Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Remembering Our Bobbie


Today's blog is going to be a bit different than most Sundays. I missed quite a bit of the week and although I did catch up, it really wasn't all that much to report. 

What I would like to focus on is the loss of one great actress; someone that started on GH around the time I really started to watch. She was the one you wanted to hate, especially when she started in on Laura. What a soapy rivalry that was!! Both vying for Scotty and Bobbie eventually losing to the more 'innocent' Laura. Classic goodie/baddie set up. 

I will be talking quite a bit about her and her character on a future podcast with Daytime Confidential. I would like to say that one day I was literally watching One Life to Live and Jackie was playing Lana McClain.  She was only on a year but her story was a whopper. Brad ended up killing her character after she became pregnant with his child. Gloria Monty saw the performance and scooped Jackie up. I think she went from one set to the other in the span of a week! 

Jackie's costars have had an outpouring of love and memories all over social media. Kin Shriner has a great video up on Twitter. I do know that her death was a shock to most of the entire GH family. She taped so close to her death and I don't think many if any, knew of her condition. I know they had a tribute to "Bobbie" at the Nurses Ball this year but I honestly don't think it was all connected. She was actually do to have a private dinner appearance for fans with Lynne and Kin in the fall. 

I shipped Bobbie and Jerry Jacks (number one)...their "thing" was red licorice and he gave her a giant jar full once at the nurses station. 

So many stories that I loved on GH had Bobbie at the center. From Ruby to Luke to Jake and the Brownstone. Jerry Jacks and even the Stefan years when she was matron of Wyndemere. Her performance during BJ's death is iconic.  Even in later years when her character became less seen, she always showed up and never phoned in a performance. 

She will be so missed and I'm thinking about her family. She really relished being a mother and grandmother. 

If you would like to read about the show this week (brief summary) and other news, click on the jump. 

They're HOME!! And Baby Ace just takes the dang cake every time!!  Esme has her kid back and now Spencer can mope around wanting to get custody. I don't need to see that. Sorry, but it's just not a great story for 2 twentysomethings like Sprina. 

I think I heard DREW was hailed as the BIG HERO of the Greenland Story. I think I had to take some stomach medication because it made me ill! LOL. REALLY? Um, not even close. He bungled almost everything! Holly/Anna/Laura and Trina were the real heroes. Drew could have stayed him, imo.  ONE silver lining? The WSB offered Curtis a position, not this guy. 

I'm hoping there's a twist and the DNA proves Trina is Taggert's daughter. We are all expecting Curtis but I think it would be more poignant if her DNA was Taggert's. Period. 

Fans are the BEST ...and this is what the internet is for!! LOL Credit: @spaurromance


Willow's Marrow treatment goes well. She recovers. Yawn

Josslyn gets ahold of Dex's phone, goes into the cloud and turns Sonny in (This is the only thing that can save this story now)

Carly and Drew face charges but really only get a hefty fine. Sonny finds out Nina did the tip (I think she's going to tell him out of guilt) and he throws stuff. They'll be over (for awhile).

Brook Lyn and Chase continue the romance dance until I can't stand it no mo!

Maxie has something coming up with Deception but...?? Not sure I care

With the whole Cassadine/Ice Princess adventure over--what will everyone else do?? 

THE WRITER'S STRIKE will throw a wrench into everything we see--and who knows how it's going to shake out. They will continue to stretch existing material like they did during the pandemic. We will find out if they are going to hire an interim writer. I personally have liked Chris and Dan's visions (if not the produced results every time) so I'm a bit nervous. 


We already have a recast for Kristina coming and it was announced this week that Molly will be TEMP-recasted with Holiday Mia Kriegal (read more on She Knows Soaps). Unfortunately Haley Pullos was in an auto accident and is recovering. She'll be fine but needs recovery time. 

We are getting Gavin Houston playing ZEKE!! That's Portia's brother. We all loved him during the wedding and it seemed like someone listened. Read it on SoapOperaNews.  YEAH! 

We are down ANOTHER Cassadine (sobbing) 

That's it for me! I will be back on schedule this week and hoping you're here with me!! Thank you to David for the blog and Sonya for comment recaps. They keep me going!! 


