Tuesday, May 16, 2023

No Shirt

 Carly and Nina. Carly called her over to talk. Nina apologizes (a pretty good one) and Carly is like: Is that all? She says Nina only wants something from Willow not FOR her. :eyeroll: Nina then tells Carly she's HAPPY CARLY was there for Willow as a mother when she couldn't be. Carly says she'll help. Then Nina goes way overboard about setting up a phone call, meeting. Carly is like NO..not that much. Nina gets mad... "I knew you wouldn't help"

Robert and Anna...he isn't sure which woman to pick LOL Anna says he's always liked Holly but he says there's another woman. He talks about Holly being like "home" but Diane challenges him. 

The Savoy: Alexis and Diane ..Diane sees Holly who sits with Felicia. 
Holly says she'll stay in PC "if she's wanted""! 

OMG HOLLY goes over to Alexis and Diane's table!!! Felicia comes with her!! Diane and Holly talk. Diane says let's lay our cards on the table. Holly says she and Robert have a 30 year history. Holly is ok with Diane staying friends with Robert LOL. 

Felica and Alexis talk about life and the Invader. Felicia is looking for a new direction in life. Alexis says that the paper isn't going in the direction she'd hoped. She's doing too much admin work. 

Ms Wu takes Gladys aside to tell her how she can make up for the money she's lost. Gladys says she can't get Sasha's money without causing concern. Wu says there's another way. She wants info on Sonny!! Gladys is like I CAN"T! Wu says, welp, then pay up by noon tomorrow or I'll tell Sasha. 

Sasha's ear piece still has the baby crying in it. CODY comes in and tells the producer to cut the sound or he'll streak naked and starts stripping! AHAHHA... He says "It's HUGE" (the FCC fine LOL). The sound is cut. Sasha does a great job!! PS. The Jr. Producer girl is Genie's real life daughter!! She's a good actress! 

Lucy, Brook and Sasha go to The Savoy to celebrate. Sasha decides she wants to get into Deception full time again. She's ready. 


  1. ----I could watch Robert and Anna every single day - magic!
    ----Nina is just so annoying - Carly was right = push push push-----even when Carly agreed, Nina asked her to have Willow call her WHO IS HAVING CHEMO AND SICK----
    -------I don't like either of them but I would take mean Carly over whiny Nina anytime.......maybe the SEC revelation IS gonna be revealed this month...
    -----the whole Alexis thing was weird too - all of a sudden she isn't happy with the Intruder? SO that must mean another job change for her?
    -----Like Cody------------and I am liking cute associate producer guy
    -----in what world would Sonny tell Gladys anything? and today was the first time I thought maybe Selina IS behind Pikeman/she doesn't trust Sonny....
    -----love the lighting at the Savoy-----everyone looks great
    -----yep, Holly sabotages herself-----wonder how long she is taping?

    1. I love that Robert saw Holly with Ms. Wu at the end. I hope that light bulb went off because Diane was definitely right about her.

      I wish Sasha knew about Cody helping her, but I'll take that Brooklyn at least knows. I loved the way that attempt fizzled for the evil witch who tried to mess with her sanity again. She lost her partner and now has Cody with eyes on her. Couldn't have workd out better.

      Woah... Gladys heard Sasha say she's taking control of her life back. Hoping the writers don't have her try to sabotage Sasha next. I'm hoping she's gone back to Selina to take her up on her offer. Her sticking her nose in could be fun....but I must admit I think that Selina and Sonny fighting over her body parts would definitely add some interest to the show for me.

  2. Yes, Robert and Anna are so fine together. Anna could have mentioned that Holly probably won't stay in PC for long. Hopefully.
    And yes again. Carly wins this one. Nina is way above annoying and totally doesn't get that she should stop pushing.
    I like Selina's 'guy'.

    1. Selina's guy looks very familiar. I kept trying to picture him without the beard because I've definitely seen him in other things.

  3. Why are they having Nina go to Carly again? So stupid. Enough, we get it. Most fans hate Nina and take Carly's side. I personally am done with them both. Can you imagine if this is the other way around and Carly was kept from her child? It would be the second coming on earth. Still Nina is annoying as all get out.

    Robert and Diane please!

    1. Probaby because it's always the same old thing and they could actually go back and use old script fo the converrsations and none of us would even notice. Great filler. lol

  4. Carly's home:

    Carly and Nina: Damn Nina! You are pushing too much! Don't get mad at Carly! I had a thought that maybe Nina will grab some of the Tribbles and throw it at Carly! ROFL!

    The Savoy:

    Gladys and Ms. Wu: Ooooo Sonny's business eh? What do you want with Sonny's business Ms. Wu? :) Awwww Ms. Wu won't have Gladys beat up, just talk to Sasha. :( Ms. Wu should throw some Tribbles at Gladys too. :)

    Diane and Alexis: Oh Diane!!! You didn't give Robert an ultimatum! You just want him to choose!!! There is nothing wrong with that!

    Felicia and Holly: I love their friendship. :) I'm glad Mac knows the truth. I wonder if Doc knows the truth. I'm sure he does by now.

