we see her, she is smiling at her test. :) That's a good thing to see. :) Her smiling. :) Yeah there is no camera at the pier. Robert and Holly is not named Rolly! They are RnH! At the time I forgot. Portia wearing orange!!!! Well at least that time she didn't have orange eye shadow. Olivia still won the line of the day. ROFL!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...