  1. Does anyone know when the Willow wedding scenes were taped? Jackie didn't look sick at all. She (or her admin) posted on March 31st (on Twitter) how she was excited about the event in September. It would seem that she didn't know yet she was sick. Just over a month later and she's gone. It breaks my heart. I read on other spaces that it was liver cancer, but I don't really know if that has been confirmed.

    1. It had to be maybe a month ago? Could have been aggressive or she had an event that was linked to her cancer. Not sure. Until her family wants to come forward (and I'm not sure they haven't said?) we won't know.

  2. Thanks for another fine SS!
    Jackie always gave everything she had in every scene. Like Karen said, she never phoned it in. Judging from all the comments and tributes she was one very special person.
    Not much left after the Victor story. We need something shocking that does not include babies or doom and gloom.
    I love Sonny but maybe he should go to prison for a while. With Cyrus! We do need him back. Well I do anyway.

  3. Thank you Karen for posting the link to that wonderfully written (and acted) story. Jackie and Tony acted their hearts out as did everyone. I enjoyed seeing Mac and Felicia and even though I was such a huge Frisco & Felicia fan my heart hurt for Mac.

    Perhaps Jackie had surgery and had a complication. The family may not want to share.

    It was an awfully slow week on our show, May sweeps isn't even half over.

    1. Her family told ABC News she died after a short battle with cancer. It must have been quick acting. Some types give littlw warning.

  4. several times a year I still watch Bobbi and Luke Last Dance at the Nurse's Ball - my favorite!
    Karen, a good week for you to be gone.......not much this week - still SO confused that we have THREE weeks of sweeps left --------------------what will it be? I think it's too soon for Nina to be caught?
    -------forever since we have seen Mac, Kevin, Terry and I don't even look for Phyllis anymore - Lucy is back Monday - but Ava, Austin storyline maybe???? and when is Liz gonna be head nurse? Holly and Tracy leaving soon? Joss asking Sonny to let Dex go???
    ------I agree - Taggart is gonna be Trina's dad and then Curtis is gonna divorce Portia so I am glad he is getting a better storyline with WSB.
    ----LOVE Portia's brother coming back but can't think of who he would be paired with....

    1. "Mufasa says LOVE Portia's brother coming back but can't think of who he would be paired with...."

      Jordan? :)

  5. and if Spence wants guardianship of Ace (Whose name will not be changed now), wouldn't he have to get a paternity test????? Still can't believe not one person has thought about it.....and Esme lying

    1. GH doesn't do paternity tests anymore. Don't think Valentin had one when Victor said he's the father. Also, will Victor have left his money to Valentin and what will Valentin do with it if so?

  6. "I shipped Bobbie and Jerry Jacks"

    YES! They were hot!!! :) I don't even know what their couple name was. They had great chemistry. I'm glad when Sabastian Roche showed up he was with Alexis. Sabastian Roche's character with Bobby, nahhhh. Bobbie always had a very unique laugh! ROFL!

    "They're HOME!! And Baby Ace just takes the dang cake every time!!"

    Yes he does!!!!! GAH! :)

    "Esme has her kid back and now Spencer can mope around wanting to get custody. I don't need to see that. Sorry, but it's just not a great story for 2 twentysomethings like Sprina."

    Sprina should just focus on each other and Spencer should forget custody of Ace.

    "Holly/Anna/Laura and Trina were the real heroes."

    YES! And V.C. too!!! He almost died trying to save everyone!

    "I'm hoping there's a twist and the DNA proves Trina is Taggert's daughter. We are all expecting Curtis but I think it would be more poignant if her DNA was Taggert's. Period."

    Meh. They both love her, so Curtis should be the bio dad, and then she can have 2 dads!!!! :)

    "Fans are the BEST ...and this is what the internet is for!! LOL Credit: @spaurromance"

    Hahahaha yeah that's hysterical! :) I love it!

    "Josslyn gets ahold of Dex's phone, goes into the cloud and turns Sonny in (This is the only thing that can save this story now)"

    OR They both run away and leave town!!! We need a good run to another state and hide story adventure. :)

    "Brook Lyn and Chase continue the romance dance until I can't stand it no mo!"