    Holly and Diane: Diane asks a good question. How do you know that this will last this time. Hmmm well, they do have a child together. ;) She still has to tell him. ;)

    Felicia and Alexis: Ooooo a very rare scene with them. I like it.. Yes mix up people and have them in a scene together! :)

    Lucy, Brooky, and Sasha: Sasha is a lot stronger! YAY! It's about time..

    Chandler Mansion:

    RnA: Oh Robert! You don't need Anna's help! CHOOSE!!!! Or I'll throw Tribbles at you! They won't mind!

    Vanna: Awwwwwwww! :) They gonna do some shagging before din din? :)

    Home and heart: Sasha!!! Pull that earpiece out!!! I love that Luna yelled at Haven and quit!!! :) Producer girl is Genie Frances's real life daughter! Awesome. She did a great job! :) Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day!

    Cowboy Cody: Cut the sound or I'm going to start streaking. By the way, it's huge. The FCC fine.


    Brooky and Cowboy Cody:

    Cowboy Cody: I have a thing.

    Yeah a huge thing! BAHAHAHHAHAHA! *DEAD*

    1. It's huge! HAHAHAHHAAH! Normally I don't like Cody, but he was a hoot yesterday. And Haven better take his threat seriously, I did!
      Flea and Alexis were a very nice surprise. I would like many more scenes with the 2 of them. I was wondering if they discussed something off camera as Flea thanked Alexis for giving her something to think about. I would LOVE for them to be in cahoots together. :)
      Rooting for Diane, I've always loved Holly, but come on...Diane is DIANE!
      Neener, just shut up. That's all I got.
      And Sonya, you have to quit tossing the Tribbles around. You're going to hurt them!

    2. lol I told sonya the same thing about the poor tribbles, Julie.

      And I would love for Flea to be working with Alexis on the paper, maybe on some investigations. And maybe we'd see more of Mac then too.

    3. "Julie H says, It's huge! HAHAHAHHAAH!"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice to know that Cowboy Cody! ROFL!

      "Normally I don't like Cody, but he was a hoot yesterday."

      He was!!!! :) He was great yesterday!

      "And Haven better take his threat seriously, I did!"

      Great scene. Loved that he threatened her!

      "Flea and Alexis were a very nice surprise. I would like many more scenes with the 2 of them. I was wondering if they discussed something off camera as Flea thanked Alexis for giving her something to think about. I would LOVE for them to be in cahoots together. :)"

      Oooooo I would love if they worked together! :)

      "Rooting for Diane, I've always loved Holly, but come on...Diane is DIANE!"


      "Neener, just shut up. That's all I got."

      ROFL! Nina needs therapy.

      "And Sonya, you have to quit tossing the Tribbles around. You're going to hurt them!"

      ROFL! They drank a lot of Carly's wine yesterday. They were drunk. They will be fine. They won't remember anything. :)

      "Di says, lol I told sonya the same thing about the poor tribbles, Julie."


      "And I would love for Flea to be working with Alexis on the paper, maybe on some investigations. And maybe we'd see more of Mac then too."

      YES YES YES! Sounds great to me!

  5. The Daytime Emmy's have been postponed due to the writer's strike.

  6. found the guy on Instagram with the picture posted - William Keck - writer and producer whose been around for a while

  7. Ohhh lawwddy they seriously need to stop with this constant Carly worship dialogue. Such a turnoff for so many. It's beyond ridiculous at this point to see people overly apologize and grovel at her feet. ENOUGH. Knock her off her pedestal already!

    Lovely seeing our Vets interacting! Loved seeing Holly, Felicia, Alexis and Diane! That could be so fun especially since Alexis has been doing NOTHING lately! And Robert and Anna were such a joy today!

    The Deception stuff I can take or leave. It's too sporadic to take seriously as a storyline. Now it seems they're trying to attempt to tie things together with Tracy....I don't know hope it works out. The Cody stuff was funny for a quick second.

    1. Agree 1000% about Carly. Enough already

    2. Agreed about Carly. Can't stand Nina either but Carly has been obnoxiously hogging the spot light for so long. Beautifully acted scenes with Anna and Robert! Kudos to Diane for outsmarting Holly!

  8. Thanks for the info about Genie's daughter! I would have never guessed. She caught my eye and yes, she handled herself very well!

  9. Molly - Haley Pulos - needs to be fired or at least leave of absence. That wreck was horrible and her attitude was horrible - she needs to go to rehab somewhere. She could have killed so many people......go to TMZ.com and see the pics

    1. Wow, should be charged with that DUI and lose her license for being so reckless, drunk and totally obnoxious and uncaring about those she injured. Big disappointment.

    2. Yeah Mufasa I saw the pictures. Di just sent them to me. So horrific and disturbing. I don't know what's wrong with her. Something must have happened in her personal life. Well, whatever it is, she needs to get help ASAP!

    3. "Linda says,100% agree. Take an uber"

      YES! I can't believe there are still drinking and driving still around. We have other alternatives! Yes Uber. Also Lyft. Taxies! And hey here is a thought. Friends! Families! Call someone! Don't drive when you are drunk!

  10. Nina's reaction to what Carly said was psychotic. Nina's behavior has devolved and it is no longer interesting.

    1. agree - it's like the writers are deteremined to destroy her.

  11. Kin Shiner tweeted Scottie was written out. WTH?


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...