    "We are getting Gavin Houston playing ZEKE!! That's Portia's brother. We all loved him during the wedding and it seemed like someone listened. Read it on SoapOperaNews. YEAH!"

    YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! Let him and Jordan get together! :) Zekdan? Jorzek? :)

    "We are down ANOTHER Cassadine (sobbing)"

    *sob sob sob* :(

    "Thank you to David for the blog"

    Yes! Thank you David! :) You are awesome!

    "and Sonya for comment recaps. They keep me going!!"

    Awwww! You're welcome! *BEARHUGS*

  7. Just FYI, I typed up & posted/tweeted what Jackie said abt being cast as Bobbie in the GH60DIGEST specialty mag. Don't know if you saw it. Said Jackie Smith called her (Head of ABC Daytime) & told her they were having trouble casting this part & arranged for the HW Douglas Marland to come to Jackie's apartment. They hit it off & talked & laughed for 3 hrs. 2 days later she got a call to come to California. Marland, of course, created Bobbie, Luke, Laura, Laura & Scotty, Luke & Laura, etc. No mention of Glo, which does not mean that she didn't see her on OLTL & call Jackie Smith. Chg of subj: As far as I can find out they only have one Fi-Core writer on the team but Gary Tomlin is a Fi-Core writer so if they took him off of Directing they might be able to write with 2 Fi-Core writers & not bring anyone new in. GH said they were only 4-6 wks out. so they definitely will have to have someone start writing because the producers are in talks with the DGA now & that goes till June 30. Immediately they start with SAG-AFTRA which will add another month, so July 30 MINIMUM strike time. The producers want to use AI for source material, to write & to act!!!!

  8. Yes, Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate! Sound odd? Some of us just miss our mothers so much that we become cranky, sorry, Chg of Subj. I just asked AI if there are any predictions on the length of the strike: end of summer.

  9. I'm still kind of shellshocked and depressed over Jackie Zeman's passing. Even though her character hasn't been featured since Jill Phelps decided to focus on other characters and stories in the early 2000s...she was anchored in so many characters and stories that still play today. It's hard not to think of Maxie or see Maxie in any scenes without knowing the heart beating in her chest belongs to her cousin's and Bobbie's adopted daughter. Of course, Bobbie is Carly's mother and the grandmother to Michael and Josslyn. She has a long history with Laura, Scotty, Lucy. It's sad to think two characters so full of life and larger than life when they were introduced - Luke and Bobbie - are both gone. I don't think we will ever see Tony Geary on screen again. if he was coming back, this past month would've been it. I guess what makes it so shocking is that Jackie was on screen so recently and she looked beautiful, no apparent sign of being ill.

    The show last week was kind of blah to me...the only bright spot was Jane Elliot. The show should consider keeping her front and center. She can do everything, and her character keeps plots moving. Part of what ails the show now is that it focuses so heavily on one plot and then everything else is completely forgotten. Where is Austin. Where is Liz. I mean up until late last week, where was Esme. Where is Mac. By the time the show picks up the other "B" plots, all interest has been lost because it's been weeks since the characters in those stories were last featured.

  10. I have said that it will take one of two things to ever get Tony Geary back: (1) The show getting canceled & a finale that would involve him in a way he could respect the story. Heaven forbid that the show be canned! (2) A real life death. I was thinking of either Genie or Jane but then, OMG, JZ died & it knocked me on my keester. Heaven forbid anything happen to Genie or Jane! Me, I am enjoying the show still, going on abt 5 weeks in a row. Subj. Chg. The reason their balance & pacing is such a mess is because they do not decide the endings of stories up front. They, meaning the writing team, headed by D&C, allow themselves to make it up as they go along. NOBODY DOES THAT! For good reason. Subj. Chg. Just found out that the whole writing team is out on strike so they have NO ONE on Fi-Core status & will have to hire scabs.

  11. Absolutely devastated by Jackie's death! I was Instagram when I read the post by the actors mom who uses to Wiley. I was about to head to work and wanted to ugly cry...such a loss. I've been watching GH for 45 yrs or longer and this is a huge loss to the GH fam, and Jackie's daughters. 😢 She's a legend.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...